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Overview of Israeli Intelligence Operations In The United States
LaRouche, LaRouche, LaRouche Is On Fire (We Don't Need No Water ...) ;-)

2/5/02 11:04:24 AM
LaRouche's Executive Intelligence Review

Washington, DC --

This article appears in the December 28, 2001 issue of Executive

EIR Blows Israeli Spies' Cover

in Sept. 11 Case

by Jeffrey Steinberg and Edward Spannaus

Years of tracking down an important set of drug-trafficking cases, led EIR
investigators to what has now become a contender for the story of the new
century: the investigation of connections between detained Israeli spies
the events of Sept. 11. The opening gun of this earth-shaking story, was
own, Nov. 29, 2001 release, which was circulated to subscribers in the
Dec. 4,
2001 Executive Alert Service.

To appreciate the significance of the EIR expose properly, it is crucial
first restate some essential features of Lyndon LaRouche's
assessment of the events of Sept. 11, first aired on the Jack Stockwell
show, as the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were still
occurring. LaRouche stated that the New York and Washington attacks could
have occurred without the witting complicity of high-level "rogue
within the U.S. military-intelligence command structures. The actions of
11 constituted a coup d'état attempt against the Bush Administration,
aimed at
drawing the United States into precisely the kind of "Clash of
Eurasian war, openly advocated by such individuals as Zbigniew Brzezinski,
Samuel Huntington, and Bush Administration "moles" like Paul Wolfowitz and
Richard Perle.

The Israeli government of Ariel Sharon and the present Israeli Defense
command is the most significant asset of the Anglo-American faction
the "Clash of Civilizations" war-plan, as evidenced by Sharon's persistent
efforts to provoke a new religious war in the Middle East against the
Palestinian Authority and a range of other Arab targets.

Thus the events of Sept. 11 and the ongoing coup threat must be first
understood from the standpoint of the interaction of these three elements:
the as-yet unidentified rogue operators within the military-security
2.) the strategic policy figures promoting the new Eurasian Thirty Years
and 3.) the Israeli apparatus of Sharon and the IDF.

It is the latter, the IDF, which, as part of its war aims, has carried out
aggressive espionage and covert operations penetration of the U.S.A.,
the recruitment of American-born assets. It is so far unknown, but
suspected, that some of these Israeli assets may have contributed an
feature of the rogue networks whose complicity abetted the successful
of Sept. 11.

With that said, the story can be told.

The Jones-Powell Exchange
That Executive Alert Service item of Dec. 4 reported, under the headline,
Sharon spy network in the Americas?", that "A well-placed Washington
source has
alerted EIR that there is growing suspicion among U.S. government law
enforcement and intelligence agencies that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
has dispatched special operations teams into North America. The warning
came in
the context of a discussion about the recent deportation of five Israelis
were detained on Sept. 11 for suspicious behavior."

Since Secretary of State Colin Powell's answer to a question from EIR's
Washington Bureau Chief Bill Jones, at a Dec. 13 special State Department
briefing, the lid is off the Israeli spy scandal and suggestions of its
to the Sept. 11 irregular warfare attacks on the World Trade Center and
Pentagon—despite desperate efforts at suppressing the Israeli spy story by
leading news media.

At the Dec. 13 State Department briefing, Jones asked Powell: "There were
Israeli citizens who have been picked up in the post-Sept. 11 sweep, many
whom, if not all of whom, are connected to Israeli intelligence. . . Are
concerned about such intelligence operations on U.S. soil, and have you
up this issue with your counterpart in Israel?"

Secretary Powell responded: "I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have
detained, and I've been in touch with the Israeli government as to the
that they have been detained, in making sure that they have rights of
access to
Israeli diplomatic personnel here in the United States. With respect to
they are being detained, and the other aspects of your question, whether
because they are in intelligence services or what things they were doing,
will defer to the Department of Justice and the FBI to answer that;
frankly, I deal with the consular parts of that problem, not the
or law-enforcement parts of that problem."

Spies, Criminals, and Terrorists
What was behind that exchange between Jones and Powell?

Since the Alert report of the Israeli spy story, and the suspected links
Sept. 11, EIR has compiled evidence of a vast network of Israeli drug and
diamond smugglers, spies, and communications intelligence operatives—all
working under Israeli, American and Canadian corporate covers, on behalf
of the
mafia-riddled Sharon government, and Sharon's international sponsors in
Mega Group and allied Anglo-American circles (See EIR, Aug. 31, 2001,
"Mega Was
Not An Agent—Mega Was the Boss;" and Nov. 16, 2001, "The `Mega-maniacs'
Steering Sharon's Mideast War Drive").

A number of sources have confirmed earlier EIR investigative findings that
network is engaged in:

A massive ecstasy trafficking operation, delivering hundreds of millions
dollars in illegal drugs, manufactured in the Netherlands, to cities
across the
United States. The drug trafficking operation is also engaged in black
diamond smuggling, using Hassidic Jews as couriers.

Portions of the funds garnered from the illegal operations, according to
sources, are funneled to offshore bank accounts of Israeli Prime Minister
Sharon. Some of these dirty funds were reportedly diverted to Sharon's
campaigns. This Israeli mafia apparatus receives technical support via a
of Israeli communications firms, that subcontract with major American
companies and government law enforcement agencies.

