-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Tuesday, October 26, 1999


North places new missiles near border

Just as the two Koreas began establishing diplomatic goodwill, the North
appears to have committed an act of indirect aggression by deploying new
ground-to-ground missiles closer to the 38th parallel.
A report published yesterday in South Korea's largest newspaper, Chosun Ilbo,
said the Rodong-1 missiles, which can travel about 1,000km, were moved to
North Hwang-hoe province, about 5km north of the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ)
separating the two nations.

However, the report is not corroborated by other sources, the Ministry of
Defence claims the allegations are false and unofficial sources who closely
monitor the North Korean military say the missiles are in fact Russian-made
weapons similar to Scud missiles.

The reporter who wrote the story, Chung Kwon-hyun, insists his source, a
high-level government official associated with the Ministry of Unification,
had immediate knowledge of the missile deployment.

Analysts suggested the Ministry of Defence may be privy to the intelligence,
but is denying the report to play down anything that could interfere with
Seoul's "sunshine policy".

They said that if the report is supported by other sources and proves to be
true, it could potentially dampen North Korea's enthusiasm for engagement.

"It is difficult to know if the Chosun Ilbo report is true, but it might be a
slight setback to the progress Seoul has made in soothing relations," said
North Korean expert Lee Jong-heon.

In the past month, President Kim Dae-jung's administration has made a series
of generous gestures to Pyongyang in line with Mr Kim's "sunshine policy".

It lifted a five-decades-old ban on North Korean Satellite TV, extended
long-term loans to South Korean enterprises doing business in the North, and
offered help to the civilian organisations trying to revitalise the
Inter-Korean Co-operation Project.

If North Korea needed more convincing, Mr Kim conceded to Pyongyang's
long-standing demand that the National Security Act be revised.

He spearheaded the ruling party's proposed revisions that remove clauses
meant to intimidate North Korean sympathisers.

Pyongyang has been under fire for failing to appreciate these acts of

Still, it did invoke a missile moratorium on September 24, pledging to keep
its missiles grounded so long as Washington engaged in direct dialogue.

Meanwhile, other analysts and the local media, which virtually ignored the
story, were hardly fazed by the report.

"North Korea is always moving around their missiles and nobody knows where
they are anyway," said a North Korean expert.

"Kim Jong-il can move those missiles in a thousand different places and they
can still hit anywhere in South Korea."

The three-stage Daepodong-1 missile, which North Korea launched over Japan
last year, has a range of at least 2,000km. Pyongyang is believed to be
developing the Daepodong-2, which is expected to travel 6,000km, the distance
from North Korea to Alaska or Hawaii.

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