-Caveat Lector-


Army Times
August 03, 2001

Military control possible if America faced bioterrorism attack

Associated Press

CHICAGO — In an America that guards its civil
liberties, police can't just shut down cities, make
mass arrests and quarantine thousands of people. Or
can they?

Current and former federal officials said Friday that
if there is a terrorist attack with biological
weapons, private rights would quickly be swamped by
the need to protect the public. State borders could
close, vaccines could be rationed or commandeered, the
Army could even take over cities within weeks of a
deadly attack, an American Bar Association panel

"To an extent, people are going to do what needs to be
done and worry about the legal niceties later," said
Suzanne Spaulding, a former top lawyer for the CIA and
the Senate Intelligence Committee.

The ABA panel, part of the annual meeting of the
400,000-lawyer organization, played out an imaginary
terrorist campaign to infect Americans with the plague
— from the first tips by an FBI informant in New
Mexico to closure of the Minnesota borders and riots
in Cincinnati.

Along the way came word that a rogue Russian scientist
and the Iraqi military were involved. Eventually, the
FBI, CIA, National Centers for Disease Control, the
White House, Pentagon and governors of several states
were also involved — each with broader power than many
people knew they had, participants said.

Under the hypothetical scenario, law enforcement could
do little when a would-be terrorist showed up at a
Santa Fe emergency room with a case of the plague.
The investigation intensified, and the FBI got much
broader authority, when several people died of the
plague after attending a concert in Minneapolis.

Political pressure intensified, with a demand from 20
senators of the opposite political party from the
president that the White House declare a national
state of emergency. Then came word that the terrorists
planned another attack during a street festival in

Under this scenario, the FBI could go to a special
court for permission to investigate foreigners, but
could not begin stopping everyone in downtown
Cincinnati resembling a tipster's description of a
suspected terrorist, said Eugene Bowman, deputy
general counsel for the FBI.

Nor could the FBI order the downtown area cordoned off
and every building searched, Bowman said. Agents would
need warrants based on better specifics than those
offered in the hypothetical terrorist attack.

But local police could do what the FBI couldn't, so
long as it was based on the need to protect public
health, said Terry O'Brien, legal consultant to a
national notification network tracking infectious

"The idea is to prevent the epidemic," not to catch
and punish a wrongdoer, O'Brien said.

The president could declare martial law and federalize
state National Guards, said Michael Wermuth, head of a
group advising the government on how well it is
preparing for nuclear, chemical or biological

The attorney general and the defense secretary could
also invoke a federal law that lets them call in
soldiers to keep order if police or other law
enforcement could not, Wermuth said.

"The military can be engaged directly in arrests,
search and seizure and intelligence collection for law
enforcement purposes," Wermuth said.
"There's very raw authority to use the military to do
any number of things that (look) like law enforcement,
or to assist public health authorities by (enforcing)

The government also would have the legal power to
force people to be immunized, although as a practical
matter it would probably prove impossible, O'Brien

"What are you going to do, go into somebody's home and
tie them up?" On the other hand, the government could
take control of vaccine supplies, even if it meant
overriding state governors bent on hoarding their
in-state stockpiles, the panelists said.

The hypothetical exercise ended short of the president
declaring nationwide martial law, and without the
arrest or trial of the terrorists.

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