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Peace and Political Status at 39,000 Feet

October 29, 2002

WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 - Before President Bush boards Air
Force One, his staff makes sure that the jumbo jet's
televisions are tuned to ESPN or anything other than the
relentless bleat of cable news. Otherwise, Mr. Bush might
spot an offending CNN or Fox news crawl and demand, as he
has in the past, "Who turned that on?"

Sometimes the staff will have a videotape of a Texas
Rangers game for Mr. Bush, but other times he will unwind
by watching one of the military-themed movies he has
relished since Sept. 11. On every flight there are always
baskets of candy bars, fresh fruit and a sense of

These days, Mr. Bush's flying cocoon also includes clutches
of Congressional candidates in the V.I.P. section toward
the back, many in fervid anticipation of the political
splash that they will make on the tarmac back home. Former
Representative Matt Salmon, the Republican candidate for
governor of Arizona, went so far as to drive two and a half
hours to Flagstaff from Phoenix not long ago just so he
could return immediately to his starting point aboard Air
Force One. The drive was a small price, Mr. Salmon
explained, for the television pictures of him and Mr. Bush
emerging from the door of the most famous plane in the

"I would have crawled on broken glass," Mr. Salmon said.

In the second Bush White House, Air Force One has become
both a crucial presidential retreat and a potent political
tool. Every president since John F. Kennedy has had a love
affair with the jet's luxuries and ability to attract
votes, but under Mr. Bush its lure has increased.

The change dates to Sept. 11, 2001, when Air Force One
became the fortress-jet, carrying the president on a secret
zigzag odyssey across the United States. If the flight
projected an image that day of a commander-in-chief in
retreat, it also fed the legend of one of the great icons
of the American presidency.

Mr. Bush's use of his Boeing 747's (he has two) offers a
revealing glimpse into his personality, and also the
midterm election tactics of the White House.

Last week, with the president in a flight jacket
embroidered with "George W. Bush," Air Force One ferried
Mark Sanford and Lindsay Graham, the Republican candidates
for governor and Senate in South Carolina, to an airport
rally in Columbia, then hauled Alabama's Republican
candidate for governor, Bob Riley, to an election
appearance with Mr. Bush in Auburn. Mr. Bush schmoozed with
them all while aloft, but also retreated to his office,
decorated like an expensive hotel suite with thick
carpeting and earth tones, for work and down time.

Today, while en route to another campaign rally in Denver,
Mr. Bush made congratulatory phone calls from the office to
Emmitt Smith of the Dallas Cowboys for breaking the
N.F.L.'s rushing record, and to Jackie Autry, the widow of
the founder of the Anaheim Angels, for the team's World
Series victory.

For midterm candidates who have never before run for
office, a ride on the plane goes a long way toward
eliminating what political consultants call the "stature
gap" by showcasing access to the inner court.

"When you drop into your speech, `When I flew back with
President Bush on Air Force One, and he said to me,'
everything else you say after that is 3000 percent more
important," said Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster.

Bob Beauprez, a first-time Republican Congressional
candidate in Colorado, was so eager to be seen landing in
his suburban Denver district on Air Force One that he flew
from Denver to Waco, Tex., near Mr. Bush's ranch, stayed in
a hotel overnight, then met up early the next morning with
the president for the return trip. By lunchtime back in
Denver, Mr. Beauprez had his prize: a tableau of him and
Mr. Bush walking together down the plane's stairs broadcast
live on local television.

"It was a pretty powerful political opportunity," grumbled
Mr. Beauprez's Democratic opponent, Mike Feeley, who said
that Mr. Beauprez never seemed to stop talking about his 45
minutes of glory at 39,000 feet.

The plane is also used with an eye toward 2004, as Karl
Rove, Mr. Bush's chief political adviser, makes sure it is
dramatically parked on the runways of key electoral prizes.

