-Caveat Lector-

Thursday, April 22, 1999 Published at 04:07 GMT 05:07 UK


Prehistoric Moon map unearthed

A map of the moon with the rock carvings superimposed on it

By BBC News Online Science Editor Dr David Whitehouse
A map of the Moon 10 times older than anything known before has been found
carved into stone at one of Ireland's most ancient and mysterious Neolithic

Dr Phil Stooke: I am confident it is the moon
It has been identified by Dr Philip Stooke of the University of Western
Ontario in Canada. He spends most of his time preparing maps of asteroids
based on spacecraft observations, but he has also prepared detailed maps of
the Moon.

What puzzled him greatly was that there was no recorded map of the moon older
than about 500 years. "I simply could not believe this," he told BBC News
Online. "I felt there just had to be an older map somewhere."

Prehistoric tombs

So he began looking in old manuscripts and history books as well as the
records of excavations of the Neolithic sites of the British Isles.

The world's oldest map of the moon?
Then he found one. It took the eye of an expert to see it for what it was. It
was carved into a rock in one of Ireland's most remarkable prehistoric tombs
at Knowth, County Meath.

"I was amazed when I saw it. Place the markings over a picture of the full
Moon and you will see that they line up. It is without doubt a map of the
Moon, the most ancient one ever found," said Dr Stooke.

"It's all there in the carving. You can see the overall pattern of the lunar
features from features such as Mare Humorun through to Mare Crisium."

Before this discovery, the oldest map of the Moon was by Leonardo da Vinci,
drawn about 1505. The Knowth map is 10 times older.

Knowth is already a major focus of research into understanding prehistoric
man. Now it will become one of the most important scientific sites in the

"The people who carved this moon map were the first scientists," says Dr
Stooke. "They knew a great deal about the motion of the moon. They were not
primitive at all."

The passage tomb at Knowth is estimated to be about 5,000 years old. It was
obviously built by men who had a sophisticated understanding of the motions of
the Sun, Moon and stars.

It is known that many stone circles and ancient tombs are aligned with the Sun
but less attention has been paid to possible lunar alignments. This is despite
the fact that at certain times the Moon can rise or set at any location on the
horizon that the Sun can.

Series of arcs

Investigations at Knowth almost 20 years ago showed that at certain times
moonlight could shine down the eastern passage of the tomb.

Remarkably, the moonlight would also fall on the Neolithic lunar map.

During excavations, the stone in question was named Orthostat 47. Its
right-hand section contains a series of arcs.

The circular limb of the moon is not included in the carving. Dr Stooke
believes that it may have been drawn on the rock with chalk or with coloured

Thursday, April 8, 1999 Published at 11:15 GMT 12:15 UK


Ancient tomb captured both Sun and Moon

The midsummer Sun shines through the lightbox..

By BBC News Online Science Editor Dr David Whitehouse
An ancient Irish tomb may have been built with a light chamber aligned not
only to the Sun, but to the Moon as well.

Building it would have required many years of observations of the motions of
the Moon by the tomb's architects. The tomb could also explain the
Moon-inspired names of local landmarks.

..and strikes the far walls
The tomb's "lightbox" is only the third ever discovered and is by far the most
complex. It reveals the astonishingly-detailed astronomical knowledge of the
ancient people.

BBC News Online recently reported that a team of archaeologists from Glasgow
University had discovered a lightbox in the roof of a prehistoric tomb in
Orkney, Scotland.

It allowed the rays of the sun to reach the innermost part of the tomb at the
start and end of the winter. At that time, only one other lightbox was known,
at the Newgrange Neolithic complex in Ireland.

Martin Byrne believes capturing the Moonlight could have been the main aim
The latest, and most remarkable yet, was revealed by Martin Byrne, a
researcher and artist in County Sligo, Ireland. His work on the Neolithic
tombs at Carrowkeel suggests they were positioned so that the light from the
Moon could peep into the inner chamber at midwinter.

Carrowkeel is in the Bricklieve mountains. Given the number of Neolithic tombs
in the area this was one of the most sacred regions of ancient Ireland. Over a
dozen mountain-top cairns can be seen looking across the misty hills of Sligo.

Carefully set into the entrance of Cairn G is a hole that is positioned to let
the Sun's rays into the inner chamber for a month either side of midsummer.

But according to Martin Byrne, it would also let in the light of the setting
full moon on either side of the winter solstice.

The entrance to the lightbox
Indeed, capturing the Moon may have been the main purpose of the tomb - it is
pointing at a hill called Knocknarea, which means "Hill of the Moon".

Knocknarea is said to be the burial place of the wild Queen Maeve, one of the
major figures in the Irish saga, the Tain Bo Cualnge.

The tomb points to the most northerly point the setting Moon reaches on the
horizon, an event that only happens every 18.6 years.

