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Free Government Stuff

Sell Your Vote Here!

But not for a penny less than the market will bear.

According to detective novels and TV shows, criminals are those who perform
illegal actions clandestinely. But some real-world scofflaws get more mileage
out of the adage, "If you've got it, flaunt it."

Recently, the Austrian owner of Voteauction.com flaunted it.

Boasting of the more than 6,000 Americans who have signed up to auction off
their presidential votes to the highest bidder -- illegal activity under the
laws of every state in the union -- Voteauction is now detailing its plans to
begin an outreach campaign.

Using its "Voter Empowerment Kits" and "Action Teams," the company claims in
a press release that it can reach more potential customers and facilitate
voter fraud without the intervention of an online middleman.

Such activity leaves Deborah Phillips of the Voting Integrity Project

Phillips has been observing the ups and downs of the blatantly felonious site
since August, when Wired News first reported on this curious conglomeration
of satire, lawlessness and voracious capitalism.

"Why isn't the Justice Department getting involved?" she said. "Why hasn't
there been any comment from the White House? Why hasn't Congress held any

Federal Election Commission member Brad Smith noted that federal and state
officials may be hesitating for three reasons.

First, the site probably hasn't garnered enough media attention yet to
mobilize all the forces who should be opposing Voteauction.

Second, since the site traffics in a novel form of overseas-instigated vote
fraud, it's also undoubtedly unclear just who those forces are -- whether
they be the Department of Justice, Department of State, municipal or
statewide boards of election, state attorneys general or other offices tasked
specifically to monitor the Internet. (Voteauction, he guessed, would
probably not be handled by the FEC.)

Finally, he said, it's still unclear just how widespread a threat a site like
Voteauction represents.
"I suspect that if this began to appear to be a problem on a large enough
scale, though, you'd see action, and it'd come quickly," Smith said.

According to Hans Bernhard, the Austrian businessman who bought Voteauction
from James Baumgartner, a New York graduate student who developed the site,
American reaction against his investment has already begun.

In addition to the hate emails he receives for running an offshore enterprise
that facilitates American felonies, Berhard reports that the site has also
been the recipient of numerous hacks and electronic attacks.

"We do understand that there is a certain interest on the part of certain
services of the U.S. government who most probably are interested in this
data," Bernhard said of Voteauction's list of vote sellers and buyers. "Our
job is to protect this data. We don't want this data to be public."

According to James Baumgartner, the MFA student who first conceived of the
site as a commentary on wholesale corruption in American politics, a few
facts can be divulged about the $75,000 in bids so far and the 6,000 par

Vote-sellers on the whole tend to be in their twenties, male and with at
least some college education -- including a lot of college students, he said.
Vote buyers, on the other hand, tend to be in their forties, affluent and

Almost all of the bids for votes -- broken down by state -- have come from
individuals seeking to increase the number of votes for their favorite
candidates. Only three companies, in the "$200 million sales range,"
Baumgartner said, have yet placed any bids for Voteauction votes.

The profile of both sides of the Internet auction does jibe with the history
of vote-buying in America, said Larry J. Sabato, a University of Virginia
political scientist and author of the 1996 book Dirty Little Secrets: The
Persistence of Corruption in American Politics.

Especially telling is the fact that the payoff-per-vote, as tallied on the
site, is settling into the $10-$20 range -- the amount of cash an individual
vote tends to command in other, non-Internet-based schemes.

"It always seems to be about $20," Sabato said. "That must be the going rate.
And when you think about it, it makes sense. Because 10 bucks is not what it
used to be. With 20 bucks you can get a pretty good meal, if you know where
to go. And I think that's how some people conceive of it. Their vote may be
worth a meal. It's sad, but that may be true."

Sabato and co-author Glenn R. Simpson of The Wall Street Journal write in
Secrets: "Contrary to the belief of some that voter fraud is a thing of the
past existing today only in isolated packets, if at all, the evidence ...
strongly suggests a persistent pattern of criminal fraud that is well
organized and a continuing part of the political culture in some areas.

"The fact that fraud is generally not recognized as a serious problem by
press, public and law enforcement creates the perfect environment for it to

The Voteauction experience certainly leaves little room to doubt that. As
Baumgartner observed, Voteauction "Action Teams" now plan to spread their
message -- along with the "Empowerment Kits" containing vote-selling bumper
stickers, flyers and handbills -- at such prominent venues as the Oct. 3
presidential debate at the University of Massachusetts in Boston.

The Voting Integrity Project's Phillips sees such over-the-top expressions as
commentary in itself. Noting that it appeals to a younger, more cynical
generation, she does wonder about the mixed message the "Action Teams"

"They see chaos as a legitimate political expression," she said. "If that is
indeed what this game is all about, then it's a different animal. Then they
may be doing America a tremendous favor -- if they succeed in awakening the
country to making the changes in election law that need to be made. But it
could also go in just the opposite direction."

For one, she said, Voteauction's logistics leave her highly suspicious.

"You've got a Bulgarian ISP," she said. "Now Bulgaria is not necessarily the
friendliest nation to the U.S. Then you've got an Austrian businessman, and
there are extreme right-wing elements there. To me, it's an unusual

Sabato, who himself exposed many modern-day examples of vote fraud in
Secrets, found the case of Voteauction alternately dispiriting and comical --
if only in a dark and bitter way.
"That's really incredible," he said, stifling a laugh. "I'm glad it's only
6,000 people. Of course, it's not very well known. Once it becomes better
known, I wouldn't be surprised to see that number grow substantially.

"It is an accurate commentary to some degree on the current shape of American
politics. Everybody's making money except for the voters. So this way the
voters make money too," he said. "But (vote-sellers) have forgotten the
literally millions of people in our history who have given their lives to
preserve the vote. They've forgotten the civil rights marchers who gave their
lives to get the vote, all the women's suffrage workers who gave large
portions of their lives to get the vote for women. It's sad in my book."

Although Phillips said some editors and journalists around the country have
neglected to cover the Voteauction story so far because they fear it's a
prank or a particularly dastardly piece of "guerrilla marketing," it is
indeed for real.

"It's another aspect of the Internet that was completely unpredicted and
still is," Sabato said. "I just don't think hardly anybody out there knows
this is there or would believe that it's there. And that's what the Internet
can do.

"There are light forces and dark forces produced by the Internet -- this
great new technology that has such potential for good and for ill. Well,
here's an example of ill."
Wired News, September 22, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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