-Caveat Lector-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

-----Original Message-----
Date: Wednesday, December 15, 1999 12:40 AM
Subject: SN501:My response to Vermont police officer posted in Voice Of The

>Return-path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Full-name: SendMeHack
>Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 16:14:47 EST
>Subject: Of Interest To Grunt Readers
>On 13 December, Subject:  Of Interest To Grunt Readers,
>there was an article written by a Vermont police officer.
>With all due respect to my friend, Hack, here are my comments.
>Is this one of the police officers who was taken off the streets of the
>United States and sent over to protect Bosnian Muslims in one of Clintons
>good will gestures?  Gratis my taxes?
>There are too many cracks in his story to be believed.  Let us look at some
>of what he says.
>He speaks about the British SAS soldier who witnessed a Bosnian Serb
>machine gunner open fire  on the pedestrian bridge as it was full of
>people.  Perhaps it is true, perhaps it is not, considering that everything
>the police officer says is hearsay.  He doesnt give one verifiable source.
>The police officers report does not track with reports at the time.  There
>was no UNPROFOR presence at Gorazde until Lt. Gen. Sir Michael Rose,
>UNPROFOR Commander,  sent a small contingent to investigate the reported
>Serbian attacks on the city. Or, more importantly, sent them so that an
>UNPROFOR presence could be used as excuse to begin air attacks.
>Perhaps the officer should have read The Truth About Gorazde, by Yossef
>Bodansky, Director & Vaughn S. Forrest, Chief of Staff, Task Force on
>Terrorism & Unconventional Warfare Report by the U.S. House of
>Representatives (May 4, 1994).  Gen. Rose, asked the Muslims to stop their
>provocations in Gorazde.  Indeed, in an interview with French TV (TF-1) on
>April 12, Gen. Rose acknowledged that the Muslims Shoot on the Serbs to
>step up the pressure and to obtain a fresh intervention from NATO.  This
>shooting by the Muslims was coming from the supposedly unarmed U.N. Safe
>haven.  Then there was the saga of the Gorazde hospital, as General Rose
>put it.  He wrote, Meanwhile, Bosnian Muslim Special Forces raided Bosnian
>Serb positions, instigating a Bosnian Serb shelling of Gorazde.  This
>incident was depicted by the Western media in Sarajevo as an example of
>Bosnian Serb aggression against innocent civilians in Gorazde.  Indeed,
>special attention was paid to the frequent fire aimed at the hospital
>which was also the main Muslim observation and battle management post to
>drum up support for Western action against the Serbs.  Subsequently, the Un
>and NATO were asked to launch airstrikes in order to protect the UN troops
>that had been inserted into Gorazde.  It is also noteworthy that on 9 April
>the Bosnian Serbs agreed to a UNPROFOR initiative to begin ceasefire
>negotiations in the Sarajevo airport.  The Bosnian Muslims refused to
>this meeting.
>Those of you who are into more conspiratorial aspects of the war, may have
>noted that the day before the first bombs were dropped at Gorazde,
>newspapers carried a report that Saudi Arabia had just signed a letter of
>intent to buy $6 billion worth of commercial aircraft from Boeing and
>McDonald Douglas.  The following day we bombed.  Was there a connection?
>You decide.
>Attacks on civilians are indefensible.  However, didn't NATO pilots drop
>bombs on a bridge full of traffic and pedestrians crowded on a Sunday
>afternoon where 17 people were wounded and nine people died including "a
>priest with his head blasted away?"  (Reuters, 30 May).
>In a civil war, ugly things happen.  Would the Vermont police officer also
>like to talk about the Canadian soldier who actually witnessed the
>"On 17 July, we were tasked to provide VIP security for a meeting
>between all the factions and Sir Douglas Hurd, the British Foreign
>We spent the day moving the foreign secretary around and dodging well-
>staged incidents the local (Muslims) put on for his benefit.  At the
>Presidency the TDF (Territorial Defense Forces) mortared their own
>people again as Hurd arrived.  He had just dismounted from Kevin's
>track when several mortars slammed into the square across the road,
>killing several civilians.  It had been staged by the Muslims to impress
>Hurd.  They told him the Serbs did this to them everyday, when in fact
>they killed their own people again for political reasons.  Animals."
