-Caveat Lector-

NTSB Confirms Enterprise Mission Scenario on Egypt Air Flight 990



In a Wednesday, November 10th, press conference, NTSB chairman
James Hall released a summary of the data from the retrieved flight data
recorder from Egypt Air Flight 990. An analysis of the statement strongly
confirms a scenario put forth by the Enterprise Mission in our earlier article.
To wit: that the plane was hacked or taken over remotely and deliberately
put into it's stunning crash dive.

In a shockingly tight lipped and nervous performance, Hall in essence
admitted that the earlier radar returns had been correct and that the plane
had entered what he described as a "controlled descent" from 33,000 feet
all the way down to 19,000 feet. He also added that there were "5 to 10
seconds" of additional data that was still being studied.

But the true bombshell came in the reporting of the fact that the autopilot
had been disconnected only 8 seconds before the beginning of the
"controlled descent."

The release of this data utterly destroyed the idea that the plane had been
downed by thrust reverser deployment (as had been speculated among
reporters and other laymen) and also indicated that the plane had not
achieved supersonic speeds. The disconnection of the auto pilot clearly
indicates that the plane was intentionally driven into the dive that essentially
doomed it, although by who is less clear.

Following on the heels of accusations by both members of the Egyptian
government and two major government sponsored newspapers to the
effect that the plane had been sabotaged and that US intelligence
agencies were covering it up, Hall seemed determined to keep the lid on
any questions. When pressed to define "controlled descent" and to
describe what was on the additional 5 to 10 seconds, Hall refused to
comment other than to refer reporters' questions to the statement.
Considering that nothing gets into the "government newspapers" that is not
approved by the Egyptian government (read: President Hosni Mubarek), in
essence the government of Egypt has indirectly accused the government of
the United States of covering up the true cause of the crash.

It is fairly easy to read between the lines. The data recorder proves that
there was no mechanical failure on the aircraft. The recorder monitors
some 112 systems and instruments on the airplane, telling investigators
such things as the 767's altitude, speed, spin, roll, when its electrical power
was cut off -- and how the autopilot functioned. Clearly, if the plane had
suffered a catastrophic incident, like a bomb detonation or an explosive
decompression, the pilot would not have climbed back to 24,000 feet as
revealed in the radar data. Such an event would have also been obvious in
the other data before the "missing" final ten seconds.

And what about those final 10 seconds? Why didn't we get told Wednesday
what was on that part of the data?

If they didn't have the time to analyze the rest of the flight recorder data,
then why have the press conference at all? They certainly could have waited
a few more hours or days until all the analysis was in. It is obvious that the
problem is not that they haven't been able to analyze the final ten seconds
of recorded data, but rather that they simply cannot believe what they are
seeing in that data. Either that, or what is on the last strip of data is so
disturbing, so at odds with any conventional explanation or so incriminating
that they are buying time to come up with a way to "spin" the data or to
replace it with a fabricated version.

It seems that the purpose of this rush press conference was to tell us what
they couldn't tell us. Hall's performance seemed calculated to raise more
questions than it answered. Perhaps this was just to demonstrate to the
Egyptian Government that there would not be a cover-up. By leaving so
many hanging issues and refusing to elaborate on key points, Hall is
practically begging for a rough time from the press (who seem typically
timid about following through). Again, this seems to imply a war of some
kind behind the scenes. Hall has now created a huge interest around what
is on the final 10 seconds of the tape. Does it show that the plane was
subjected to forces that are inexplicably beyond the "accepted" laws of
physics? Or is his reluctance to discuss a "controlled descent" because the
"control" was clearly from outside the aircraft?

Remember, we already have proof, in the form of Charlie Plyler's EMP
"smoking gun," that there were extraordinary forces at work just before and
during the short duration of the flight (and which ceased just after the
"sacrifice" was completed). At least two pulses seem to correspond exactly
with the planes two "controlled descents." Why was no new official timeline
released? Because it coincided too closely with the EMP data?

There are, admittedly other possibilities. It is possible that someone
somehow broke into the locked cabin and forced the plane down. It is also
possible that the pilots were taking evasive action to avoid a mid air
collision. Yet neither of these seems to be the case. The data recorder
would have shown a struggle over the controls of the aircraft, and in any
event the pilot in the opposite chair can override the other control stick. As
for another aircraft, it would have been visible in the redundant radar data,
and was not. And it is also certain that if either of these was the case Hall
would have mentioned it on Wednesday.

No, we think the answer to this mystery lies in the comments of Egypt Air
chairman Mohammed Fahim Rayan, the man who had pointed us to this
whole strange affair in the first place with his cryptic "19.5 hours" comment,
re the aircraft's stay in the United States (actually 19 hours 47 minutes) on
the day of the crash. "I wish I had been on (Flight 990). I wish it had been
me who had been sacrificed," he then told the relatives of the flight 990
passengers. Rayan's specific citation of the ritual "19.5," coupled with his
later comments (in this context) that this was a "sacrifice," seems strong
confirmation that this could indeed have been a ritual sacrifice by an
Armageddonist leaning cult with enormous resources; such a perception
on the part of Egypt, if true, only deepens the evident rift between our two
nations over this incident.

We, for one, are of a mind that there may be yet more to the story of Egypt
Air flight 990 than we even now suspect. That it may yet turn out to have as
much to do with just what, or who, this plane was carrying.

Dr. Richard Spohn Brokaw, former head of the Division of Physics and
Chemistry at NASA Lewis in Ohio (now renamed the "NASA Glenn
Research Center"), was a passenger along with his wife. Officially retired
from NASA in 1973, Brokaw was part of a tour group on board the ill fated

This in of itself is hardly suspicious, until you remember the incredible (and
now verified) symbolism around this flight, and the unique role of NASA
Lewis (during Brokaw's tenure) in creating NASA's own "Egyptian motif." It
was Abe Silverstein, a colleague of Brokaw's and Director of NASA Lewis,
who was the one that named "Apollo" (the Greek version of Horus) in the
first place. But more, he was the one who oversaw the creation of the
original Apollo patch, which paid homage to the Egyptian god Osiris in the
form of the constellation Orion!

For those of you who do not keep copies of Monuments by the bedside,
NASA Lewis will be familiar as the location of no less than 2 presentations
and a planned Special NASA PBS production on Cydonia in the late 80's
and early 90's, by Enterprise principal investigator Richard C. Hoagland
(until these were stopped by vehement protests from JPL to NASA
Headquarters). It is also the location of NASA's exotic Breakthrough
Propulsion Program, which among other things has conducted recent
confirmatory tests on the Finish anti-gravity experiments.

It is also the location where Hoagland arranged a series of his own
Hyperdimensional Physics experiments.

At Hoagland's behest, NASA Lewis conducted several tests of Dr. Bruce
Depalma's Hyperdimensional energy machines (see the UN video) in the
early 90's. While the final results have never been revealed, it is odd that
someone intimately involved with the Center and it's symbolic history was
on this particular airplane, on that night ... headed for Cairo. After all, it is an
apparent "Hyperdimensional" signature we see in the ELFRAD data.

Certainly, the presence of a former high ranking NASA physicist on a trip to
Egypt is yet another reason to be suspicious of what happened to this
flight. While admittedly speculative, we cannot help but wonder (now that
we have ascertained that someone of Dr. Brokaw's background was
aboard) if the further persistent rumors -- that this plane was carrying some
kind of "special cargo," bound for Giza -- could, in fact, be true ...

As always;

Stay Tuned ...

The Enterprise Mission
P. O. Box 1130
Placitas NM 87043
FAX (505) 771-0820

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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