-Caveat Lector-

> >sorry Dr Who - but life really isn't a pro-establishment
> >cartoon.
> Nor is it an anti-Establishment cartoon.
No I have to disagree there -
One agrees that the establishment is in charge and prevails
One agrees that the military industrial complex tends to implement an
anti-human agenda -
eg. untested GM products, fluoridation of water, destruction of
sexual/gender values reproductive instincts and pro Cloning,
establishments have a history of promoting holocausts eg. pol pot, stalin,
nazi germany
further during ww2 multinational companies continued to trade irrespective
of national territorial and social disagreements -

therefore in the face of such overwhelming force - and such concentrated
stress - the only natural and completely free and effective stress releasing
mechanism known to humanity is laughter.
I firmly believe that the more people can laugh at this ridiculous and alien
hoax the better eg. that national society for the prevention of cruelty to
fish and the bloodthirsty boyscouts.

yep laughter is the greatest stress releasing mechanism known to mankind -
its free, its healthy and it keeps you sane -
As far as I'm concerned the establishment has as much rational ontology as a
walt disney cartoon - a slaughterhouse thinly disguised as a walt disney
theme park - the politicians etc are like cartoon characters - they really
shouldn't survive that fall etc -
no known laws apply - and strange people purporting to be academics calling
themselves doctors and professors are passing ridiculous laws and consuming
budgets with nonsense.
just don't look too closely at what they are writing or doing.

I believe the establishment is a cartoon - and I resent having to pay money
to patronise it - but it is a never ending source of laughter.

andrew hennessey


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