Spy operations, targeted at mosques and other centers of the
communities. According to sources, the goal is to foment nominally "Arab"
or "Islamic" labeled violence and terrorism inside the United States, to
Bush Administration support for an Israeli war against the Palestinians
Arabs. These sources believe further, Israeli-abetted terror attacks are
to be

Surveillance of U.S. government law enforcement, military and intelligence
facilities, to gather profile information for such terrorist attacks, as
as espionage penetration. Organized teams of young, "recently retired"
Defense Force soldiers, often associated with specialty units engaged in
electronic signal intercepts and explosive ordinance, have targeted at
least 36
domestic U.S. military bases, and many federal law enforcement and
installations. A second feature of this targeting of USG facilities is the
recruitment of "a new generation of Jonathan Pollards" (Israeli spies).
Pattern of Arrests
Between 1998 and early 2001, more than 200 Israeli nationals were arrested
detained inside the United States, on a variety of visa violations and
nominally petty violations, including low-level drug trafficking. The
of these detainees claimed they were Israeli art students, peddling art
work to
cover their college tuitions; or were toy vendors, employed by an
Miami Beach company, Quality Sales Corporation, which investigations link
Israel's equivalent of the U.S. National Security Agency. The attorney for
Quality Sales Corp., Thomas W. Dean, is also the director of litigation
for the
National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Legislation (NORML), one
the oldest of the drug legalization lobbies, which enjoys the financing of
speculator George Soros.

The emerging pattern of surveillance of American government facilities,
established links to suspected Arab and Islamic terrorist cells prior to
11, by these Israeli nationals, set off alarm bells, following the attacks
the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Prior to Sept. 11, a series of
classified government memos had been circulated by the CIA and the NSA,
pronouncing this Israeli espionage operation a major national security

A drug probe in Los Angeles provided one crucial clue to the broader
drug/espionage/terror nexus. From 1997, up until he was arrested by a
anti-drug task force in April 2000, Jacob "Cookie" Orgad ran one of the
ecstasy smuggling operations in America—for the Israeli dope-and-diamond
syndicate. Orgad has been named as the "enforcer" of the infamous Heidi
Hollywood prostitution ring.

Every time the DEA, FBI and Los Angeles Police Department task force
infiltrated an agent inside the Orgad ring, his or her identity was blown
within a matter of days. Everytime a court ordered wiretap was put in
the target immediately "began behaving like Mother Teresa," according to a
source familiar with the case.

A highly confidential federal counter-surveillance effort eventually
that the Orgad gang was receiving inside information about phone taps, and
details of conversations between the federal and local police officials on
task force, as well as their home addresses and phone numbers.

Investigations into the sources of the leaks converged on two prominent
corporations, which are both core service providers to the American
telecommunications industry and to U.S. law enforcement agencies. The two
companies are Amdocs and Comverse.

Amdocs was first identified in the Aug. 31, 2001 EIR expose of the Mega
as part of the Israeli "inside" apparatus in the Clinton White House, that
tapped the President's phone conversations with Monica Lewinsky, and used
tapes as blackmail leverage against the U.S. peace efforts in the Middle

Amdocs was incorporated in 1982 on the notorious offshore British
safe-haven of Guernsey. It provides a wide range of top-end
services, including phone billings and fraud detection, to the 25 largest
telephone companies in the United States and to companies in 50 other
around the world. The overwhelming majority of its 9,000 employees are
Israelis, and the top management are largely former high-ranking officers
Israeli military and intelligence bureaus.

Comverse, along with the Canadian company, JSI International, handles the
majority of contracts, worldwide, for wiretaps, including in the United
Comverse is a major sub-contractor for both the FBI and the Drug
Administration. Comverse, too, primarily employs Israeli military and
intelligence veterans. The company is a leading manufacturer of facial-
recognition and voice-recognition technology, employed by American law
enforcement and intelligence.

Both firms have also been linked to the Israeli "art students" and toy

Where It Stands
To summarize the EIR investigation as of this moment: The same
club, called "Mega," which was pointed to as the orchestrator of the
operations against U.S. President Bill Clinton, is multiply linked to the
authors of the current Israeli killing operations. It is situated in a
of U.S.A., Canada, Israeli, and other business organizations at the center
the Israeli military intelligence service's international operating
capabilities. These businesses, like those involved in the Clinton White
message system scandal, represent wiretapping and other espionage
beyond the means enjoyed by most leading governments.

These connections should have been shut down totally, even for no other
than U.S. interest in protection of its citizens against foreign and other
spying, and in the protection of the secrets of our sovereign government,
integrity of our intelligence and law-enforcement functions. While this
linked spying against the United States and its most sensitive military,
intelligence, and law-enforcement agencies continues, the United States
has no
real national security. As long as this is not cleaned up, the drug-
traffickers, including those tied to international terrorist operations,
have more authority in criminal matters than properly constituted law-
enforcement and related official agencies.

Libertarian Socialist News
Post Office Box 12244
Silver Spring, MD 20908

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