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Impeached POTUS

Hillary Still Angry at Bill

Black eyes and flying objects

HILLARY CLINTON is still furious about her husband's infidelity with
Monica Lewinsky but remains "addicted" to him, a best-selling author
said yesterday.
Gail Sheehy quoted a lawyer close to the couple who told her a fortnight
ago that she "hasn't forgiven him". A former adviser to Mr Clinton also
said: "She is in a perpetual state of suspended anger because of all
that she has absorbed."

The writer related her views in Vanity Fair, saying that Chelsea Clinton
was so hurt by her father's affair with a woman not much older than
herself that she "fought with him". The details came as Trent Lott,
leader of the Republican majority, confirmed yesterday that the Senate
trial of Mr Clinton would begin tomorrow.

At the same time, The National Enquirer tabloid claimed that hours after
Mr and Mrs Clinton appeared in public, ostensibly happy and holding
hands, after last month's House impeachment vote, they had a screaming
match in their private quarters. Mrs Clinton suddenly snapped, smacking
him so hard in the face that it left a bruise that had to be covered
with make-up.

Secret Service agents at the White House had to separate the couple,
with Mr Clinton allegedly telling one of them: "Keep that bitch away
from me!" Mrs Clinton was quoted as telling a friend: "I worked so hard
all my life to get us where we are, and that idiot husband of mine has
ruined it for us."

Just how accurate the account is cannot be ascertained. However,
tabloids are taking care to get their facts rights after a rush of
lawsuits. They are also paying out huge sums to sources for information.

While the President is noted for his bad temper, Mrs Clinton is usually
renowned for her coolness in a crisis, apart from the time an agent saw
her hurling a vase at her husband early on in the presidency. Friction
between the couple was obvious in their recent visit to Israel where Mrs
Clinton was filmed by NBC TV pulling away from her husband when he tried
to take her arm.

New pressure is coming from the Star magazine which is investigating a
claim by an Arkansas prostitute that Mr Clinton is the father of her
13-year-old son. It is also investigating alleged tuition payments to a
private school in Arkansas where the boy is being educated. Five years
ago, his aunt, Lucille, said Mr Clinton's aides had sent her "packing"
after she tried to persuade him to help with the child's upkeep.

Joe Lockhart, the President's press secretary, was asked by a reporter
at a White House briefing about the story, saying that a picture of the
child looked exactly like the president. The official said: "That's
good. And I'm an alien space baby." The Clintons have always tried to
sink tabloid stories with ridicule.

However, Miss Sheehy reported that in the 1992 presidential campaign,
when she spent several days as the only reporter with Mrs Clinton, there
was huge alarm when the Star disclosed taped conversations between her
husband and a former mistress, Gennifer Flowers. Mrs Clinton directed a

She demanded a phone for a conference call from Rapid City, North
Dakota, asking aides, including George Stephanopoulos in Little Rock,
Arkansas: "Who's getting information on the Star? Who's tracking down
all the research on Gennifer?" In an aside to Miss Sheehy, Mrs Clinton
talked of "crucifying" Miss Flowers.

The London Telegraph, Jan. 6, 1999

Chinese Military

China Completes Military Structures on Mischief Reef

"shelters for fishermen"

MANILA, Jan. 05, 1999 -- (Agence France Presse) China has completed what
appears to be military structures on Mischief Reef, a disputed formation
in the South China Sea's Spratlys chain, the Philippine military chief
said Tuesday.
"The structures have been completed," General Joselin Nazareno said in a
news conference, citing reconnaissance flights by the air force.
"There's a concrete building but the use of the building is not yet

However, Nazareno said the structures are similar to what the Chinese
have erected on Fiery Cross, a Spratlys reef garrisoned by Beijing's

The Spratlys is a chain of shoals and coral reefs believed to sit atop
vast oil deposits in the South China Sea. It is claimed in whole or in
part by Brunei, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam.

China has insisted the Mischief Reef facilities are shelters for
fishermen and would serve no military purpose.

U.S. Republican Congressman Dana Rorabacher, a senior member of the
Congress committee on international relations, and his security experts
who made a flying visit over the reef last month said the structures
appeared to be more than just fishermen's shelters.

Manila lodged a diplomatic protest after discovering last year that the
Chinese were expanding the Mischief Reef structures, but admitted that
Philippine troops were powerless to stop China.

The Philippines had earlier protested in 1995 when it first discovered
the Chinese occupation and construction of octagonal stilt-perched
structures on the reef, which lies within the country's 200-mile
exclusive economic zone.

President Joseph Estrada and President Jiang Zemin agreed during a
meeting on the sidelines of an Asia-Pacific leaders' summit in Kuala
Lumpur last November to solve their dispute peacefully and discussed the
idea of joint use of the facilities pending the question of sovereignty.

The Philippines said Monday that it would invite Chinese Foreign
Ministry officials for a meeting this month on the use of Mischief Reef

Foreign Undersecretary Lauro Baja said Manila would send a formal
invitation to an "experts meeting" in Manila to discuss
"confidence-building measures" between the two countries.

Agence France Presse, Jan. 5, 1999

Single Currency

Assets Shifted to Euro

Sakakibara: the dollar is "bubble-like"

CURRENCY strategists said yesterday that a big reallocation of assets
was under way internationally as the euro gained ground for the second
day in a row.
The euro's sparky performance since its debut at the beginning of the
week was attributed in part to increasing nervousness over the outlook
for the dollar. The US currency fell to a 19-month low of 110.7 against
the yen in Far Eastern markets overnight after the Japanese finance
minister for international affairs, Eisuke Sakakibara, described the
dollar as "bubble-like". Mr Sakakibara, known as 'Mr Yen' for his
ability to move markets, also unnerved dollar investors by signalling
his satisfaction with the rising value of the yen.

Economists at Warburg Dillon Reed believe that the dollar will weaken to
around 100 yen as the American economy slows, the current account
deficit widens and Japan's crisis-hit banks start to sell off foreign
assets and repatriate funds.

The European Central Bank pumped 75 billion euros into banks across the
euro area in the first financing operation of its kind. It said the
money was intended to keep markets liquid and avoid problems during the
difficult first few days of the new currency.

The ECB was also rumoured to have used its financial muscle to prevent
the euro rising too fast. But currency experts said intervention on the
exchanges was unlikely as it would send the wrong signal to investors.

The euro notched up further gains in terms of sterling, closing at
£0.7119 from £0.7109. It has appreciated by 1pc since its launch.

European stock markets gave up some of the big gains made on Monday, but
investor enthusiasm for European bonds was undimmed. There was hefty
demand for German bonds before today's launch of the first issue of
German government "euro" bonds.

The European Central Bank, which holds its inaugural meeting in
Frankfurt tomorrow, has been at pains to dampen expectations of an
immediate cut in the 3pc euro rate of interest. The deteriorating
outlook for European growth highlighted in a report yesterday from one
of Germany's leading economic institutes could nevertheless force a rate
cut before long.

The Berlin-based DIW institute has cut its growth forecast for the
German economy this year from 2.1pc to 1.4pc. It warned yesterday that
unemployment would remain stuck at over four million. It also predicted
a slowdown in growth in the euro area as a whole to 1.9pc in 1999 from
2.8pc last year.

The London Telegraph, Jan. 6, 1999
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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