-Caveat Lector-


Sunday, August 22, 1999 Published at 10:03 GMT 11:03 UK

Navigation bug fails to bite

GPS receivers like this watch can give positions to within a few metres

Navigation systems seem to have survived the threat of a time bug.

It had been feared a problem similar to the millennium computer bug would
cause the Global Positioning System (GPS) to reset its timing devices,
widely used by aircraft, amateur yachtsmen and mountaineers.

Coastguards and emergency services worldwide remain on alert but by Sunday
morning few problems had been reported.

"Just a regular weekend. It's actually been a very slow day," said
coastguard Danny Phee in Long Beach, California.

The US Air Force said it was satisfied that the system was still operating

But problems were reported in Japan where a car navigator manufacturer
received about 600 complaints.

The electronic screens that help drivers find their route went blank or
flashed up strange symbols.

Pioneer Corp received about 600 calls on a special hotline, said spokesman
Hidehiko Shimizu.

Drivers were directed to the nearest repair shop, where their systems were
fixed for free.

The GPS network relies on more than 20 satellites to pinpoint the user's
whereabouts to within a few metres.

But in a millennium-style glitch the early satellites had a limited timing
device which ran out at midnight GMT on Saturday night and reset to zero.

Air Force Space Command said the so-called "end of week rollover" has
passed off successfully and the satellites orbiting 11,000 miles (17,700km)
above earth were continuing to function normally.

"Military and civilian GPS users worldwide can continue to depend on
accurate information from the GPS satellites," it said.

In a foretaste of the millennium bug that could hit thousands of computers
around the world at the end of the year, scientists did not know quite what
would happen when the satellites went back to zero.

It was feared old equipment might stop working or give wildly inaccurate

Sailors, pilots and outdoor sports enthusiasts across the world were urged
to check their GPS receivers before setting out on their journeys.

Many amateur outdoor sports enthusiasts, for example, have come to rely
almost entirely on the system originally developed by the US military for
targeting its missiles.

The US Federal Aviation Administration said it had also not received any
reports of pilots experiencing difficulty with their navigation equipment.

A US recreational boating organisation, Boat US, says anyone who is unsure
whether their receiver is rollover-compliant can check with the
manufacturer's specifications listed on their Website at www.boatus.com.

The US Coast Guard has also set up a Website at www.navcen.uscg.mil.

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