-Caveat Lector-


N.Korea Says U.S. in Nuclear War Preparations
      Sun Mar 2, 4:24 AM ET

      SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korean media accused the United States on
Sunday of pushing into full swing preparations for nuclear war against the
communist state, and warned such a war could wreak havoc.

      The North's official Korea Central News Agency (KCNA) quoted the
ruling communist party's Rodong Sinmun as saying the U.S. Department of
Defense recently ordered huge U.S. air force deployments in South Korea,
Japan and around the Korean peninsula.

      Besides, it added, the U.S. Air Forces Command in South Korea put its
units at "semi-war footing."

      The paper said, "If the U.S. imperialists ignite a war on the Korean
peninsula, the war will turn into a nuclear war."

      It added, "As a consequence, the Koreans in the north and south and
the people in Asia and the rest of the world will suffer horrifying nuclear

      The paper said nuclear weapon production factories in the United
States were developing and manufacturing weapons to destroy underground
structures in the isolated country.

      On Saturday, Pyongyang accused Washington of stepping up spy flights
in preparation for war, while South Korea's new president vowed to work for
a swift and peaceful end to the nuclear crisis on the peninsula.

      "The DPRK neither wants a war nor avoids it," the KCNA said in a
commentary on Saturday. DPRK is an acronym for Democratic People's Republic
of Korea, the state's official name.

      Tension over North Korea's suspected nuclear weapons plans spiked on
Wednesday after Washington, citing satellite photographs, said North Korean
scientists had fired up a reactor mothballed since 1994 at the Yongbyon
complex north of Pyongyang.

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