-Caveat Lector-

Sorry, Jamie... wasn't trying to garner the "most depressing news of the
week" award.... it IS  pretty sick.
Vietnam tactics.
They are trying to get a bunch more "military aid" to Columbia right now.
Also trying (or already succeeding?) in getting the School of the
(assassins) Americas refunded.
At least if we try to publicize these acts of war and criminal war crimes,
we're doing SOMETHING about it....
Somehow though, we need to figure out how to take the $$ out of the market
for drugs.

That's the only way.
If the "street value" of an ounce of coke is $20, there wouldn't be any
criminals importing & selling it. Prohibition definitively creates highly
capitalized criminal enterprise. Look at the goddam history with alcohol !

Repeal the prohibitions, decriminalize the "chemically imbalanced" and/or
borderline personality-disordered persons who are attracted to, addicted
to - drugs.
Even if it started with only marijuana... it's the criminalization of the
substances that lead a user from one to another to large extent- the same
drug dealer who sells criminalized pot may well sell criminalized heroin or
cocaine.... they did when I was a kid, I guess they still do now.

Politics. Money. Hemp-fiber. Lies. Prohibition. Crime. MONEY. GUNS.
Prison-industrial complex. International politics. CIA. GUNS. MONEY.

The knot unravels without prohibition.
I suggest that working with the potheads (sarcastic humor, mebbe not all
medical marijuana advocates are potheads) to decriminalize is a good step in
the right direction, even if it's only the "medical" marijuana.

The politics of HEMP were a foundation of the prohibition-
the "getting high" aspect was only a COVERUP (sold to the public by for the
prohibition effort aimed at the hemp fiber farmer..... if mainstream
politics becomes involved in decriminalization even for medical use, then
the door is opened to agricultural hemp activity (which is likely "high" on
Gatewood's agenda) ...  and pretty soon... POOF- up in smoke (so to speak)
goes the whole prohibition argument, the prison-industrial complex looses
steam, prohibition of other substances will follow...

Brian made big fun of something I posted the other day (which I'm not
POSITIVE that he has the full info on... even if he does know everything
else... except how search engines work :)  ....  and in part of that post of
his, he mentioned talking to the fella in Kentucky who'd represented Charlie
whats-his-name.... Gatewood Galbraith:

These "medical marijuana" campaigners have a broad support base and a bunch
of activists.

How to "harmonize" with some of them... perhaps to find some of them
interested in CIA cocaine importation lawsuits?

Mebbe next time Brian is chatting with Gatewood...

and mebbe a public service annoucement/ad in "High Times" &/or others 'bout
the lawsuits? .. this is SURE to reach some politically interested

Also perhaps it'd be useful to try the PSA (public service announcement)
route with publicizing the lawsuits in OTHER media (PSA's are FREE... )

Drug war is class war.

as Kris says: Drug PEACE not drug war!

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: Jamie Shafer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 10:51 PM
Subject: PANUPS: Colombian Drug Wars

From: Jamie Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is the most f*****g depressing thing I've read in days, and that's

At 04:15 PM 09/29/1999 -0400, you wrote:
>From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>drug peace, not class war.
>glyphosphate is Monsanto's Roundup.
>Dave Hartley
>PANUPS: Colombian Drug Wars

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