-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.38/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 38</A>
Laissez Faire City Times
September 27, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 38
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
Names With "Blood on Their Hands"

by Richard S. Ehrlich

JAKARTA, Indonesia -- Now that foreign troops have landed in East Timor,
Western diplomats and others are starting to name names of military
officials who allegedly "have blood on their hands."

Recent East Timor killings, mostly by anti-independence militias and the
military, are the latest in a 23-year legacy of Indonesian rule which
has left up to 200,000 East Timorese dead.

International investigators, prompted by demands for a war crimes
tribunal, are now tracking the most recent bloodstains to determine
where they lead in the military hierarchy.

One respected Western diplomat, who follows East Timor very closely,
told The Laissez Faire City Times, "These are the people who have blood
on their hands."

He then pushed a button on his embassy's computer and printed a list of
five names, all of them powerful military men who shaped East Timor's
recent history.

The five people on the list have not been charged with any wrongdoing.
No hard, direct evidence has publicly appeared to link them to any

Any final determination of their alleged involvement in East Timor's
slaughter and destruction would require objective proof or other

The list, however, indicated the focus and direction of current
inquiries by diplomats and investigators.

Diplomats said they are discussing among themselves, and with others,
the behavior of various military officers to discover what they knew,
when they knew it, and what orders they may have given before, during
and after East Timor's August 30 vote for independence.

Referring to the post-election bloodshed -- and claims that the military
armed, trained and orchestrated the militias to kill East Timorese
independence supporters -- the Western diplomat said, "This was planned
by the military months and months before."

The first name on the diplomat's alphabetized list was Major-General
Adam Damiri, based on the island of Bali, which is the military command
headquarters for nearby East Timor.

The diplomat's dossier described Damiri as "Bali Territorial Commander,
military chief responsible for East Timor" and "seen as hardliner on
East Timor and possible break in the chain of command."

The second name on the list was Major-General Zacky Anwar Makarim, also
in the Indonesian military.

Makarim's dossier listed him as "former intelligence chief."

His dossier added that Makarim was "seen in Dili during militia attacks
on April 17, 1999. Appointed as head of military in East Timor shortly
afterwards, until his removal in August 1999. Investigated by the United

American officials have also pointed at Makarim.

The Hong Kong-based Far Eastern Economic Review magazine reported,
"Diplomatic sources say influential (US) Democratic Senator Tom Harkin
personally urged President B. J. Habibie to replace Zacky."

Independence guerrilla leader Xanana Gusmao -- now in Australia and
expected to become East Timor's first president -- said on August 5, "I
told Zacky, 'If (independence rebels) FALINTIL is disarmed, who can
assure us that after the ballot that you will not try to kill us, to
kill the people, and create chaos in East Timor'."

Number three on the diplomat's list was Colonel Tono Suratman, an
Indonesian military officer listed as "Catholic. Pope's security detail
during Indonesia visit. Special Forces. Airborne trained at Fort
Benning, Georgia. Infantry. Kopassus. Investigated by the UN for crimes
against humanity."

Kopassus is Indonesia's Special Forces, and was involved in covert and
psychological "psy op" operations throughout Indonesia for many years.

During the 1990s, US Special Forces trained Kopassus in
counterterrorism, sniper fire, and other elite skills, while human
rights groups repeatedly voiced allegations that Kopassus tortured

Suratman, meanwhile, also reportedly trained in Australia, and served in
a UN peacekeeping mission in Iraq.

Number four on the diplomat's list was Major-General Kiki Syahnakri, who
has since become head of Indonesia's Restoration Operation Command in
East Timor.

Ironically, he greeted UN-mandated Commander of the International Force
for East Timor, Major-General Peter Cosgrove, when the first
peacekeepers arrived at Dili airport.

Syahnakri is currently working alongside Cosgrove in East Timor.

Syahnakri's dossier said he was "suggested as being behind the militia
activities, along with Zacky Anwar."