>"...that evening there were some kids hanging around on a patio
>at the base of the building.  The guys had thrown them some candy until
>I told them to stop.  I didn't want every kid in the city to hand out
>beneath our windows.  Also on the patio was an attractive teenage
>girl.  She spoke some English and was having a conversation with some
>of our guys who were hanging out of the window.
>Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, one of the troops saw...a mortar
>bomb.  In the moment before it detonated, he realized it was heading right
>for the kids.  Before he could shout a warning, the bomb exploded.
>the impact threw our guys back out of the window and onto the
>floor.  Immediately, more rounds followed and the building rocked...
>Warrant Sullivan...rushed outside...
>"What he found shocked him to the core.  There were little pieces of
>children everywhere.  Arms, legs and blood covered the patio.
>The teenage girl died instantly.  The other kids were badly wounded.
>Brit medics showed up and tried to sort out the mess...They got
>the kids on street chars and tried to match the arms and legs with
>the proper child.  It was horrible.
>"Later that night, the platoon area was pretty subdued.  Some of the
>guys blamed themselves for talking to the kids and throwing them candy,
>but we all knew- we hadn't launched those bombs.  The next morning,
>a report came in from the observers that no Serb mortars had fired that
>they were aware of.  The trajectory was calculated and it was determined
>that the Bosnians had mortared their own children.  For public relations
>purposes.  Sure enough, the morning news in the city reported that the
>UN and their Serb allies had these children.  We could not believe it.  I
>can't speak for the others, but that morning I would have happily killed
>TDF (Muslim) troops I saw.  I was growing tired of the whole mess.  These
>people did not care. They were animals."  - From his book, "The Sharp End,
>A Canadian Soldier's Story," by James R. Davis.
>The Vermont officer neglects to mention that Mr. Akashi, former UN
>Representatives in Bosnia, admitted in The Washington Times (1 November 95)
>it is a fact that Bosnian government forces have used the safe areas of
>not only Srebrenica, but Sarajevo, Tuzla, Bihac, Gorazde for training,
>recuperation and refurbishing their troops.  In other words, the so-called
>safe-havens referred to by the Vermont police officer, were in essence,
>as military camps to train Mujahedin fighters from Afghanistan, Iran,
>Turkey and the entire Islamic world, free to commit their treachery by
>attacking Serbian villages and returning like thieves in the night back to
>the safety of their UN protectors, who conveniently looked the other way to
>these violations.
>The Vermont police officer mentions 8,000 Bosnian Moslems massacred by
>Serbs.  To date, this has never been documented.  To the contrary, 24
>journalists went to inspect the site of the mass grave taken by satellite
>photo which was said to have contained the bodies of the 8,000 Muslim men.
>All 24 journalists came away empty-handed because they concluded that it
>not a mass grave but didnt bother to report it, thereby allowing the myth
>of the massacred Bosnian Moslem men to continue.
>As for genocide.  Who are the real victims?  In Kosovo, where the Serbs
>were once the majority, they have now been reduced to almost zero in number
>through acts of terror by the Kosovo Liberation Army cutthroats.  The Serbs
>religion, their culture and their history are all but eradicated, thanks to
>Bill I Feel Your Pain Clinton.   There are more Serb refugees than Croats
>and Bosnians combined.
>Serbs are not spitting on us because they are ashamed.  They are spitting
>us because we betrayed them.  If there is a genocide taking place in this
>Balkan tragedy, it is against the Serbian people.
>It is regrettable that the Vermont officer could be taken in so easily
>without looking at both sides of this tragedy based mostly on hearsay.  I
>can only say, that there are none so blind as those who will not see.  It
>appears he is also a racist and a bigot.
>BTW: Is there an e-mail address where I can send this gentleman my
>Open Letter to General Michael Short since he is so proud of what we did
>during those 78-days of an immoral, illegal attack on a sovereign nation?
>As ever,
Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

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