Caveat Lector
WorldNet Daily, May 2, 2000

The overpopulation lie
by Anthony LoBaido

It is perhaps the single greatest disinformation campaign in human
history: The planet is grossly overpopulated, and unless something is
to limit human population growth, calamity will ensue.

Hunger, famine and resource depletion are often mentioned as the major
reasons to justify limiting human reproduction. Unfortunately, few can
summon the facts to repudiate this erroneous, non-scientific assumption.

Paul Ehrlich, mentor of U.S. Vice President Al Gore, wrote a landmark
in 1968 called "The Population Bomb." He predicted, "We will breed
ourselves into oblivion."

Based on this assumption, American taxpayers are spending billions of
dollars on population control programs around the world -- most of them
Third World countries populated by people with brown, yellow, red and
black skin.

Going down? Yet, while the one-billionth citizen of India was born last
year, Japan, if it continues its current abortion policies and fails to
raise its average birth rate of 1.4 children per married couple, will
fewer than 500 people by the year 3000. This is not a prophecy of the
Aum Shinrikyo cult, but rather a pronouncement of Japan's Ministry of
Health and Welfare.

There are now 6 billion people on Earth. The planet's population will
likely continue to climb until 2050, when it will peak at 9 billion.
predictions have the world's population peaking at 7.5 billion in 2040.
either case, it will then go into a sharp decline. The world may soon be

facing an under-population crisis -- a prospect that has all but escaped

media scrutiny.

Thomas Malthus is a British historical figure of great note. His most
studied work, "An Essay on the Principle of Population as it Affects the

Future Improvements of Society, with Remarks on the Speculations of M.
Godwin, M. Condorcet and Other Writers," was first published in 1798.
thesis -- that overpopulation would destroy the world unless war, famine

and disease rose to check human growth -- has proven to be dead wrong.

Malthus reasoned that, since people increase exponentially and food
production only increases arithmetically, food production could not
possibly hope to keep up with more and more empty stomachs. Ironically,
predicted mass starvation on the eve of one of the biggest farming
expansions the world has ever seen. For free countries, hunger has
effectively been eliminated.

Rather than booming, as one might expect in the face of such plenty, the

world's population is aging and in decline. As fertility rates fall and
abortion, contraception and life spans increase, the world will soon
a new paradigm in which the elderly outnumber the young. In 1975, the
global age was 22. In 2050, it will be 38. Europe, South Korea and Japan

will be particularly hard hit by this phenomenon.

With fertility rates low and anti-foreigner sentiment rising in Europe,
the United Nations recently released a study that suggests Europe will
need mass migration from the Third World to populate it. The report,
written by the United Nations Population Division, states that South
Korea, Japan, Europe and Russia are facing population crunches.

By 2050, the population of Russia will be down to 150 million. In the
1970s, Russia's population rivaled America's, at more than 225 million

Europe's population plummets In 1950, 32 percent of the world's
lived in developed countries in the West, Australia, New Zealand and
Africa. Today that figure has shrunk to 12 percent. Europe had 25
of the world's population in 1900. By 2050, Europe will have only seven
percent. In 1900, Europe had three times the population of Africa. By
2050, Africa will have three times the population of Europe.

When it comes to the overpopulation lie, Spain serves as a prime
Abortion is rampant in that nation, one that in relatively recent
helped to spread the Catholic faith to the four corners of the Earth.
Today, however, Spain is caught in a moral decline. It is legal, for
example, for grown men to have homosexual sex with children as young as
years of age.

While in the past generation, Spain "blossomed" from a right-wing
dictatorship to a liberal democracy, it has also plunged to the bottom
the United Nations report of worldwide birth and replacement rates.

"Spain is in last place," says Florentina Alvarez, a demographer at the
National Statistics Institute. Spanish woman have on average 1.07
children, far below the 2.1 needed to maintain the population. Spain has

today 39.4 million people, a figure that will begin to drop in coming
decades. As recently as 1976, under the much-maligned reign of Francisco

Franco, Spain had a fertility rate of 2.6.

'Gendercide' in Asia The major cities in Asia -- Bangkok, Seoul,
Singapore, Tokyo and Hong Kong -- are overpopulated, but prosperous
nevertheless. Overpopulation does not lead to poverty.

For example, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan are very densely populated
and are some of the richest nations in Asia, if not the world. Taiwan
a population density of 1,460 per square mile, while China has a
population density of 360 per square mile. Yet, according to the CIA's
"World Factbook 1999," Taiwan's per capita gross domestic product is
$16,500, while China's is $3,600.

The communist government of China has had a one-child policy for much of

its history, but even now the Chinese government is beginning to
that policy. As most Chinese want sons, they abort the females on a
massive scale. It is not uncommon for a Chinese family to murder its
or three-year-old daughter if the mother becomes pregnant again with a
boy. Within 100 years, China will have far more boys than girls. Will
men then decide to become homosexuals, or will they march out of China,
did the Mongol horde, in search of wives?

South Korea faces a similar problem. Because of abortion of females,
kindergartens in Seoul today have around 60 percent boys. In the future,

South Korean boys may well have to marry North Korean girls to
their race.

The overpopulation lie The U.S. State Department and the United Nations
are major players in this population game. Their measures are funded in
large part by top U.S. foundations like Ford and Rockefeller. Ted
founder of CNN, is also a major population-control sugar daddy for the
United Nations, having cut a $1 billion check to the world body when
conservatives in the U.S. Congress threatened not to pay off America's
back dues to the U.N. if those dues would be used to set up abortion
clinics overseas.

Make no mistake: Abortion and depopulation are a top priority for the
powers-that-be in the West. And it's not just about women's sexual
and independence, as many claim. ...

The preceding excerpt is the first third of an in-depth analysis
in the May edition of WorldNet Magazine. In the balance of the article,
WorldNet's roving international reporter Anthony LoBaido details
by the U.S., U.N. and other entities to foster the overpopulation myth
explores the economic, political and spiritual reasons why so many
powerful forces are pushing for depopulation.


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