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  Saturday March 4, 2000; 11:20 AM EST

  New White House Phone Records Could Expose Foster Case Cover-up

  Could documentary evidence of a White House cover-up in the mysterious
  1993 death of top Clinton aide Vince Foster be at hand?

  Last month two congressional committees and Independent Counsel Robert
  Ray reportedly launched new probes into possible White House wrondoing,
  based on fresh testimony that an estimated 100,000 White House emails,
  then subject to a subpoena, had been witheld from investigators.

  According to an affidavit obtained by Judicial Watch from former manager
  of White House computer operations, Sheryl Hall:

  "A contractor for Northrop-Grumman assigned to the Clinton White House
  who examined this group of 100,000 e-mails told me the documents
  contained information relating to Filegate, concerning the Monica
  Lewinsky scandal, the sale of Clinton Commerce Department trade mission
  seats in exchange for campaign contributions and Vice President Al
  Gore's involvement in campaign fundraising controversies."

  Hall also told Judicial Watch:

  "I was told by this contractor that if the contents of these e-mails
  became known, that there would be different outcomes to these scandals,
  as the e-mails were incriminating and could cause people to go to jail."

  So what does any of this have to do with Foster's death?

  The discovery of the White House's long-lost e-mails was first reported
  by Insight Magazine in December 1998. But along with this cache of
  evidence, Insight also revealed that "thousands of pages of White House
  telephone records" covering the period of January 1992 through December
  1998 had been found.

  Although Insight didn't say so, this meant that evidence may exist to
  prove the claims of two Arkansas state troopers, who say they were told
  about Foster's death before police had informed even the White House --
  perhaps even before his body was discovered.

  Troopers Roger Perry and Larry Patterson, who were assigned to the
  Arkansas governor's mansion the day Foster died, told investigators in
  1995 that White House aide Helen Dickey called to report that Foster had
  shot himself in the parking lot. Dickey's call, insist the lawmen, came
  at least an hour before police notified the White House. Both Perry and
  Patterson filed sworn affidavits to back their accounts.

  But Ms. Dickey told Foster case probers she didn't make that call till
  at least 10:30PM, more than four hours after the White House lawyer's
  body had been found. Independent Counsel Ken Starr sided with Dickey,
  mainly because he was unable to find proof of the troopers' account. His
  report on Foster's death states simply: "Complete records for such calls
  are not available."

  Congressman Dan Burton and Sen. Fred Thompson, both battle scarred
  veterans of the Clinton scandal wars, promised to investigate the
  Insight report in December 1998. But at the time Congress was distracted
  by Clinton's Monicagate impeachment -- and the potential bombshell
  evidence disappeared between the cracks.

  Now Insight reports that Burton and Thompson are once again interested
  in the treasure trove of e-mail evidence in the wake of Hall's startling
  account to Judicial Watch.

  What about those crucial phone records which could prove the White House
  knew about Foster's death perhaps even before police? Insight's managing
  editor Paul Rodriguez reported this week:

  "Unlike the e-mails, to which the White House could delay access for
  months by claiming they were insignificant or already turned over to
  investigators, the discovery of the long-distance telephone records
  cannot be obfusated....The White House always maintained it had no
  telephone records in its possession and could not obtain them from the
  telephone companies because they routinely destroy such records every 90
  days or so."

  With the discovery of the White House's secret telephone record
  depository, that alibi is no longer operative.

  When Troopers Perry and Patterson were invited to testify before the
  Senate Whitewater Committee in February 1996, they urged investigators
  to press the White House on telephone records for July 20, 1993; records
  that would prove whether it was they -- or Helen Dickey -- who told the
  truth about the timing of her Foster phone call. When senate
  investigators failed to do so the troopers declined to testify, fearing
  that in the absence of proof they would be smeared as disgruntled

  Now that such proof may be at hand, it's a whole new ballgame -- that
  is, if the Office of Independent Counsel and Congress are willing to
  re-examine this issue.

  Reached by NewsMax.com on Friday, a spokesman for Independent Counsel
  Robert Ray declined to comment on the prospect that new evidence may
  reveal a White House cover-up of Vince Foster's death. Calls to the
  office of Congressman Burton and the committee he heads were not

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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