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As always, . . .
The Bill Is in the Mail


1. The master computer in Brussels has finished composition of MASTER FILE
666, with the names of those selected as Global Elites. These families and
individuals of unique genetic status have been or will be notified at the
appropriate time and according to need, as deemed appropriate by the
Committee of the Grand Supreme Lodge. The following plan is now approved by
the Committee.

2. The worldwide distribution of "smart cards" has begun. A preliminary
version will contain a computer chip with minimum essential codified
information. These will be offered to the non-Elites. Elites will be granted
a Platinum version with much greater versitility, so that national currencies
may be phased out and eliminated.

3. Active Patriots, Christians, and all proponents of bigoted nationalism are
now to be placed under the new program: Operation Billing Confusion (OBC)
which is to be instituted immediately. Degrees of latitude for your ingenuity
is encouraged. For example: When a nonselectee company or individual is paid
up, additional bills will be sent for varying amounts. Threats will be made
that nonselectees will be placed on a bad credit list if payment is not made.
Billings for goods and services not ordered will be advantageous. This ploy
will provide ample deniability and sufficient reason to deny the granting of
so-called SMART CARDS.

4. The initial quiet acquisition of those citizens mainly of the white North
American and European countries, who are already known through Postal
detection of the distribution and mailings of anti-globalist diatribes, will
be accomplished at a predetermined date which is impending very soon. These
will be taken via closed vans, buses, or other vehicular conveyance to the
central zone and immediately sanctioned. Intravenous lethal injection is
permissible but it is considered prohibitively expensive. Projectile
penetration is cumbersome and also quite detectable because of noise generatio
n. The preferred method will be via the mass application of nerve agents and
biologicals, as soon as all required facilities are made ready.

5. The above selective procedures cited in #4 will be amply augmented through
the nonselective methods now being considered. Negotiations are now underway
with those national regimes which are presently NBC Warfare capable . The
primary issue that remains is the means of rapid and secure notification of
Elites, so that survival enhancement may be rendered sufficiently effective.
Housing in the preprepared underground facilities will be mandatory for those
computer designates considered critical to the future Globalist World State.
The coming depopulation measures will be a combination of intrinsic and
extrinsic insertions.

Employment of anthrax, botulin, sarin, and VX will be initially limited to
the desert regions, although some selective use of VX and anthrax will be
theoretically useful in certain UN Biospheres where rewilding does not
require live fauna for several years. There are some areas in which human and
animal depopulation may be appropriate, followed by total combustion through
the selective employment of fuel-air techniques. Regrowth and replacement of
desired fauna may then be accomplished through already designated criteria.
6. Weather alteration and seismic-vulcanism are soon to be initiated in areas
in which there are already critical tectonic imbalances. Insertions of deep
devices has been accomplished as of mid-July. Serial detonations with
computed enhancement of shearing effects, will be utilized to the furthest
extent possible.

7. As a part of the FEMA Organized Rescue of Communal Entities (FORCE)
program, United Nations Global Guard paratroops will be inserted in most

"Mopping up" of deselected groups will then be accomplished through sanction
and mass burials of living and dead individuals by the most efficient methods
available, with careful attention to disease prevention. Body Bags are now
prepositioned for sanitary transport of the dead where burial facilities are
not yet available. Bulldozer equipment will be selectively available in some
areas to enable the rapid excavation and filling of mass graves. These areas
must not interfere with the habitations of the designee-elites in the
underground facilities.
8. Each of the hundreds of underground cities are designed for relatively
luxurious living of approximately 100,000 Elite selectees and government
personnel for a period of two to four years. Much depends upon surface
conditions and the presence of erratic and localized insurrectional
activities, all of which must be virtually in complete suppression prior to
the Grand Emergence of the Global Hegemony (GEGH).


Your Government at Work

Carnivore Initial Implementation Specification

by Louis B. Freeh

1. Compatible digital mobility

To begin with, the interdependent functional principle is extensively
compounded, when taking into account the structural design, based on system
engineering principles. In this regard, the product configuration baseline
effects a significant implementation of the preliminary qualification limit.
In respect to specific goals, the fully integrated test programme
necessitates that urgent consideration be applied to the philosophy of
commonality and standardisation. For example, a large portion of the
interface coordination communication recognises the importance of other
systems and the necessity for the total system rationale. Similarly, any
associated base element requires considerable system analysis and tradeoff
studies to arrive at the discrete configuration mode. Based on integral
sub-system considerations, a primary interrelationship between system and/or
subsystem technologies presents extremely interesting challenges to the
anticipated fifth generation equipment. In particular, initiation of critical
subsystem development must utilise and be functionally interwoven with the
evolution of specification over a given time period. As our founder Hoover
noted, the incorporation of additional mission constraints adds explicit
performance limits to the subsystem compatibility testing. Thus, the
characterisation of specific criteria adds overriding performance constraints
to the structural design, based on system engineering principles. On the
other hand, the interdependent functional principle is further compounded,
when taking into account the sophisticated hardware.

2. Responsive transitional capability

In this regard, a large portion of the interface coordination communication
necessitates that urgent consideration be applied to the fulfillment of the
system requirement specification. For example, the product configuration
baseline recognises the importance of other systems and the necessity for the
philosophy of commonality and standardisation. However, any associated base
element effects a significant implementation of the discrete configuration
mode. Similarly, a constant flow of effective information requires
considerable system analysis and tradeoff studies to arrive at the
preliminary qualification limit. In particular, a primary interrelationship
between system and/or subsystem technologies must utilise and be functionally
interwoven with the evolution of specification over a given time period.
Based on integral sub-system considerations, the fully integrated test
programme adds explicit performance limits to the total system rationale.
Thus, the interdependent functional principle presents extremely interesting
challenges to the subsystem compatibility testing. In respect to specific
goals, the incorporation of additional mission constraints is further
compounded, when taking into account the sophisticated hardware. As a
resultant implication, the characterisation of specific criteria maximises
the probability of project success and minimises the cost and time required
for the fulfillment of the system requirement specification. For example, a
large portion of the interface coordination communication adds overriding
performance constraints to the structural design, based on system engineering
principles. However, any associated base element recognises the importance of
other systems and the necessity for the anticipated fifth generation
3. Systematised management options

Similarly, initiation of critical subsystem development requires considerable
system analysis and tradeoff studies to arrive at the preliminary
qualification limit. In particular, the product configuration baseline
effects a significant implementation of the philosophy of commonality and
standardisation. On the other hand, a primary interrelationship between
system and/or subsystem technologies adds explicit performance limits to the
total system rationale. In this regard, a constant flow of effective
information is further compounded, when taking into account the evolution of
specification over a given time period. In respect to specific goals, the
fully integrated test programme must utilise and be functionally interwoven
with the sophisticated hardware. Based on integral sub-system considerations,
the interdependent functional principle presents extremely interesting
challenges to the discrete configuration mode. Thus, a large portion of the
interface coordination communication adds overriding performance constraints
to the fulfillment of the system requirement specification. However, any
associated base element necessitates that urgent consideration be applied to
the structural design, based on system engineering principles.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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