-Caveat Lector-


The Bush DUI Story Was Brought to the Democratic National

It Comes Down to "Who's Telling the Truth - Bush or Gore?"

By: Mary Mostert, Analyst, Original Sources

November 3, 2000

Yesterday, faxes mysteriously appeared on the desks of reporters
telling them about a DUI arrest back on September 4, 1976 of
George W. Bush. A little bit of sleuthing soon revealed, as the
Washington Post put it, that a "lawyer who was delegate to the
Democratic National Convention, had a copy of the docket" at the

Peddling it, perchance? Fox News broke the story nationally and
it promptly became the major topic of discussion on talk shows.
Endless discussion followed. Will the revelation derail the Bush
juggernaut? Not likely.

In the first place, having too many beers and driving too slowly
hardly compares with the lying to a grand jury as Bill Clinton
did, smoking pot, an illegal substance, as Al Gore did during the
same period or leaving a body in your car at the bottom of a pond
on Chappaquidick Island, as Senator Ted Kennedy did in 1969.

And, secondly, this story is so obviously timed for political
damage that it's apt to make some voters mad at the Democrats,
not George W., who, after all, had said much earlier in the
campaign that he had drinking problems and that he quit drinking
14 years ago when he turned 40.

If, as I keep saying, this election is all about trust, what
impact will the Bush DUI have on the electorate? Does that story
mean we can't trust George Bush?

Well, George W. Bush has told us the truth all along. He SAID he
had problems with drinking. And, Calvin Bridges the arresting
officer 24 years ago, said in a telephone interview that he
recalled "driving home from work after midnight and spotting a
car slipping briefly onto the shoulder before getting back on the

The driver was George W. Bush and he failed a road sobriety test.
He registered 0.10 blood-alcohol level -- the legal limit at the
time, Bridges said. He also talked about Bush's attitude saying,
"The man was, and I say this without being facetious, a picture
of integrity. He gave no resistance. He was very cooperative."

Bridges said Bush spent about 90 minutes in custody. He said he
was contacted Thursday night by two Bush aides, including
spokesman Dan Bartlett, and asked if he would accept a telephone
call from a reporter.

On the other hand Gore campaign spokesman Chris Lehane said
yesterday, "This is just not something the Gore campaign is
involved with in any shape, way or form. It's not something we
would engage in."

When the story first broke it was claimed that "two Portland,
Maine, television stations said their reporters came across the
incident while covering an unrelated arson case yesterday and
overheard hallway conversations about the arrest. Reporters for
the stations, WPXT-TV and WCSH-TV, pursued the story and found
several documents confirming the Sept. 4, 1976, arrest, as well
as the name of the arresting officer."

Just 5 days before the election? Is that story true? Apparently
not. It turns out that a Democrat lawyer from Maine brought the
story to the Democratic Convention in Los Angeles. The Gore
campaign obviously had had the story at least a couple of months.

In fact, it turns out that the story came out of the Democratic
National Convention which appears to have been released five days
before the election.

Does the Gore campaign really think the American people are so
stupid that they will conclude they can't trust George W. because
24 years ago he had too many beers one night? Are we all supposed
to forget, as Newsweek reporter Bill Turque wrote, that Al Gore
and John Warnecke "would gather to talk politics late into the
night, fueled by Grateful Dead albums and the high-grade
marijuana that Warnecke imported from the West Coast. 'We'd get
stoned and talk about what we'd do if we were president.'"

"Warnecke and two other close friends from Gore's Nashville days
say Gore was an enthusiastic recreational user, smoking sometimes
as often as three or four times a week: afterhours at Warnecke's
house, on weekends at the Gore farm or canoeing on the Caney Fork
River. Andy Schlesinger, a former Tennessean reporter says that
in the first few months after Gore returned from South Vietnam in
1971, he smoked with him 'at least a dozen times' at the
Warneckes'. The partying continued, according to Warnecke and a
Gore friend who declined to be named, until Gore ran his first
House race in 1976."

"He continued: 'Al Gore stoned was a mix of expansiveness,
melancholy and paranoia, friends recall. 'These were low times,'
Schlesinger says."

Somehow, with all the scandals that have rocked the White House
in the last 7 years, I can't see the "too many beers" story
changing many votes. I also doubt that the "too many joints"
story about Al Gore will change many votes for Al Gore.

What is going to change votes is the voters' conclusions about
who's telling them the truth and those who are undecided may very
well swing to George W. Bush because he not only admitted the
story was true but added, "I'm not proud of it."

All while the Gore campaign is acting like it "doesn't know a
thing" about it.

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             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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