-Caveat Lector-


(This is from the transcript of <The Fourth Reich in
America Conference> which was held in SF in '88)


A Panel Discussion featuring:

John Judge
Lori Bradford
Steve Hassna

Brett McCabe: I'd like to introduce our first panel,


Steve Hassna is a former Staff Sergeant, US Army and a
Vietnam Veteran. He lives in Berkeley and is an
activist for Veterans rights and against war. A poet
and public speaker, he is also part of the Vietnam
Speaker's Alliance and the National Committee Against
Registration and the Draft.


Steve Hassna: I'm going to talk about the military as
far as an apparatus for controlling people. One of the
jobs I had when I returned from Vietnam was I was
issued this hat. Army Drill Sergeant. I was trained,
by the US Army, in various tactics of psychological
control to get 40 people at a time to do what they're
told without them thinking about it.

I'm going to talk about the military as far as it's
control and how it's used to manipulate people and get
them to do things they normally wouldn't do. I left
Vietnam, I was with the 101st Airborne
division, as an Infantry Paratrooper, pointman, squad
leader, tunnel rat. I was there in 1967-'68, I went
through the Tet Offensive, returned here, and was
issued this hat [Army Drill Sergeant] OK? The United
States Army has what is called it's Drill Sergeant
School. It's a 6 week course . . . [piercing sound
from PA system] . . . Ow!

Lori Bradford: [half in jest]  It's mind control.

Steve Hassna: OK . . . Drill Sergeant school is a six
week course where you are trained to give instruction
for basic training. Now, mentioned here today, has
been an historical process of, if you don't know the
historical process of what happened before, you have a

tendency of repeating it over and over again. I did
not know the historical process that got us into the
Vietnam conflict and consequently enlisted in the
United States Army in l966. Later, when I got out of
the army and started looking at what I had gone
through and how I had been manipulated as a trainee
and then controlled as a soldier in the field in
Vietnam and then came back and was put through a
school to then train people to go and do exactly what
I had done a year prior.

I did not know when I went into the army that we had
trained and financed Ho Chi Minh's forces during WWII
to fight the common enemy, the Japanese. And one of
the tactics we had trained Ho Chi Minh's people in was
Col. Robert Rogers Rules of Order which is the basic
Army Ranger tactics that were developed by Col. Robert
Rogers during the French and Indian Wars in the 1700's
here in the United States. These tactics were taught
to Ho Chi Minh's people, aside from what they already
knew about fighting in their own country.

I did not know this. I did not know or read the books,
or study (because I was a child growing up, in the
50's), the different manipulative factors that we did
as far as Southeast Asia to control the economy, the
political atmosphere, the military atmosphere, and
everything else.

And consequently I participated in that war, and then,
like I said, trained 1200 young men to go and do
exactly what I did.

And what did I train them in? I trained them in
patriotism, in love of country, in amplifying the
feeling of worth for your country by serving your
country as it's a noble cause. And I also trained them

in very . . . um . . . it's embarrassing to me, it . .
. it's shameful, but . . . tactics of hating the
Vietnamese. I'll just use the Vietnamese as an
example. But an American soldier was supposed to be in
Vietnam to help the Vietnamese decide their own
political destiny, as an ally. And yet in training,
the Vietnamese were referred to as "gooks" and
"slopes" and "dinks" and "zipperheads" and
everything else that you could thing of to make the
Vietnamese look subhuman and less than intelligent. So
that when you killed them, you really weren't killing
a human being, you were killing this subhuman

And that was my job.

Even though that was not why I went into the military
to serve my country. But that was the job that I did.
And today, 20 years later, I still have a hard time
sleeping at night.

Now, why would a country that is supposedly based on
the foundations of freedom, democracy and equality for
people, train their soldiers in such tactics? Because
if you're gonna employ your troops in such an inhuman
fashion, you have to have them operate against people
and not look at them as being human.

We would have silhouette targets. Little pop-up
silhouette targets at the rifle range. You'd shoot at
them, the bullet would hit it and they'd fall down and
then come back up. Electronically controlled. Human
shaped. In the close range combat courses these
silhouette targets were actual, you know, with a . . .
a life-like figure was painted onto the silhouette
target. And usually it was of a Viet Cong. The typical
Viet Cong: the conical hat, the slant eyes, you know,
and this glaring face at you. With like, maybe a red
star on the hat. That you were then to develop an
attitude towards the Vietnamese people that they were
really not worth saving. That we were just there
because . . . you know, we had to . . . you know . .
."save the world." But we weren't really gonna save
this part of the world. We were gonna save the world,
but the Vietnamese were . . . expendable.