Syahnakri was also described in the dossier as a member of the
military's dreaded Kopassus Special Forces active in East Timor and
"fluent in the local language Tetun. Spent 11 years in the province in
various posts, most recently as chief to the East Timor military
commander from 1994 to 1995."

Asked about his personal opinion of Syahnakri's alleged guilt in the
September violence, the Western diplomat looked up from his list and
nodded, "Absolutely. It would be pretty easy to make a case for him
being actively involved."

Last on the list was Major-General Sjafrie Syamsuddin, whose dossier
read, "Jakarta's military commander. Reappointed to Dili during
consultation. Linked to human rights abuses by UNHCR Mary Robinson.
Rumored as possible scape-goat for Wiranto in September 1999."

That rumor referred to Defense Minister and Chief of the Armed Forces,
General Wiranto, who claimed "rogue elements" in the military did not
follow his orders to end the killings.

Wiranto never publicly identified anyone by name.
Wiranto's Role

Asked about Wiranto's role, the diplomat replied, "Wiranto would be
guilty in a court of law simply because he knew what was going on, and
that it was wrong."

According to the that scenario, if Wiranto knew war crimes were being
committed, and did nothing to stop the activity, then perhaps a case
could be made that he may have been indirectly guilty as an accessory to
a crime, the diplomat said.

There is no public evidence, however, that Wiranto knew of any illegal

"There are debates if he could have stopped it. He might not have been
capable of stopping it. But that doesn't mean he's innocent.

"Whether he is evil or not, we'll probably never know. But he's not in
control, and that makes him a dangerous man."

The Western envoy was confident the truth would eventually come out
about what role the other five men, and others, may have played in East
Timor's woes.

"We have enough evidence in terms of intercepted cables," the diplomat

"The UN has been on the ground and (foreign) military people, who have
been monitoring things, have been there for months," he added, declining
to elaborate.

Some militia men -- who may know too much about who ordered what -- now
fear their former allies in the military will try to silence them, the
diplomat said.

"As far as the military killing militia men, I do believe there are
militia men who are afraid."

No such killings, or internal purges of militia ranks, have been

The envoy was more concerned that US-trained snipers might execute
foreign troops in isolated assaults in East Timor.

"There'll be Special Ops guys, Kopassus guys, dressed up as militia, or
not, who'll snipe at them," the diplomat predicted.

Anti-independence militias, meanwhile, will stage hit-and-run attacks
from Indonesia's West Timor, across the porous border, into East Timor,
he warned.

"This could go on for years and years."
Habibie: "a Tragic-Comic Figure"

President Bacharuddin J. Habibie emerged relatively unscathed in terms
of any direct responsibility for East Timor's post-election death and
destruction, the diplomat said.

Habibie initially arranged for the vote, apparently believing his
government's propaganda that East Timor would reject independence and
remain part of Indonesia.

Habibie was unable to stop the violence because he was sidelined by
military officers, the envoy said.

"He's sort of a tragic-comic figure. He doesn't know what's going on."

Foreign Minister Ali Alatas also may be far enough removed, he added.

"The man spent his career saying nothing was going on in East Timor.
Maybe he believes it."

Diplomatic forensic work, to piece together who may be guilty for the
deaths in East Timor, is somewhat hampered by Indonesian intelligence
agents allegedly tapping telephones of embassies and individuals in
Jakarta, he said.

"We know that our phone lines are bugged. They tap all the cell phone
conversations of East Timor-related diplomats, journalists and experts.

"They have reams and reams of this stuff, listening to stuff about
Xanana Gusmao and others."


Richard S. Ehrlich has a Master's Degree in Journalism from Columbia
University, and is the co-author of the classic book of epistolary
history, "HELLO MY BIG BIG HONEY!"--Love Letters to Bangkok Bar Girls
and Their Revealing Interviews. His web page is located at
http://members.tripod.com/ehrlich, and he may be reached by email at

from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 3, No 38, September 27, 1999
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Laissez Faire City Netcasting Group, Inc.
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