Title: PARAMETERS, US Army War College Quarterly - Spring 1999


US Army War College Quarterly
Spring 1999, Vol. XXIX, No. 1

"Handfuls of Heroes on Desperate Ventures: When do Special Operations Succeed?" by Colin S. Gray

"'Carts and Horses'--Strategy and Arms Control for a New Europe," by Jeffrey D. McCausland

"PfP and the State Partnership Program: Fostering Engagement and Progress," by John R. Groves, Jr.

"Peace Implementation and the Concept of Induced Consent in Peace Operations," by David Jablonsky and James S. McCallum

"Heavy Peace," by Ralph Peters

Conflict in the Balkans

"SFOR in Bosnia in 1997: A Watershed Year," by John L. Cirafici

"The Role of the Political Adviser in Peacekeeping Operations," by David A. Lange

"Grunt Diplomacy: In the Beginning There Were Only Soldiers," by Tony Cucolo

"How the Guard and Reserve Will Fight in 2025," by David T. Fautua

"'The World Will Hold Its Breath': Reinterpreting Operation Barbarossa," by R. D. Hooker, Jr.

Commentary & Reply

Review Essays

Book Reviews

Off the Press

In Memoriam

Parameters, a refereed journal of ideas and issues, provides a forum for the expression of mature professional thought on the art and science of land warfare, joint and combined matters, national and international security affairs, military strategy, military leadership and management, military history, military ethics, and other topics of significant and current interest to the US Army and Department of Defense. It serves as a vehicle for continuing the education and professional development of USAWC graduates and other senior military officers, as well as members of government and academia concerned with national security affairs.

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Reviewed 11 March 1999. Please send comments or corrections to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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