On top of everything else, I also learned the
astonishing fact that all military personnel are
expendable. OK? No matter what your job in the
military, you are infantry. The Marine Corps is
honest, alright? The Marine Corps, you go into the
Marine Corps, they tell you, "Whatever your job is,
you're infantry." The Army says you're a "combat
engineer," you're a "medic," you're a "this," you're a

"that," but when push comes to shove, you have a rifle
in your hand and you will kill to survive because now
you're in an absurd situation.

Alright, the military is a killing machine. The reason
they have combat engineers is to build roads to the
front lines. It's not there for some humanitarian aid
like to build a bridge to help a village. It's to
build a bridge to get across the river to blow the
village up, OK? So? You understand this? These are
little things that I did not realize at 19 when I went
into the army. I thought that I was going to save the
world because we were going to get overrun by these
barbarians called Communists, OK?

The United States Army (I'll use that cause that's
what I was in) is a very interesting mechanism.
Everybody has a job. And all the jobs are interlocked,
but at the same time, your job is better than the
other person's job. So its constantly a competitive
attitude. The thing about this is, is that in the
military enlistment document they have a small clause
that negates all your jobs. Section 5, paragraph B
states, " . . . laws and regulations that govern
military personnel may change without notice to me.
These changes may affect my pay, allowances, benefits
and responsibilities as a member of the armed forces,
regardless of the provisions of this
enlistment/re-enlistment document."

You are infantry, OK? It does not make any difference.

Now, many people go into the military for hundreds of
different reasons: to get out of town, to leave, to go
away, to find a career, to become a computer
specialist, because you want to be macho and jump out
of airplanes. I made the weirdest decision in my life,
that I was tired of being controlled in school and
having my folks tell me what to do, so I joined the
United States Army. [laughter and applause]

One thing is, that the military will use these
different things to get people to join, and even if
they don't go along wholeheartedly with the military
apparatus, they're at least good for a year. They've
got you for at least a year. By the time a year is
over, you're either so thoroughly disgusted . . . or .
. . you're there forever. I was going to do 20 years
when I went in. I had purposely designed myself to do
20 years in the United States Army. By the time
my tour of duty was over in Vietnam, and the
subsequent year as a Drill Sergeant, I was so
disillusioned, upset, pissed off and downright
bothered, that I couldn't wait to get out of the
military as fast as I could. I left Fort Campbell
Kentucky at 12:00 o'clock in the afternoon on a
Thursday; I did not stop until I got to St. Louis. I
wanted to get as far away from that place as I
possibly could.

Because the military is a lie. And that lie becomes
prevalent as you realize what you're doing over and
over and over again.

You've read about the Holocaust, and you've seen the
movies, and all the other stuff in WWII. You've heard
about the Panzer divisions and the SS going across the
Ukraine and Poland and Czechoslovakia and France and
all the other places that they ran around and stomped
on people. Well folks, the First Brigade of the 101st
Airborne Division in l967 that went through Vietnam
was NO DIFFERENT! ! ! We did NO DIFFERENT tactics; we
burned everything in our wake and we killed it if it
got in our way. Period.

That was a contradiction to what I was raised
spiritually, morally, and politically, to conduct
myself. And yet that is how the US Army operated in

And yet they turn around and they act like the
Russians are being weird in Afghanistan because they
use chemical/biological warfare. We defoliated five
million acres of land that will not grow anything for
almost one hundred and fifty years, and on top of that
we killed Americans by having an additive in the
defoliant Agent Orange called Dioxin. Lori mentioned
that asbestos was known in 1918 and now they're just
getting around to cleaning it up. Dioxin was known to
Dow Chemical and different manufacturers of that
herbicide in 1951. They knew it was lethal in l951.
They did not remove dioxin from the herbicide because
it is a by-product. It has nothing to do with the
function of the herbicide. But, when you mix chemicals
together, you get a by-product. They did not remove
dioxin from that chemical because it would have
increased production cost. So they said nothing. Now,
you have "hysterical veterans" all over this country.
That's what the VA calls us. We're "hysterical
veterans," because we're wondering why we're dying,
and we're being "hysterical" about the whole thing. I
went to a conference on Agent Orange and a chemical
company person said that, and I said: "You're goddam
right I'm hysterical. You're trying to kill me; why
shouldn't I be hysterical?"

They knew.

Now, the military is a function of the large
corporations of this country. That's another little
historical fact that I did not know about when I went
to Vietnam at 20 years old. But, my job was to
protect the political, economic, and
military/strategic interest of the US corporate and
government heads in this country, while carrying
a rifle around Vietnam. Chase Manhattan Bank,
Colt/Armalite, Northrup. You know the list of the
Fortune 500.

