-Caveat Lector-

"Military Gear Enlisted in Drug War"
Seattle Post-Intelligencer (03/23/01) P. B2; Kamb, Lewis

The White House's Office of National Drug Control Policy
recently sponsored a conference in Seattle where more than 130
law enforcement agents from nine states were given the
opportunity to learn more about the latest weapons to be
unleashed in the war on drugs, and about how their departments
could acquire some of the equipment for free. Among the
devices displayed at the conference were a handheld
thermal-imaging camera, which is used by Border Patrol
officers to locate people and other heat sources up to a
half-mile away; a video-stabilization processor, which can
enhance shaky video footage so police can see the identities
of people and the license plates of vehicles; and a Data
Locator, a computer system that allows easier access to court
records, police reports, and other information in different
databases. Over the last three years, more than 1,800 pieces
of advanced crime-fighting equipment have been distributed by
the Federal government to 1,325 local and state law
enforcement agencies through the government's
$13-million-a-year "technology transfer" program. Up until
recently, the high cost of the equipment has generally kept it
out of the reach of most sheriff's and police departments.

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