-Caveat Lector-

                     DOESN'T CUT IT
             By STEVE DUNLEAVY

             DETECTIVE Anthony Senft was suddenly
             back amid the blood, bravery, gore and hatred
             of Dec. 31, 1982 - what a New Year's Eve that

             "Rocco looked like he had been attacked by a
             shark," Tony was saying.

             "He was propped up on one elbow and was
             trying to warn us about a bomb in a Kentucky
             Fried Chicken box. He was telling us to look
             for it. We were looking for his left leg which
             had been blown off.

             "He was so very brave."

             Tony was talking about Detective Rocco
             Pascarella, who was blown up on that New
             Year's Eve by an FALN terrorist bomb near
             Police Headquarters.

             Rocco told me he didn't remember a thing
             about it, but he doesn't have much trouble
             recalling that his left leg, left eye and left ear are

             "Bitter? Well, not really. I know it sounds
             corny but you've got to realize as a cop, it goes
             with the territory," he was saying.

             But Rocco, like any sane thinking human being,
             is damned angry about Bill Clinton talking of
             giving the FALN terrorists amnesty, so long as
             they "renounce" violence.

             "And all they have to say is 'I'm sorry.' Sorry
             for terrorists anywhere in the world just doesn't
             work," Rocco said.

             Rocco got his introduction to pain, tragedy and
             lifelong disability at about 9:50 p.m. that night
             when people were preparing to pop

             Det. Tony Senft and his partner, Richie
             Pastorella of the bomb squad, were horrified to
             watch as Rocco was rushed away to the
             hospital as blood made like Niagara.

             Det. Pastorella made sure he stayed on
             Rocco's left-hand side so Rocco could not see
             that his left leg was gone.

             "I knew he was in bad shape, but I was worried
             that maybe shock would make the whole thing
             worse," Det. Pastorella told me.

             But Tony and Richie, with their bomb-squad
             dog, High Hat, would get an even closer look
             of the FALN who hid in a castle of cowards.

             "We got a call to nearby St. Andrew's Square -
             two suspicious devices in brown bags," Det.
             Senft said.

             The faithful bomb-squad dog, High Hat, made
             the bombs. He was tied up out of harm's way.

             Richie remembers the moment when they knew
             that time and a bomb was working against

             "There were a lot of Chinese people from
             Chinatown, literally only 20-25 feet from where
             the bombs were. I am now seeing the
             possibility of a lot of dead and a lot of
             injuries," Richie recalled.

             "We were not wearing uniforms, of course, and
             we are trying to clear the area. We yell out:
             'Police! Police!' As soon as they heard the
             word police, they froze, and we wanted them
             to run away. We literally had to carry them

             "I start to suit up to put on my bomb-squad
             suit, which weighed 100 pounds. Tony says,
             what are you doing? I tell him, I'm about to
             earn my money [to defuse the bombs].

             "Tony says, you are not going alone. And I
             say, this is one mile we'll walk together."

             Det. Senft recalled: "Eyewitnesses said later I
             was thrown 18 feet in the air and Richie was
             thrown back 25 feet."

             Tony lost his right eye, had his ear drums
             blown out and a blood clot threatens his lungs

             Richie may have gotten it a bit worse. He is
             blind in both eyes. All the fingers of his right
             hand were blown off. He has had 13 major
             operations and 20 titanium screws hold his face

             And now there is talk about amnesty for these

             "I was literally on fire and the uniform cops
             physically rolled their bodies over on me to
             douse the fire," Det. Pastorella told me.

             If Bill Clinton is talking about amnesty to garner
             the Puerto Rican vote for his wife, Hillary, in
             the Senate race, then he doesn't know too
             much about the Puerto Rican community who
             come to this city, this state, to work hard to
             make a better life.

             Det. Senft was saying: "My beautiful
             daughter-in-law is Puerto Rican. My grandchild
             is half Puerto Rican. This has nothing to do
             with Puerto Ricans. It has to do with terrorists
             of any nationality."

             And Bill Clinton will be getting a message
             tomorrow as the combined outrage of 270,000
             members of the National Association of Police
             Organizations launches a very committed
             campaign to tell him his brains are where his
             boots are, or maybe somewhere else.

             Thomas J. Scotto, president of the Detectives
             Endowment Association of New York City and
             an executive officer of NAPO, has started the
             ball rolling with this letter.

             "With all the tragedies the world has recently
             endured - from the destruction of the World
             Trade Center in New York City ... to the
             bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building in
             Oklahoma City ... to the horrific carnage
             resulting from the leveling of the American
             Embassy in Narobi, Kenya - it is absolutely
             unbelievable that the White House would be
             granting pardons to any FALN terrorists,"
             Scotto wrote to the nitwit Clinton.

             "Granting pardons or amnesty to convicted
             terrorists broadcasts the perverse message that
             constructing bombs and killing and maiming
             innocent people is acceptable in our society.
             What is the difference if the bomber is a white
             supremacist like Timothy McVeigh or a loner in
             the woods like the Unabomber?"

             Det. Scotto has a way with words, but his
             actions are going to speak louder.

             It appears that Clinton's fractured mentality is a
             flip side of that memorable line from the movie
             "Love Story."

             "Love means never having to say you're sorry."

             So I see it all now. Being a terrorist only means
             you have to say you're sorry and you'll be free
             as a bird. But it won't get a single vote from the
             law-abiding Puerto Rican community.

             And while we're at it, why don't Hillary and Bill
             invite Osama bin Laden to Camp David for the
             weekend as he says: "I'm sorry, Bill"?

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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