-Caveat Lector-

>From http://cnnfntech.newsreal.com/story/19990908/11/30/5737359_st.html
City: Millennium bug dogs London Electricity
The Daily Telegraph London

LONDON Electricity's millennium bug is continuing to trouble the company.
Several hundred householders were left without power at one stage and
hundreds of others have experienced problems because new meter power keys
designed to be year 2000 compliant, failed to work.

The company has suspended the issue of keys designed to ensure meters could
comfortably cope with tariff changes after January 1, and is continuing to
issue the old, unbugged keys. The keys, charged with credit, enable 400,000
householders to pay for electricity as they use it.

Software problems are being blamed, but London admits there have also been
problems involving training agents issuing the keys.

The bug struck last month when London suspended the issue of the new-style
keys after being inundated with complaints and being forced to send
emergency teams into homes to restore supplies and get meters working again.

A spokesman said yesterday it was unlikely the new keys would be back on the
market before the end of the month.

Software programs, loaded into the new keys to make the meters bug-free, are
being changed by the manufacturers Schlumberger and Siemens to ease the
headache. London also discovered that the new- style key supplied by Siemens
did not work because it was faulty. The German supplier is now supplying "a
whole new batch of keys".

The French-owned company is paying compensation to customers and trying to
provide reassurance to householders that the bug will be under control when
they get their next set of keys.

A spokesman said that other electricity suppliers had experienced similar
meter headaches, although conceded they were not on London's scale. "We have
many more householders using meters because of London's different social
problems," he added.

(Copyright 1999 (c) The Telegraph plc, London)

_____via IntellX_____

Publication Date: September 08, 1999
Powered by NewsReal's IndustryWatch

Dan S

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