-Caveat Lector-

 -------- forwarded message --------
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (CharlesSmith)
 Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999
 Subj: Military Jams East Coast GPS

 The FAA, Washington, D.C.

 The U.S. is staging a multinational military exercise that will
 black out GPS signals starting the week of Feb. 22.  The Global
 positioning signals from U.S. satellites will be jammed up to
 6 hours during night military operations from Jacksonville,
 Florida to Newark New Jersey.

 The FAA has notified commercial and private pilots of the
 outages.  However, the agency did not say how long the GPS
 jamming will be in effect or what areas they will cover.


 Silicon Valley, California

 Microchip Technologies Inc. has developed a R/F identification
 chip which costs 30 to 35 cents in quantities of 10,000.  The
 new low cost RF chip emits a 154 bit code when illuminated with
 a 13.56 MHz signal.  The chip is intended to locate packages,
 and airline baggage.

 However, the same R/F signaling features can be abused to
 secretly track U.S. citizens.  The R/F chip could be included
 inside autos or placed in electronic items such cellular phones,
 and computers.

 One source noted the chip R/F generators can be made powerful
 enough to disable the electronic ignition in a car or ruin the
 computer in which it is installed.  The intention is to provide
 law enforcement with the ability to remotely disable vehicles,
 computers or handguns made with advanced electronic safety
 mechanisms.  One such gun, called the "smart gun", was
 demonstrated by the Federal Government.

 During the Gulf war, U.S. forces were able to locate Iraqi
 command posts because of a similar R/F emitter chip secretly
 deployed by the NSA.  The so called "bomb-me" chip was installed
 in printers sold to Iraqi air defense units.  The chip emitted a
 coded radio signal in the Gigahertz range whenever the printer
 was in use.  During the war, USAF R/F intelligence aircraft were
 able to pin-point the faint signals from the "bomb-me" chips and
 pass on the printer locations to F-117A Stealth bombers.


 Charles R. Smith
 SOFTWAR         http://www.softwar.net      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 SOFTWAR EMAIL NEWSLETTER                            02/24/99
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