Well, they couldn't tell me, they couldn't say,
"Steve, you're going to Vietnam and you're going to
kill as many Vietnamese as you can, so that
Colt/Armalite and Chase Manhattan Bank make a profit."
They couldn't do that because then I might have said:
"Well, I don't really think that's what I want to do."
But they used the thing of: "If we don't stop them
there, they're going to take Burbank." OK? At
41 years old, if they want Burbank, they can have it.
I've been there. There's nothing there. But at 19 that
was a definite threat to me.

So after serving a year in combat and seeing . . .
seeing and then not seeing . . . because in combat you
become a person that you're watching something happen
daily to a point where you don't see it happen
anymore. The destruction becomes a blur. The bodies
are like over there, out of your peripheral vision,
and you really don't see them. Because if you focus on
them, you go insane. Even though you are already
insane . . . from being there. You go totally mad if
you really focus on what you're doing, so you just act
like it's not happening.

Now, when I got back and I was assigned to Drill
Sergeant school, I was then trained in how to
manipulate people to get them to go do what I had just
done. And become just as numb. The US Army is not
really a fancy, sophisticated entity in the
psychological mind control like has been already
talked about here today: the ultra-fancy CIA and
everything else. They're real low key. They just
teach you how to manipulate 40 people without them
knowing it. Which is a pretty good trick. One of the
things I was taught was that you go into a barracks in
the morning, and you tell the people in the barracks:
"We're having an inspection Saturday morning, and this
inspection is a very important inspection. All
inspections are important. We have to pass this
inspection. But, we don't have enough
mops and brooms and rakes, you know, in our platoon
area, and we can't get them through the supply area
because they've already got their requisitions in.
But, C company across the street has got lots of mops
and rakes and stuff like that." And then in the
afternoon, you leave. And in the middle of the night,
one of the squads from the platoon gets together and
they go out and they get these mops and rakes and they
bring them back, and then you pass the inspection.

OK, now, these people think they were getting mops and
rakes so that they wouldn't get yelled at by their
drill sergeant to pass the inspection; not realizing
that they had actually made a military mission,
accomplished that mission, and got back with as few
causalities as possible, by "requisitioning" these
mops and rakes.

They didn't realize that two weeks before, these ten
people that were total strangers, from several
different parts of the country, probably could not
walk down the street together without tripping over
each other, now snuck out and "requisitioned" these
mops and rakes. And accomplished a military mission.
They don't even . . . it doesn't dawn on them . . .
that that was what was happening. That was what I was
trained to do.

When I was going through basic training, I thought
that drill sergeants were just people they just
picked. "You, over there, here's a hat, go for it." I
didn't realize till I got to this school that they
were purposely taught these different mind controlling
things. I would do things like, walk into the barracks
at 4 o'clock in the morning and drop a heavy steel
garbage can down a flight of stairs and then start
yelling and screaming, and tell people to empty the
building, and get out of the building, now. And they'd
all be standing out in front in their skivvies and
everything, shivering and all that sort of stuff, and
then I'd tell them, "The reason we're having this
exercise is because this wood frame building that was
built in l941 can burn down in 3 minutes. So, I'm
getting you ready to be able to evacuate the building
at a moment's notice." And they believed that.

They did not realize until 8 weeks later that every
time I said, "formation," these 40 people dropped what
they were doing, ran to a designated area, got into a
numerical order, and stood there and waited for the
next command. And sometimes I would say, "OK, good,
dismissed." And they'd get halfway away doing
something else and I'd yell, "formation," to the point
where they would instantaneously react to my voice.

And then I sent them to their advanced individual

That's what the military does. That's the end result
of all this stuff. And it's very, very low . . .  it's
not even sophisticated . . .  I mean these people
aren't even imaginative. You know, I mean, what John
and Lori are talking about is like these people are
really sitting down and thinking how we can do this
stuff. "We'll get some fancy drugs, implants, and
everything else." The US military just hasn't got time
for that. "We'll just traumatize them to hell and
they'll do anything we tell them, just so we won't
yell at them anymore." And that's the truth. I had
trainees that would respond simply so I would not
raise my voice at them. That they would do so so I
would not pick them out of a crowd.

And a lot of times, we were trained in Drill Sergeant
school to individually pick people out. As you're
going through the training cycle, systematically go
through and put everybody at least once or twice on
the block. Do not let anyone in your platoon get out
of the cycle without having had his ass chewed out.
Period. So it was not like, these people thought they
were just getting yelled at on the spur of the moment,
where I would actually know, "Tomorrow, I'm taking
this one out, the next day I'm taking these two . . .
" And I would have a list as to just who I was going
to go after, and when I was going to go after them,
and why I was going to go after them. And
I was trained to do that.