Positioning the Carrowkeel tomb would have required a sophisticated
understanding of the cycles of the Moon, as well as patient and careful
observations over many years.

Sunset over the "Hill of the Moon"
Further evidence that the Moon was important is that Knocknarea is on a
peninsula called Cuil Irra, "the Remote Angle of the Moon".

This part of Ireland also hosts the largest prehistoric stone village in the
country and many ring forts, earthworks and standing stones.

Since they were built the ancient tombs of county Sligo have lost none of
their magic. As we find out more about them, we can only marvel and wonder at
the people who moved stones to line up with the mountains and the Moon over
six thousand years ago.

Thursday, March 18, 1999 Published at 15:40 GMT


Ancient tomb captured the winter sun

Five thousand years old

By BBC News Online Science Editor Dr David Whitehouse
A mysterious prehistoric tomb on the island of Orkney has a special "light
box" cut into its roof, archaeologists have discovered. It allowed a shaft of
light to herald the start and end of winter.

This has only been seen once before and it may literally cast new light on the
lives and beliefs of primitive Neolithic man.

Hidden since the stone age
The Crantit tomb was discovered last year when a tractor disturbed a series of
flat stones just below the surface. These turned out to be the roof slabs of
an underground tomb, hidden below a hillside for over 5,000 years.

The Glasgow University archaeological field unit directed by Dr Beverley
Ballin Smith and Dr Colin Richards were called in and soon realised the
importance of the important find.

The small tomb consists of three chambers in a "clover-leaf" formation and was
almost invisible from above ground.

It is highly unusual as most chambered cairns in Orkney and elsewhere were
built on the surface as prominent mounds.

"It was a totally unexpected find," Dr Ballin Smith told BBC News Online.

Looking toward the entrance
During the excavation one of the archaeologists, a skilled stonemason, noticed
something unusual about the slabs of stone that formed the roof.

"What we found was truly remarkable," said Dr Ballin Smith.

A notch had been cut in the roof to allow a ray of sunlight to penetrate the
tomb, but only at certain times of the year.

In October and again in February, at the beginning and the end of what was no
doubt a harsh winter, the Sun would have thrown a shaft of light along the
length of the tomb.

It is the first tomb found in the UK that has a light shaft. The only other
one known is at Newgrange in Ireland.

Mysterious patterns

Strange carvings were found on the upright stone pillar that holds up the

"If you look closely you can see geometric patterns and symbols carved into
the rock," Dr Ballin Smith said. "We think that they may even have been
coloured with primitive paints and pigments."

No human remains were found in the tomb's central chamber but bones from four
individuals were found in side chambers: a mature woman, a girl, a child and
one too degraded to identify. Fragments of pottery were also found but no

Neolithic tombs were frequently used over and over again, but entrance to the
Crantit tomb was heavily blocked up, both inside and out, suggesting reuse was
not wanted.

"Perhaps it tells us something about a cultural change in the treatment of
death and burial five thousand years ago," speculated Dr Ballin Smith.

"It may be significant that the tomb took the human remains back to the
Earth," she added. "But perhaps we will never know the real meaning of

Wednesday, April 1, 1998 Published at 15:11 GMT 16:11 UK


The sound of the Neolithic

Were ancient stone circles giant loudspeakers?

New research suggests that the ancient stone circles and burial mounds of
north west Europe may have been designed to act as giant loudspeakers to
amplify drums being played during rituals. Our science correspondent David
Whitehouse reports:
Scattered across the landscape of north west Europe are prehistoric monuments
from the Neolithic era. Stone circles like Stonehenge as well as covered
burial chambers can be over 5,000 years old.

The stones stand silent in the landscape but a new study of these ancient
structures has found that they possess some remarkable acoustical properties.

When Aaron Watson of Reading University visited a Neolithic stone circle in
Scotland he noticed a curious echo which changed as he moved around inside the

Tests with audio recording equipment showed that the large, flat-sided stones
were positioned in such a way to reflect sound towards the centre of the stone

The cramped entrance to a Neolithic burial mound
But it is the Neolithic burial mounds that have the strangest properties. They
usually consist of a long chamber which is reached by crawling through a small

'I was amazed by these caverns,' said University of Reading physicist Dr David

'The caverns vary in size but their resonant frequencies are very similar.
They would amplify a fast drumbeat producing enhanced sounds and echoes during
rituals, he added.

Dr Keating suggests that the caverns are designed to generate an acoustic
phenomenon called Helmholtz resonance - the hollow type of sound created by
blowing a stream of air across the top of an empty bottle.

Calculations suggest that drumming at two beats a second would have caused
resonance. Inside the dark chamber with its stale air and presence of the
dead, the enhanced sound would have produced an unforgettable experience for
Neolithic man.

Robert F. Tatman
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