-Caveat Lector-

Fw Post:  Oil & it consequencies.

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Editors Note: This report was written by a top-executive of the
international petroleum industry with many years of experience. His base of
operations is Latin-America, one of the world's more prolific crude oil
producing areas. Due to his sensitive professional affiliations, he elected
to remain anonymous.


Unbelievably, the US government has intervened the Energy Markets by
releasing oil from the SPR (Strategic Petroleum Reserve), the same way a
Socialist or Communist regime would do.

While it is not our place to discuss the politics of this issue, but rather
to clarify the danger that the US is facing now, it is imperative that the
reader understands this action is a direct intervention to normal market
forces, which is in direct conflict with normal supply/demand dynamics.

While the intended effort of this measure is to provide relief to American
citizens of high oil cost this winter, nevertheless, it will delay the
recovery of the oil market to its normal level. This will only put off the
real correction and solution to the problem. This will affect the consumer
anyway, unless the government decides subsequently to subsidize oil like a
typical totalitarian state would do. And in event that were done, the
consumer will pay anyway - since subsidies ultimately come from the tax
receipts of the citizens.

Indubitably, this will inject uncertainty into all oil company decisions,
and will delay necessary drilling, which is in dire need right now in order
to increase production.

Indeed, the US government's unprecedented action is a slap in their face to
all crude oil producers. After many petroleum companies suffered financially
in recent years - due to low crude prices - this action hits the financial
stability out from under them. Moreover, the government's reckless use of
the SPR paves the way for still higher prices next year. You can bank on it.
Effectively, this decision will lower actual and immediate future

PRODUCTION. Indubitably, the US has many enemies who will see a window of
opportunity here.

Certainly, those unfriendly to US interests will not hesitate going forward
to use the OIL WEAPON in the face of the US government intervention, forcing
the price of oil down.

A couple burning questions of logic for crude oil producers to answer are
the following. Why would they want to pump more oil, if it is going to fall
in price? Do they want to help the US to lower the high oil price so that
there are no damaging consequences from the stagflation that it will cause?
Well, the US recently has enjoyed staggering growth, fueled by nearly free
oil. And notwithstanding the US prosperity, ALL oil export producing
countries suffered. The international oil industry is trying to recover from
the recent state of ruin it was in. Unfortunately, and ironically, the US
will have to pay the higher tab now.

The US government's unilateral decision is telling the world there are no
more bullets left. The last shot is being wasted, even before the winter
arrives. However, this is a shot in the dark, because it is a political
shot. It will miss the mark.

The intervention in the markets nowadays is relentless.

The Gold market is intervened and manipulated - and likewise the silver

The Stock market is intervened and manipulated as well. Proof of it is the
miraculous market recovery on Friday (September 22, 2000), just after the
Intel debacle was announced.

The Currency market is intervened to rescue the heretofore plunging Euro.

The Inflation data, the trade deficit and many other variables, even the FIG
appear to be relentlessly manipulated.

Something is very wrong. Everything now is being controlled for political
expediency, or maybe with more sinister objectives.

While the Personal Savings rate is negative in the US, its Federal, State
and Municipal government together with business appear to have a few
trillion dollars in savings. Will the government use those savings to
subsidize oil ?

The author believes that the GOLD WEAPON might be used now by some oil
producers. There is no incentive to stick with the dollar. First they
control the gold price, then they attempt to control oil the price. Where
doe it all end?

Watch the news.....You will not be surprised if you see next week that some
producer is asking for payment in hard currency: GOLD !!!! Or maybe the oil
producers will just close the valves a little -- no need to damage oil
reservoirs by overproducing them, if the oil price is falling.

The dice have been rolled...... Much higher Inflation is around the corner.
It just has been delayed a few months. Only those that know how to hedge
against it will survive. We all know what is the only hedge that works....
REAL Money !!!! Gold !!!!

"Azteca de Oro" 25 September 2000


The information presented by the author is not intended to be used for
investment purposes, and it may contain errors. It is intended only to give
the reader an eagle's view of the state of the economy, as perceived by the
author. It reflects the author's opinion and no representation as to the
accuracy of this data is made, as it may reflect on the bias or
interpretation of the author. However, to the best knowledge of the author,
the data presented is accurate.

Also by Azteca de Oro

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