-Caveat Lector-



July 6, 1999

Exclusive - Toronto Star

187 deaths now linked to `Railway Killer'

Canadian tracking biggest serial killer in U.S. history

By Linda Diebel
Toronto Star Latin America Bureau

MEXICO CITY - The man sought as the U.S. ``Railway Killer'' is a suspect in
the slaying of 187 women in Juarez, Mexico, The Star has learned.

Special Investigator Suly Ponce confirmed yesterday the Chihuahua state
police are working with Canadian criminologist Candace Skrapec and the FBI
to investigate ``Railway Killer'' suspect Rafael Resendez-Ramirez - the
FBI's Public Enemy Number One - in connection with the unsolved Juarez

``We've been working on that theory since last week,'' Ponce, who heads the
state police task force into the murders, said in an interview from Juarez.
``The case is advancing. There are some good leads.''

The investigation in Juarez throws a macabre new light on the potential
scope of the ``Railway Killer's'' crimes.

It raises the possibility that police could be tracking the biggest serial
killer in North American history.

The FBI put Resendez-Ramirez, 38, on its 10 Most Wanted List last month in
connection with at least eight homicides in three states. All were committed
in railroad communities.

The ``Railway Killer'' rides the rails like a hobo. All of his U.S. victims
were found near railway tracks, either in their homes or their cars.

The hunt for Resendez-Ramirez was recently extended into Canada.

The Star has also learned that Skrapec, who has been in Juarez for the past
month working with Chihuahua police, spent last week at FBI headquarters in
Quantico, Va.

She is helping the bureau analyze links between the ``Railway Killer'' and
the Juarez homicides, which began in 1993.

Skrapec, 47, who teaches at California State University in Fresno, gave up
her summer to assist Chihuahua police at the special invitation of a top
state official.

Born in Calgary and a former teacher at the University of Windsor, Skrapec
is one of the world's best-known criminologists, having made her reputation
by profiling New York City's ``Zodiac killer'' for the NYPD.

A Mexican national from Puebla, near Mexico City, Resendez-Ramirez has been
charged with a June 15 double slaying in the southern Illinois town of
Gorham, and is wanted for questioning in connection with at least six other
homicides in Texas and Kentucky dating back to 1997.

Juarez investigators won't discuss their investigation, and Skrapec is not
available for interviews.

There appear to be similarities between the brutal U.S. killings and the
particularly grotesque way in which many of the Juarez victims met their

American media reports describe teeth marks on some of the U.S. victims and
police say some were beaten to death in a particularly sadistic manner, in
some cases with their heads bashed in. There has reportedly been evidence of
sodomy, rape and torture.

In Juarez, many women were badly beaten and raped, with bite marks covering
their torsos.

In some cases, they'd had objects stuffed into their vaginas or anuses or
had their left breasts hacked off. Many had panties removed and, in these
cases, their undergarments were never found.

Victims of the ``railway killer'' have been both male and female in the U.S.

``We have been concerned for some time now that Resendez-Ramirez could be
involved in some of the murders here,'' Juarez social advocate Esther Chavez
Cano told The Star yesterday.

``We are especially concerned because he has lived in two barrios here over
recent years, and his mother lives in (the) Colonia Patria (section).''

Resendez-Ramirez lived with his mother in Juarez as well as on his own or
with women. He is believed to have worked at a meat packing plant.

Chavez Cano, who heads the Juarez women's crisis centre Casa Amiga
(Friendship House), single-handedly forced a serious police investigation of
the Juarez murders.

She has been tracking the deaths since 1993. She has written letters of
protest and organized marches after federal and state authorities
consistently treated the murders in an offhand manner, even suggesting the
victims invited their fate by wearing too much makeup or short skirts.

``It frightened us because we saw similarities (between the U.S. serial
killer and the Juarez murders),'' said Chavez Cano. ``My fear is that the
murderer does what he has time to do. If he has time to torture and rape his
victims (at his leisure), then that's what he does.''

Resendez-Ramirez has slipped through a massive manhunt, involving
authorities in federal, state and local law enforcement across the United

His case has created a scandal in the U.S. because of the ease with which
the Mexican national passed through U.S. immigration at border checkpoints,
particularly at El Paso, Texas, across the Rio Grande from Juarez.

The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service recorded 12 known entries
into the U.S. since 1976, including one following notification of border
officials last December that Resendez-Ramirez was wanted for questioning by
police investigating several homicides.

Resendez-Ramirez has been in and out of jail in the U.S., including an
incident in 1986 where he was charged with pretending to be an American
citizen and released on bail. He then disappeared.

INS commissioner Doris Meissner said recently the apparent bungling ``raises
serious questions about procedure'' at the border.

Juarez has lived in fear since the murders began in 1993. But, because all
of the murdered women were poor, that fear didn't extend to authorities or
citizens with clout.

The dusty border town is home to thousands of workers, most of them women,
who arrive from all over Mexico to find jobs in manufacturing plants owned
by foreign corporations.

Most of the victims worked in low-paying factory jobs, going home to dismal
slums and anonymous lives.

More than 20 of the murder victims still haven't been identified.

And at least 95 women are missing in Juarez.

Although the women were found murdered in many different ways, Juarez
authorities have always said the common thread of torture and rape suggests
a serial killer in some deaths. Police believe copycat killers are also

Last month, the RCMP, as well as Canadian railway officials, were issued a
description of Resendez-Ramirez, and federal officials along the Canadian
border with the U.S. were advised he might try to cross into Canada.

Farther south, along the Mexican border, many U.S. towns are terrified,
particularly places with big railway yards, like El Paso.

In recent days, FBI agents in El Paso have been besieged with reported
sightings of Resendez-Ramirez.

His wife, Julieta Dominguez-Reyes, lives with their child in Rodeo, Durango
state, which borders Chihuahua. She works as a lab technician.

In an interview recently with the Houston Chronicle, she described him as
``a model husband'' and a good father to their child.

Resendez-Ramirez is described as about 5-foot-7 with dark hair, brown eyes
and, possibly, a dark moustache. He weights about 150 pounds, and has a
snake tattooed on his left forearm.

He has gone by many aliases since he was born Angel Resendiz Resendiz in San
Nicolas Tolentino, a sugar-farming town in the state of Puebla, about 110
kilometres southeast of Mexico City.



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