An interesting thing also, is that the military is a
contradiction itself. I went through basic training. I
graduated from basic training. I went into my Advanced
Individual Training. I'm an infantry paratrooper. At
AIT I was told; "Whatever you learned in basic
training, forget, except, you know, how to shine your
boots, make your bed, who to salute, how to salute and
when to salute, and if in doubt, salute." OK? Clear.
"Oh, OK, so I'm going to learn to be a paratrooper."

So I went and I learned to be an infantry paratrooper.
Then I went to Vietnam. And I got there and they put
me in a week's training. Preparatory training. You
learn ambush tactics, booby traps, and all this other
stuff. And the first thing I was told there was;
"Whatever you learned in AIT, forget. This is Vietnam,
and this is how it's done. You know how to shine your
boots and make your bed, and you know who to salute
and how to salute and  when to salute, and if in
doubt, salute." OK. I thought, "Alright, that's a
little strange, but I can go along with that."

I got to my unit in the field. The first thing my
platoon sergeant said was; "Whatever you learned up
until this point, forget. This is Vietnam. You ain't
got no bed, your boots are dirty, don't salute
nobody." And I'm here for a year . . .

So, actually, what they could have done, in all intent
and purpose, was and saved them a year's training, and
price several thousand dollars, was take me from 1515
Clay, in Oakland, when I enlisted (I am from this
area, so I went to Oakland for my induction) put me on
a plane, give me a rifle, and send me directly to
Vietnam. Because, when I got to my unit in Vietnam,
they said, "Forget whatever you learned before,
because it doesn't apply here."

And then when I got back, they made me a Drill
Sergeant. And by the time I was done, I was ready to,
well . . . shoot my officers. You know, I mean, just
simply shoot somebody, because just of just the
frustration, and the whole thing.

Now, what I'm trying to lead into is that the military
apparatus is the end result of all the things that
have been talked about on this panel today. That that
is the stark reality. You have the CIA
experimentation, you have the plots, you have the
psychiatric control and everything else, but the
military is the final result. And it hasn't changed
much since I got out of the army in l969. I've kept
abreast of it since l969, because I'm trying to figure
out what happened to me.

And it hasn't really changed that much. They have
changed names and numbers, job descriptions, but the
fiasco that came down in Grenada was no different than
the fiascoes that I went through in Vietnam. As far as
bad intelligence, these guys didn't have maps, they
gave them tourist maps. One guy had to call on the
telephone to get an airstrike. You know, I mean, the
Beirut fiasco where you take 250 Marines and put them
completely out of their job description, because
they're not designed to do this particular type of
"hold a fortified position forever," and then you
wonder why they get blown up. It's the same as Khe San
when the Marines were put into Khe San which was
totally out of their job description. The Marine Corps
Commandant argued with Westmoreland because the
Marines are not designed to do that. They take the
beach, they hold it, they get reinforced, and they
pull out; you know, that type of thing. Marines are
not designed to hold anything for very long.

That's what the military does. And, that's because " .
. .  laws and regulations governing military personnel
may change without notice to
me . . . "

I've been writing poetry. I'd like to close with a
poem because I feel that the governments of the world,
not just the United States, but the governments, the
main governments of the world, they're all working in
cahoots with each other. OK, you know, the United
States points at the Russians, the Russians point at
us, and, "We're so bad," and "This is bad," and
"They're bad," and they're working together, folks.
Because it's easier to keep your population of
people thinking the other side is so bad so that
they'll fight for your country. I've been writing
poetry since I got out of Vietnam and I've got one
volume published and I'm doing my second volume now.
it's almost finished. This is entitled: On Irony. Some
of you may even have seen this particular newscast.
And this also goes along with the manipulation, the
mass mind manipulation of all people.

Today I got a shot of irony
Right between the eyes
New item, CBS news. Dan Rather
Diary of a young Russian troop
Killed in Afghanistan
Seems he was killed
And possessions he carried recovered
By those who took his life
Afghan, one each issue attitude
Diary and photos
Of a soldier's life
In a hostile, foreign land
The irony?
I was a foreign soldier
In a hostile land
'67 -'68

The diary words:
"Silently we board the helicopters
So many of my friends
Move foreword and kill
Why am I here
Damn Afghanistan
Only three of us left"
Afghanistan '87.

LZ coming in
Get ready
Ready to kill and
Vietnam '67
The photos:
Young men, this time with
AK 47s
RPGs and
smiling in groups,

Brains never to be the same
Afghanistan '87
Vietnam '67.

You have all seen the pictures
On TV, in books, et cetera.
Young men smiling
carrying M16s
M60s, guitars
Sent by those who do not go
To do what the young should never have to do.
Afghanistan '87
Vietnam '67.

His last words:
Why am I here

And that's what these governments are doing to us and
our children.
Both of them. All of 'em. And they're going to
continue to do it as
long as we let them.

Thank you.

[thunderous, sustained applause]




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