-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Miami protest over boat boy escalates, 80 arrested

Updated 4:38 PM ET January 6, 2000
By Jim Loney
MIAMI, (Reuters) - Cuban exiles jammed downtown roads, disrupted traffic and
blockaded Miami's port Thursday in angry but peaceful protests against a U.S.
government decision to send a 6-year-old shipwreck survivor back to communist

Helmeted riot police with truncheons confronted dozens of protesters who
marched to Miami's busy seaport and sat down on the pavement at entrance and
exit roads, snarling traffic. About 80 people were arrested, police officials

Miami foes of Cuban President Fidel Castro took to the streets a day after a
ruling by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service that Elian
Gonzalez, who was found in the Atlantic clinging to an inner tube in late
November and brought to Miami, should be returned to his father in Cuba.

"There are 11 million people in Cuba in a big jail. If Elian is sent back, he
will be going to a big jail," said protester Lourdes Chao-Navarrete, moments
before she was handcuffed and led to a waiting police van.

The protests started when several truckers drove at 10 mph along the Dolphin
Expressway, a major road, during the morning rush hours, backing up traffic
for miles. Florida Highway Patrol troopers handed out $85 tickets to the

The demonstrations escalated at noon when dozens of exiles gathered outside a
downtown federal building waving red, white and blue Cuban flags. They
swarmed police barricades and streamed around cars on a boulevard, with small
groups breaking off to sit and stand in intersections to block traffic in all

"That kid should not be sent back to hell," said Maria Elena Cervera, a
46-year-old Cuban-born protester. "I went through that hell when I was a kid
... Are we going to send a child back to prison just to be with his father?"

Some stranded motorists supported them but others objected.

"I think they should stop this. They should be going to court, not here,"
said motorist Armando Garcia, 33, who came to the United States from Cuba at
age 10.

Similar protests over the treatment of refugees last summer infuriated

"Unfortunately we have had to resort to these tactics because the president
is unwilling to understand how traumatic it would be for Elian to be sent
back to Cuba," protest organizer Ramon Saul Sanchez told Reuters.

The INS decision issued on Wednesday marked the latest stage in a politically
charged battle between the 6-year-old boy's father in Cuba, who wants him
back, and relatives in Miami who say Elian should grow up in the United

Elian was plucked from the Atlantic Ocean on Nov 25. He clung to an inner
tube for two days after a smugglers' boat bringing illegal migrants to
Florida capsized. His mother was one of 11 people who died in the disaster.

His father Juan Miguel Gonzalez, a tourism worker who was divorced from the
mother, had appealed for Elian to be sent home to him. Castro's government
said the boy was kidnapped and staged massive rallies in Cuba urging his

In Miami on Thursday, exiles on foot, riding bicycles and at least one
driving a hot dog cart roamed the streets waving signs reading "Justice for
Elian" and "Elian's return; Clinton's infamy." A van festooned with Cuban
flags rolled along Biscayne Boulevard, a speaker blaring: "His mother died
for his freedom."

At the port entrance, protesters argued with police and ignored warnings to
move, asking to be arrested. They were pulled to their feet, handcuffed and
marched into police vans.

"Is this crazy? Only in Miami," a passerby said.

The boy's Miami relatives have vowed to go to court to stop any attempt to
send him back, saying Elian wants political asylum in the United States. But
the INS ruled the father has the legal right to speak for him.

The Miami relatives appealed to Attorney General Janet Reno, a Miamian, to
overturn the decision. But she disappointed them Thursday, saying she backed
INS Commissioner Doris Meissner.

"I fully agree with her determination that the father has the legal right and
the legal authority to speak for his child in immigration matters," Reno said
in Washington.

Legal experts said that even if the Miami relatives were deemed to have legal
standing to sue on Elian's behalf in a U.S. court, a judge was unlikely to
rule in their favor.

"If the father wishes to have the child returned to him and have his
application for political asylum withdrawn, that would trump the claim of the
(Miami) family," said Bernard Perlmutter, a legal expert at the University of

Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who said Elian's fate should be decided in the courts,
said the protests should be held in a way that would not jeopardize public

INS officials said Elian should be returned to Cuba by Jan. 14, but as of
Thursday they had not decidedly exactly how and when the boy should be sent

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