-Caveat Lector-

FWD, FYI from the Daily Breeze, April 5, 2002

(Editorial) Should California issue driver's licenses to 2 million illegal
immigrants? Governor Gray Davis (D) apparently thinks so.

"I believe we can fashion a bill," he said last week, "that gives people who
have been here for a while and who are contributing to our economy the right
to drive to work, and does not compromise public security."

Davis has in mind a measure that would allow illegal immigrants to obtain a
driver's license if they ahve settled in California, have been issued  a
federal tax-payer identification number, and are seeking U.S. citizenship.

Davis has placed himself at odds with two-thirds of California's registered
voters, according to a Zogby poll. Not only do most white, black and
Asian-American voters oppose driver's licenses for illegal immigrants, but so
do a majority of Hispanic voters.

It is hard for us to see how imdividuals who have broken America's
immigration laws should be entitled to the state's official blessing in the fo
rm of a driver's license. Bestowing driving privileges upon those who have
illeglly migrated to California would only encorage more illegal immigration.

For a driver's license is not just a permit authorizing a person to lawfully
operate a motor vehicle. It is also an identification document enabling a
person to secure employment, transact financial business, and board an
airplane, among other things.

The governor assures that only qualified illegal immigrants would be given
the "right" to drive. But it takes next to nothing to obtain a federal
taxpayer ID number, which is why so many undocumented immigrants have them.
Anyone can claim to be seeking U.S. Citizenship.

Davis also seems to think public security would not be compromised if illegal
immigrants were limited to driving to work. But even those who favor
licensing undocumented immigrants wonder why the governor makes such a

Indeed, the issue is ot whether illegal immigrants ought to have a right to
drive to work, to school or wherever, but whether those who are in this
country illegally should be allowed to drive at all.

And on that issue, Californians of all ethnic origins agree. The privilege of
driving should be reserved for those who are legal residents.

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