-Caveat Lector-

December 12, 1999

        Panama Trouble: Who Hands
        Canal Over?

        By ADAM CLYMER

             WASHINGTON -- At the beginning of the century,
             President Theodore Roosevelt not only drove
        home the importance of the Panama Canal to America's
        becoming a great power, he also felt so strongly about
        it that he drove a steam shovel that helped dig the
        engineering marvel of his age.

        Now, as the century ends, another president, Bill
        Clinton, is having trouble finding a United States
        official to give it away, a problem that more than
        anything reflects how the canal has receded in
        importance -- militarily, economically and, above all,

        Even as the administration describes the moment of the
        handover as a signal one in relations with Latin
        America, Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright said
        she would not go, apparently because she preferred to
        be in Washington for Middle East peace talks.

        The American delegation will instead be led by Jimmy
        Carter, who was president in 1978 when the Senate
        decided, with only one vote to spare, to approve the
        treaties giving away the canal, which cost the United
        States $352 million and 5,609 lives to build.

        The Panamanians had hoped that the handover
        ceremony would be more prestigious. Panama's
        president, Mireya Moscoso, came to Washington in
        October to ask Clinton to go himself this Tuesday to the
        Miraflores Locks for the ceremony that will
        symbolically transfer power over the canal. The
        president was noncommittal.

        The State Department recommended that the president
        go. The National Security Council sent him a
        memorandum that described the ceremonies but did not
        say whether he should attend. Officials there would not
        say what was the recommendation of the president's
        national security adviser, Samuel R. Berger.

        "I know he wanted to go," Thomas F. McLarty 3rd,
        formerly the president's top Latin American adviser,
        said on Friday. "He did ask me about it, just in a casual
        conversation a few weeks ago. He genuinely wanted to
        go. I think he felt it was a historic occasion."

        Clinton has never told the Panamanians or the
        American public why he has decided not to attend.
        White House aides have offered a variety of
        explanations, from the need to work on the budget, to
        the difficulty of laying on yet another foreign trip, to his
        desire to let Carter take the leading role -- an
        explanation suggesting a Clinton affection for Carter
        previously unknown.

        Aside from Dr. Albright, with whom Berger argued
        over her decision to stay away, another obvious fill-in
        for Clinton is Vice President Al Gore. But, in a
        presidential campaign in which Gore clearly wants to
        take no chances at all, he never volunteered, knowing
        that among the costs of the approval of the canal
        treaties in 1978 and 1980 were the seats of about a
        dozen Democratic senators. Nor did the White House,
        his staff insisted, ever ask him to go.

        By the weekend, the White House was still scrambling
        to fill the delegation. While Rodney Slater, secretary of
        transportation, and William Daley, secretary of
        commerce, were included in the delegation, the State
        Department said its highest-ranking official would be
        Peter Romero, the acting assistant secretary of state for
        Western Hemisphere affairs.

        But if the administration was having trouble stirring up
        much enthusiasm for the handover, critics were also
        failing to stir up much outrage over what at this stage is
        a done deal.

        That was not always the case. In 1976, while President
        Gerald R. