-Caveat Lector-

>From TheNewAustralian

> Return to The New Australian
> It couldn't happen here, could it?
> By *Larry Elgin
> No. 135,   27 Sept. - 4 Oct. 1999
> Not too long ago, on 28 July, 1999, an interagency Panamanian police force
> seized a cache of heavy weapons at a waterfront home located just minutes in
> driving time from the Canal on the Atlantic side. The haul included 30 assault
> rifles, including G-3’s, M-16’s and FAL’s, a couple of rocket launchers, a 7.62
> caliber machine gun (PKM) with 106 boxes of ammo containing 700 rounds each, a
> submachine gun, a couple of Chinese grenade launchers, with grenades, and some
> flares and scopes. The home was the property of a Panamanian originally from
> Italy. A combination of Panamanian police groups had had their eye on it. The
> brother of the owner is a high officer in a wharf group that operates the Colon
> Port terminal which not too long ago was cited by Panamanian legislator Miguel
> Bush as a conduit for arms traffic. Presumably, the account in El Panama America
> by Enrique Watts Rios said, the arms came into Panama from Colombia, declining
> to reveal more about the police sources of this particular information.
> This is a confluence of events that could alarm an American observer if he were
> to take seriously the warning constantly given, in his Panama Canal testimony
> and elsewhere, by U.S. Defense — American Victory Honorary Chairman, Admiral Tom
> Moorer, that we must assess our strategic situation, not by what a potential
> strategic foe signals by way of intentions, but rather by what it has the
> capacity to do should it so choose. Thus, a seemingly minor incident of this
> sort, but one which demonstrates sufficient armament in place to enable the
> destruction and crippling of the Panama Canal, perhaps by something so simple as
> a ride in a cigarette boat, when coupled with overtones of high level Panamanian
> ties to communist Chinese dominated entities, Colombia with its drug lords and
> perhaps even other illicit ties, is cause for closer scrutiny. As Admiral Moorer
> has pointed out, we must be concerned with a potential foe’s capabilities, not
> his presumed intentions to use them or not.
> The fact that Fidel Castro has personally assured Bill Clinton that the
> communists are not involved with the narcotrafficantes, for example, is not
> reassuring from a strategic perspective. Quite the opposite, it should increase
> our interest in determining whether there is an alliance of convenience between
> the communists of China (who have dramatically increased their presence in
> Castro’s Cuba as well as in Panama) and the drug lords, or whether one is in the
> offing, with the Colombian FALN, for example, as a conduit of the cooperation.
> It is not just that surely Fidel’s word is as good as Bill’s. A connection
> between Chinese communist strategic intentions and the ever more threatening
> presence of heavy arms with Colombian connections in the Canal area is
> sufficiently alarming as an immediate possibility, given the abject failure of
> our "war" on drugs, that it should not readily be dismissed as sheer
> coincidence. Instead of heightened curiosity and examination of the possibility,
> however, we see the usual stonewalling, blithe assurances of irrelevance and
> determination to see that this important question is not examined.
> After all, we haven’t even been able to get assurances in this administration
> that the White House itself is a drug free zone, and there is every sign that
> from its beginning efforts were made at the highest levels to assure that it was
> not. Yet anyone who has ever dealt with the narcotics problem knows that even
> so-called "leisure" drug usage is a target for penetration and control by
> opposing forces. Should such penetration and control not only involve the drug
> traffickers themselves, who are now sufficiently wealthy to exceed the gross
> national product of some of the Latin American nations they plague, but also the
> communist Chinese in concert with Fidel Castro, then the problem of an
> irreversible compromise of national security becomes quite immediate.
> For the drug lords already have such power, not only in Columbia but also in
> Mexico, and, under the PRD, in Panama itself, (combined with their resurgence in
> Peru, their power in Ecuador and the other anti-democratic trends in the area
> under this administration) that, should they have such an alliance, (even one of
> convenience,) they thereby become a strategic threat as much as communist China
> itself, albeit a proxy one, able to threaten commerce and shipping and make
> military intervention, such as is presently talked of in Colombia as a
> possibility, highly costly and marginally effective. We had best be careful not
> to get ourselves into a situation where we are attempting to project military
> force far from our shores against not one but two opponents who have or may have
> penetrated the present presidency to an extent which would compromise that
> effort. We should not send people to fight with this unnerving possibility in
> their rear. The questions need to be looked into quickly and effectively. The
> Chinese are anciently skilled in the use of such proxies.
> The story is told of a physician to one of the Lord’s of ancient China, a man
> whose name at the time was synonymous with medicine among the Chinese nobles and
> who was from a family whose members had been healers for generations. Which of
> your family, he was asked, is the most proficient at healing? My eldest brother,
> he is said to have replied, can sense the spirit of illness before it even has
> formed and is thus little known outside of our house back in our village. My
> elder brother can cure illness when it has barely begun and is, accordingly,
> little known outside our village. I, on the other hand, he said, give people
> strong medicines, manipulate their skin and organs vigorously and even puncture
> their blood vessels so I am known greatly among the nobles of China .
> This was from Thomas Cleary’s insightful introduction to his equally excellent
> translation of Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. It is by way of opening his powerful
