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Those of you who study LBJ will find this interesting.


L. H. Fountain, 89, Lawmaker Who Led 60's Fraud Inquiry, Dies

October 12, 2002

L. H. Fountain, a former North Carolina congressman whose
investigation first exposed the scope of the Billie Sol
Estes scandal of the 1960's, died on Thursday at a
retirement home in Raleigh, N.C. He was 89 and a resident
of Tarboro, N.C.

Mr. Fountain, a lawyer and conservative Democrat, entered
Congress in 1953. Representing a predominantly rural
district of east-central North Carolina, he was named the
chairman of a relatively obscure subcommittee of the House
Government Operations Committee.

His panel came upon questionable payments of public money
to cheese-makers. After some years of peeking into the
country's grain storage bins, it also found strange things
going on there in the shadows.

With the Republicans gleefully looking on, the panel opened
hearings in May 1962 into the dealings of Mr. Estes, a
Texan with a cotton, grain, and fertilizer empire. It
collapsed in bankruptcy the month before the hearings, when
Mr. Estes was indicted on fraud charges. A smooth-talking
schemer who called Lyndon B. Johnson his good friend, Mr.
Estes had made millions in phantom fertilizer deals. A
Senate committee was investigating behind closed doors, but
Mr. Fountain, a quietly resolute man, suddenly found
himself in the brightest spotlights of his career.

Weeks of hearings reproduced a case history of
administrative bungling, mainly in the Department of
Agriculture. But they turned up no conclusive evidence of
high-level favoritism in the Kennedy administration, in
which Mr. Johnson served as vice president.

Mr. Fountain served 15 terms in the House. He decided not
to run in 1982 when redrawn boundaries drastically changed
his district.

Lawrence H. Fountain - the middle initial was just that, an
initial - was born in Leggett, N.C. He graduated from the
University of North Carolina in 1934 and from its law
school in 1936. He went into private practice but enlisted
in the Army as a private in 1942. Coming up through the
ranks, he reached the judge advocate general's office and
the rank of major. After the war, he worked as a lawyer and
a reading clerk in the state Legislature. He was a state
senator from 1947 until his election to the 83rd Congress.

He was engaged in overseeing the Food and Drug
Administration in the 1960's and 70's and championed the
creation of an inspector general's office for the former
Department of Health, Education and Welfare. He helped
establish similar watchdog positions throughout the
administration to mind the taxpayers' dollars.

His other committee assignments covered international
security, scientific affairs and a subcommittee on Near
Eastern affairs.

He was a longtime member of the Advisory Commission on
Intergovernmental Affairs, encompassing all governmental
levels, which he helped to establish. He also sat on the
Presidential Advisory Committee on Federalism in the early

Mr. Fountain is survived by a daughter, Nancy D. F. Black
of Raleigh, and two grandchildren. His wife of 59 years,
Christine Dail Fountain, died a year ago.


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