-Caveat Lector-

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Slain Jewish Settler Is Finally Buried After Riot, Car Race and a Rabbinical Ruling

January 21, 2003

JERUSALEM, Jan. 20 - Nathaniel Ozeri, a Jewish settler
slain by Palestinian gunmen on Friday night, was finally
buried early this morning, 15 hours after his followers on
the far edge of the religious right turned his funeral into
a riot that stunned even this normally contentious country.

There were a series of struggles over where the body would
be buried - including an aborted race with the body in a
car toward Jerusalem. His wife and supporters hoped to
display the body in front of the prime minister's office
there as a protest over the killing of settlers by

Mr. Ozeri was finally laid to rest in darkness about 3 a.m.
today in Hebron's old city cemetery alongside victims of a
1929 massacre of Jews in that city.

The funeral, at noon on Sunday, was preceded by attacks on
Palestinian homes by settlers. The attackers broke windows
with iron bars, and at one point a young mother with a baby
strapped to her chest pounded a Palestinian house with a
big rock. There were wild scuffles as the army and the
police tried to intervene, and the crowd taunted the
police, shouting insults.

The eulogies at the funeral were bitter, condemning Yitzhak
Rabin, the prime minister who was slain in 1995 by a
religious extremist who was opposed to his efforts to make
peace with Palestinians.

Mr. Ozeri's father-in-law, Shaul Nir, demanded revenge and
called the police "scum." He is a former member of the
Jewish underground who was sentenced to life in prison in
1985 for killing Palestinians in Hebron. He was later
pardoned along with other members of the group by President
Chaim Herzog.

Then Mr. Ozeri's elderly father took the microphone and
asked that his son be buried in Jerusalem so his mother
could easily visit the grave.

Wrangling ensued. A rabbi, Dov Lior, was brought in to
mediate and ruled that the burial should be in Hebron. But
then, urged on by Mr. Ozeri's widow, Livnat, young settlers
snatched the body from the bed of a pickup truck intending
to take it to the hilltop grave they had secretly dug. Some
family members were knocked over in the struggle, and the
rabbi was carried to safety on the back of a bodyguard.

Soldiers finally managed to block the group, and for a
moment it appeared that an agreement had been reached to
bury Mr. Ozeri in Hebron. But the car carrying the body
suddenly veered off, speeding away.

When Israeli soldiers and the police tried to restore
order, the settlers left behind continued to battle them
and to attack Palestinian homes and set cars on fire.

After they snatched his body, Mr. Ozeri's followers raced
over hills, fences and vineyards trying to bury it on the
isolated hilltop where he had been killed. They struck out
for Jerusalem after they were turned away from the site by

Mrs. Ozeri said later that she had wanted to put the body
on display "so the whole country can see the results of the
terror and what happened when the Jews gave rifles to the

As Mr. Ozeri's followers in Hebron hoisted his body, on a
stretcher wrapped in a blue and white prayer shawl, they
pulled back the covering so his face was visible, in the
style of Palestinian funerals for what they call their
martyrs. It was a clear violation of Jewish religious law
and tradition, and the spectacle drew criticism today from
leading rabbis.

"A disgrace," said the chief Ashkenazi rabbi, Yisrael Meir
Law, "another bitter cup of sorrow." The chief Sephardic
rabbi, Eliyahu Bakshi-Doran, called the supporters' action
"very serious," adding, "If we leave the most extreme
person to decide what is a good deed, what is religious
law, all sorts of injustices will be done in God's name."

Hebron, home to a group of militant settlers who believe
that they have a mandate from God to reclaim the land they
call Judea and Samaria, is always a volatile place. In the
old city, an enclave of 450 religious Jews is guarded by
soldiers and surrounded by 150,000 Palestinians, confined
to their homes much of the time by army curfews. Nearby,
7,000 more Jewish settlers live in the sprawling settlement
of Qiryat Arba.

Tensions were running high even before Mr. Ozeri was killed
by two Palestinian gunmen on Friday night, after he
answered the door during his family's Sabbath dinner. There
have been four Palestinian attacks in Hebron and nearby
areas in the last two months in which 22 Israelis have been
killed. On Friday, the two attackers, armed with an M-16
rifle, a revolver, grenades, a knife and an ax, were also

Mr. Ozeri was a well-known figure on the far right, a
leader of the "hilltop youth," who have been trying to
expand the settlers' presence by building outposts on
isolated hills. His family of seven was the only one living
on the illegal settlement known as Lot 26. He had returned
home two weeks ago after serving a jail sentence for
attacking a policemen during a similar disturbance at a
Hebron funeral for another slain settler in July.

Mr. Ozeri's followers did not get their wish. After they
headed for Jerusalem, they went only as far as Bethlehem.
There they got the news of a rabbinical ruling that caused
them to turn back and to return the body to Hebron.

"They planned to put the body on display in a political
demonstration," said Naom Amon, a spokesman for the Hebron
settlers, "but turned around when the rabbis ruled that you
cannot bring a dead person into the Holy City without
burying him or her there."


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