> exposition of the connection between Chinese strategic concepts and practices
> and the Taoist tradition, in which the best way to defeat and enemy is to not
> have to fight him at all but to instead make it so that others undertake that
> which, in combination with his greed and tendency to anger, renders him unable
> to conduct the battle which would resist your conquest. It is harder to think of
> a more promising target for these ancient skills than our present leadership.
> And so you will note that the Chinese communist leaders today, for example,
> having stolen our missile and nuclear technology, (or perhaps simply having
> brought them from a President and minions willing to betray their country) do
> not rush to build a great many rockets as we and the soviets did. Sixteen to
> twenty-four will do. That is, of course, provided that you disperse the
> technology out among those who will do the job of making America face many
> threats for you, and engage in war by other means, that, imperceptible to the
> American public, neutralizes our technological superiority in present
> traditional warfare. How much more in the Taoist to not even really rely upon
> missiles at all, except as a diversion from where the subtle conquest by "not
> fighting" is really moving forward — at the crucial lines of supply. Bedazzled
> and distracted by the audacious theft or purchase of our most vital strategic
> technological know-how, we pay no attention to the anaconda coiling around us
> without fanfare.
> The narcotrafficantes, the eternal revolutionists of Latin America, the
> gangsters whom they have allied with in the rest of the world, the aging leaders
> of the Chinese communist party, desperate to hang onto power, all want to
> destroy that America, which, as John Adams said afterwards, was created in the
> 20 years leading to our Revolution, not on the battlefields which then became
> the focus, but in the hearts and minds of those who founded us and wrote our
> principles eternally into the souls of those who love liberty. — and were and
> are willing to fight to preserve it. Their potential for use as a proxy in the
> ancient tradition of Sun Tzu’s precepts is such that it must be examined.
> The even more dangerous possibility is the combination of such a proxy effort
> with Bill Clinton’s loathing of our military. There is now incontrovertible
> proof that he has, at the very least, shown suspect judgment in dealing with
> known PLA operatives and agents, including campaign donors from (ironically for
> a child of the 1960"s) this greatest military industrial complex the world has
> ever known. He is a fertile target for the subtle practitioner. His well-known
> temper, his willingness to be bought, his intemperate hunger for immediate
> satisfaction, all are the perfect invitation for the unnoticed potions of the
> Taoist thinkers of the PLA. They, like the elder brother, appear to be using
> potions of an ancient style of warfare that are little noticed outside of their
> own village, and our President is the ideal target for such use.
> While so many eyes are on the dazzling thefts of high technology, even as we
> speak, the elements are now in place by which the Chinese communists, those 250
> to 300 aging bureaucratic killers of the Party High Councils, and their 3 to 5
> thousand followers in the key party cadres, in order to distract form their own
> failures and the great unrest now sweeping china, could conquer the 21 million
> free people of Chinese ancestry on Taiwan and subject them also to slavery. For
> if we should dare to actually do something about it (and we are not talking here
> about the type of response which the PLA itself orchestrated with the White
> House in the Straits of Taiwan in 1996 through Mr. Trie, the former fry-cook.),
> despite the bought and sold pusillanimity of Mr. Clinton and so many "leaders"
> of Congress, something so simple as a quick trip in a cigarette speedboat in
> Panama could cause all of our forward deployed "superpower" carrier groups to be
> down to iron bombs in less than a week. And we could simultaneously find
> ourselves faced with an endless low-level conflict in our own underbelly that
> simultaneously ties up thousands of military personnel in dealing with drug and
> terrorist gangs, even as our opponents, the drug lords, do ever increasing
> damage to the pool of manpower from which we draw those personnel, and, most
> importantly, to that reservoir of moral strength which, until we succumbed to
> the policy, particularly in the 1960s, of "undeclared" wars, was our greatest
> strength in the face of armed threats to our liberty.
> But these things could never happen, right? Only a paranoid conservative
> (particularly one seeking to move forward our founding values) could actually
> imagine that a strategic opponent would so cheaply and efficiently gain victory
> over us. Besides, who would know about it and how it was done? What movies could
> be made; what anchors could be allowed to posture; what Pulitzers could be won?
> Only that vast "right wing" cares.
> Have a smoke, pressies, and go back to sleep. But we would appreciate it if you
> would stop pretending that you are informing the public. Some of us choose to be
> concerned with actual possibilities rather than presumed intentions and for us,
> thank heaven, an alternative has arisen — the Internet, talk radio and other
> newer forms of media. If the real possibilities are to be examined, they will
> have to lead the way.
> *Larry Elgin has been a lawyer in Washington for many years and is the President
> of U.S. Defense — American Victory, the affirmative action litigating non-profit
> for those who believe that the best defense for America is an offense for
> America’s founding principles. In the 1970’s, at a time when many major
> corporations were attempting to use business methods to deal with social
> problems, he managed research and operations projects dealing with the drug
> problem for an American Standard subsidiary. E-mail Larry Elgin.

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
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