-Caveat Lector-

NY Daily News:

Giving Tripp the Slip

It's back to hotjobs.com for Linda Tripp ? President Bush probably won't be
helping her find employment, and shouldn't, says former Tripp mentor
Lucianne Goldberg.

Tripp, the tape-wielding confidante who revealed Monica Lewinsky's
involvement with President Clinton, last week sent Republican donors a form
letter addressed to Bush, urging him to find her a position in the
administration. Tripp, who now says she can't pay her rent, was fired from
her Pentagon job on Clinton's last day.

But Goldberg thinks he should have none of this.

"Bush is a very move-forward kind of guy. If he got involved, it would
raise a red flag," said Goldberg, now a Talk Radio Network host. "There are
lots of well-to-do Republicans who think she's a hero. Let the private
sector help her. The government doesn't owe her a job."

How about a job at Goldberg's Web site, Lucianne.com?

"If she's willing to work for the paltry sum I pay my Webmaster, she's
welcome to come up," Goldberg said.

White House spokesman Ken Lisaius told us, "The White House doesn't discuss
personnel matters even in the most high-profile of cases."

"I haven't talked to [Tripp] since the whole thing first started," Goldberg
told us. "Ken Starr told her not to talk to [me].

"We remind each other," Goldberg concluded, "of hard times."

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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