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Title: One Ten West BC & Alberta Independence
-Caveat Lector-

One Ten Logo: The West Wants Out?

OTW logoThe Country is run for the sole benefit of Central and Eastern Canada

a young Albertan speaks out


by Carla Metz

Reproduced with permission of the author. Any publication or distribution of this article cannot occur without the author's express consent.

I haven't been exposed to much of this seperation talk but after reading your article in the Calgary Herald I whole-heartedly agree that British Columbia, Alberta and even perhaps, Saskatchewan and Manitoba should seperate from Eastern Canada. The only negative aspects that first plagued me was the risk of not being Canadians any longer or losing our flag or national anthem. I am a very proud Canadian but would be even prouder if we could provide ourselves with a beneficial new country.

Perhaps, we could bluntly name our country Western Canada and keep our flag.I am not sure if that is possible, but it is what would probably satisfy most present citizens. Thank you for being so determined to achieve our rights. I strongly support your organization.

Carla Metz

PS. I have written a position paper on this topic for my Social 10 class.Your article in the Calgary Herald strongly helped me out. So thank you for the time and effort you put in to not only inform the public but to aid in a student's education.

"Western Canada would be better off if they formed their own country..."

The separation of the Western provinces to the rest of Canada is an important issue that needs a lot of research, understanding and commitment. For the past 25 years Canada's government has focused on benefiting central and Eastern Canada and Western provinces have struggled to increase their involvement. Periodic elections have been in progress and despite the majority votes, Western Canada cannot seem to get enough votes for their select choice in political leaders. With the amount of population in the remainder of our fine country, Western Canada always manages to luck out with a leader like Jean Chretien, that will always support them second to none.

Many members of the public may argue that Canada has always been voted the best country in the world in which to live, but how is this true when many citizens find themselves barely making a difference in their quality of life and the government in which they are ruled under? It is an understatement when someone proclaims that all Canadians are lucky to be living in such a great country. Sure, most citizens are profoundly content but there are the few provinces, "out of eyesight" that need a little more attention to prove this theory true! If little or no action is made to satisfy all citizens in the country, then Western Canadian provinces should debate over separating from the rest of the country!

It first began during the Progression Movement in the 1920's. Canada West was founded by English-speaking Canadians and the French-speaking Canadians founded Canada East. Effective administration and the construction of cross railways were needed, so a unified government was secured. Before Confederation was existent to Canada, Canada West's government was unstable and insecure. Not until the British North American Act (BNA Act) in 1867 were these two portions of our country, a unified Dominion of Canada. Canada West relied on Canada East to become stable and the country was at ease, supporting the entire country through hardships such as the Great Depression in the 1930's, WWII and the Cold War. In 1975, 25 years ago, differences made Canada East and West compete over issues such as the economy. And to this day, Canada West has been known to be left in the dust.

Stockwell Day has informed the citizens of Canada, that he is the only leader who can possibly unite the Western provinces of Canada with the rest of the nation. He has admitted that the alienation between the east and west of our country is the worst it has been in 25 years. Stockwell Day has attempted to run for prime minister and has not succeeded and as long as the Eastern people of Canada are voting for our parliament, Jean Chretien will probably reign for longer than some may please. With him in running, little change will resolve from this diplomatic dispute. Proof of such behavior has occurred during the election campaign on November 27th of 2000. He refused to visit Calgary, Alberta and admitted that he did not enjoy dealing with Albertans. This shows little appreciation for all provinces and people in his country, and this kind of behavior should not be tolerated. It is not tolerable if Jean Chretien is to run our country, make our decisions but refuse to visit, listen to, or even dislike his own people. It does, however, show that the reasons for this type of attitude is most likely due to the fact that Alberta is from the 'West' side of Canada.

British Columbia, Alberta and perhaps Manitoba and Saskatchewan could resolve and improve this situation for themselves by separating from their disappointing country and prepare a more efficient life for all. Such beneficial conditions for those in the separation process would include the writing of a new constitution: a foundation of values similar to the constitutional right of referendum, initiative and recall. English would become the official language in Western Canada, without the pressure and conflict of bilingualism and biculturalism in the new nation. English would be the only language requirement for success in the military services or civil services of Western Canada and there would be a bright future for every individual to have equal rights. Another change would be the improvement in Indian Land Claims. Currently, this is oppressing impossible problems. Western Canadian government can establish that the land belongs to every individual person and the rights of these people will be recognized. This is clearly better compared to the current method of all the peoples' homelands being owned through special rights. With this new form of independence, it would improve everyone's lives and increase enjoyment of life for all.

Another subject of improving the economy is through the exports to other nations and depleting Western Canada's debt. The plan for the minimal debt in the country is through the huge returns we would receive through our wheat, timber, minerals, coal, petroleum, fishery, and other manufacturing. These international exports would create a manageable amount of payment towards decreasing the national debt.

Depending on what provinces were to separate from Canada, resources would be remarkably high. If British Columbia and Alberta only separated, we could still be capable of exporting all of our goods. Canada relies on our provinces only for the salvation of resources. Why allow them to use us for our valuable goods? We could form our own country and use them to benefit us. If they did not have our natural resources and production goods, they would struggle without our aid and realize how important we were to the country of Canada.

The Supreme Court of Canada has decided that a province CAN separate. CBC Network has indicated that geography of Canada makes our country so great. But as Douglas Christie of the Western Canada Concept Party describes, "Geography is a physical reality and Canada is a political construction totally unrelated to geography." Many can agree and understand the concept of how geography cannot affect the decisions that sometimes may need to be taken. In this case, it's the separation from Canada. No Western Canadians are going to change their ideas after a proclamation about the shape and size of a piece of land. These kind of facts cannot solve any problems and turn around the thoughts of many to remain a province in our country.

Many may feel that Western Canada would fail if independent, but there are many reasons why Western Canada is beautiful in many ways and could succeed! Seven million English speaking people live in Western Canada which describes why English as a main language is reliable. A land mass the size of Europe is a comfortable size for prosperous living and simpler governing and the abundant resources and land available for retail is amazing. What is the use of hanging around to let the rest of Canada take advantage of our goods?

If equal respect is not displayed from the government than the government leaders are not suitable for running the country. When running for an election you are committing to a country and not a select portion of it. And with the Eastern majority of Canada always voting for the leaders who favor them, equality will never be reached. With the new presented idea of Western separation, more civilians will realize what is in store for us if we create our own future without relying on the unfair decisions of the Canadian government. More than enough evidence of guaranteed, healthier living is prepared for the building of a new nation. The building and creation of this nation is ideal; ideal for all Westerners of the country, and unless the Eastern civilization and Canadian government does not improve conditions for 'everyone!' and create equal rights, and display equal gratitude to all provinces then we will be prepared to separate. We could and we will create a new nation, peacefully, democratically and rationally!

By Carla Metz
January 4, 2001

Ms. Metz is an Albertan high school student.

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