-Caveat Lector-

Nostradamus tops the best sellers

God is losing ground to the doomsayers

Special report: terrorism in the US

Mark Lawson Saturday September 15, 2001 The Guardian

The events in America touch at almost every turn on technology: the
benevolent and malevolent uses of our inventions. In the central
catastrophe, one of man's proudest pieces of engineering was flown into
another. And - for every warming story of the cell-phone or email system
which allowed a call for help or reassurance to a loved one - there was
the thought that these same communications almost certainly allowed the
terrorists and their overlord to synchronise the cataclysm.

Indeed, our frequent ambiguity about scientific development may be
encapsulated in this question: is it better or worse that a person about
to die on an aeroplane is able to make a goodbye call from the sky? Now
- following events on global live television - we wait to see which of
the potential nightmares available in military technology George Bush
might call on.

And yesterday one aspect of modern technology allowed us an
extraordinary insight into the effect of these events on the American
psyche. The online bookseller amazon. com runs a best-seller list, which
is updated hourly. By yesterday evening, three of the top five titles
were about or by the celebrated doomsayer Nostradumus, with The Complete
Prophecies at number one. The other two were a history of the World
Trade Centre by an architectural writer who can never have expected the
twin towers to become history, and a volume about how to fight
terrorism. We may feel this week that this book, if it were honest,
would be short on specifics.

Amazon's ability to give an instant tally of national reading, however,
gives a new tool to cultural commentary: a sort of psychological opinion
poll. It was to be expected that, when Princess Diana died, sales of
books about her would increase but it never occurred to me that
Tuesday's war on New York would provoke a similar reaction. What, after
all, would be the subject of the books you would buy? For - unlike
earlier, much smaller rehearsals for this news story, such as the deaths
of President Kennedy and Diana - the dead were not the kind to have
biographies of them written.

But now we know from amazon that, just as they did with Diana, people
have craved, as information or souvenir, works about the central
celebrity involved: the Twin Towers. Fascinatingly, they have also in
large numbers sought to make sense of this unimaginable event in the
imagination of Nostradamus. It is a measure of the fear and derangement
now at loose quite understandably in the American mind that people can
find consolation in the idea that a 16th-century French astrologer,
writing long before aeroplanes or skyscrapers existed, somehow knew the
Manhattan holocaust was scheduled.

This widespread reading of the seer touches, though, on the more general
question of what can reassure and console at times like this. The
Americans who turn towards Nostradamus arise from an instinctively
religious society. As citizens of a largely secular culture, the British
have never comprehended the extent to which America believes itself to
be a nation blessed and directed by God but it cannot be properly
understood without this perspective.

George Bush, a born-again Christian who is reported to pray on the
telephone most days with his Bible advisers, almost certainly believes
this. For all the inflammatory rhetoric about Islam in America now,
there are without doubt those in the Bush administration who believe in
the concept of holy war from the Christian perspective. Part of the
shock to America's self-image has been a sense of divine abandonment.

The preachers in America's thousands of churches this Sunday face their
greatest intellectual challenge: explaining where God was in the skies
above the US on Tuesday. At times like this, you can see why Nostradamus
- who simply warned in universally applicable terms of disasters from
now until doom - might be an easier sell than God, who promised to care
what happened to us.

Those for whom neither God nor Nostradamus work turn for consolation to
ritual. But, however President Bush discharges his role as
commander-in-chief, there is a growing consensus that he is failing in a
crucial part of a politician's job: the crisis ceremonial. He has so far
found neither language nor body language. Improbably, after such
failures in the Diana week, Buckingham Palace has been impeccable in
this regard. Incorporating the American national anthem in the changing
of the guard was a genuinely moving touch.

Perhaps, finally, it is music which most reliably consoles. Samuel
Barber's Adagio for Strings was played yesterday in Washington Cathedral
and tonight forms part of an emergency programme at the Last Night of
the Proms. This piece has become an American equivalent of Verdi's
Requiem since Oliver Stone chose it for the soundtrack of his Vietnam
movie Platoon. Music doesn't seek to explain tragedy but simply to
express and absorb it. There will be many tears tonight as an American,
Leonard Slatkin, conducts it in the Albert Hall. Nothing can really work
as consolation in this astonishingly bleak week but I'd back the Barber
against the rhymed ravings of a French seer.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001

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