-Caveat Lector-

----Original Message Follows----
From: Amelia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [CTRL] Fw: OKLAHOMA CITY "BOMBING"Nexus Magazine
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 15:50:41 -0500

-Caveat Lector-

I have noticed that of late the media and various pundits and
politicos express some concern over what lowly, WE, 'spirator
theorists, will say concerning an event such as this and the
execution of MeVeigh. I have never noticed them doing this
before. Why do they care what we say? Maybe the Internet has
made us relevant, I don't know.

The Waco disaster was launched out of this building. one of
the reasons it was targeted. The records for Gulf War
Syndrome were archived in this building, including just who
made those strange vaccines and what may have potentially been
in them. Afterwards, Clinton was able to get the $4 Billion
total Anti-Terrorists Act passed in TWO days. It also served
to put the brakes on any militia activity, real or alleged,
even though McVeigh was a product of the U.S. Military with
far less militia connection than regular military. No militia
was ever directly tied to the explosion so this was pretty
much a fabrication. So cui bono, indeed!

Here is yet another theory on what caused the actual explosion
which resulted in columns at the rear being more damaged than
those nearer the truck and other inconsistencies with the
'fertilizer bomb' explanation. Looks to me like the
explanation of a single truck bomb is a form of fertilizer in
and of itself.


and the premier experts on explosives all had the day off in OKC that day...namely the BATF...


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