"Believe me, Karl is not putting Air Force One in a whole
lot of solidly Republican or Democratic states," said Paul
Begala, a former Clinton political aide who said he did
exactly the same thing. "He's putting it in swing states."

Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first president to fly,
going to Casablanca in 1943 to meet with Winston Churchill
and plan Allied war strategy. Under Dwight D. Eisenhower,
the presidential plane, then called Columbine II, first got
the call sign "Air Force One," now used for any aircraft
carrying the president. (Mr. Bush flies on smaller planes,
which are automatically designated Air Force One, when he
has to land at smaller airports; the Air Force One carrying
Richard M. Nixon back to California in August 1974 changed
its call sign to SAM 27000, the plane's regular
designation, above Missouri, just as Gerald R. Ford
finished the oath of office.)

Kennedy is considered the pioneer of the political use of
Air Force One, instantly recognizing the magic the
presidential plane would have in the jet age. Jacqueline
Kennedy commissioned Raymond Loewy, the industrial designer
who also designed the Coca-Cola bottle, to create the
plane's lapis and powder blue paint scheme.

Aides say that Mr. Bush looks forward to the privacy of the
plane, and while he chats up the staff, he needs more time
alone than did Mr. Clinton, who would prowl the aisles in
the middle of the night looking for someone awake to talk

"That's one thing that presidents value on Air Force One:
time to themselves," said Ken Walsh, a veteran White House
correspondent for U.S. New & World Report who has just
finished a book, "Air Force One: A History of the
Presidents and Their Planes," to be published next spring.
"They can rarely get it in the White House. They find this
refuge just invaluable."

Aides rarely venture into Mr. Bush's cabin, a private suite
in the nose of the jet with a shower and two day beds,
where Mr. Bush sleeps, changes clothes and spends time with
his wife. On domestic trips, Mr. Bush is usually in his
office reading briefing papers and upcoming speeches, often
accompanied by Mr. Rove or Andrew H. Card Jr., the chief of

Other top advisers are in four seats for the senior staff a
little farther back in the plane. Behind them is seating
for less senior staff. Farther back are the V.I.P. guests,
then the Secret Service, then the news media in the very
rear of the plane.

On overseas trips, Mr. Bush carefully follows
recommendations from White House doctors on when to
exercise, when to nap and when to stay awake, all in an
effort to beat back jet lag. On those trips, he runs on a
treadmill brought into the plane's conference room.

Mr. Bush's ride begins quickly because the plane begins
barreling down the runway almost the minute the president
steps aboard, then climbs quickly to whatever altitude the
pilots desire. Air Force One takes precedence over all
other planes in the sky, except for those in distress,
meaning that it never wastes time circling airports.

The food on Air Force One, prepared by military stewards,
will never win any culinary or dietary awards, although Mr.
Bush seems to like it. Last June, on a day when Mr. Bush
was in Florida promoting fitness, the official Air Force
One lunch, printed on gold-edged menu cards for every
passenger, consisted of a corned beef sandwich, steak fries
and strawberry cheesecake. Mr. Bush ordered off the menu
that day, choosing an egg salad sandwich on toast, one of
his favorite foods aboard the plane.

Rick Renzi, a first-time Congressional candidate in
Arizona, sampled the Oriental chicken salad when he flew on
Air Force One with Mr. Bush to Mr. Renzi's hometown,
Flagstaff, last month. "It was surreal," Mr. Renzi said,
excitedly recalling the reaction of voters as he stepped
off the plane. "It felt like, selfishly, I was allowed to
give a gift to my hometown."

Mr. Renzi got plenty of face time aboard with Mr. Bush, who
told him that one of the presidential dogs had just caught
an armadillo at the ranch in Texas. Mr. Renzi also got
plenty of television air time in an Air Force One wave shot
with Mr. Bush, which the local stations helpfully played
over and over.

And, not least, Mr. Renzi got an Air Force One souvenir.
"They gave me a toothbrush afterward," he said. "Which I


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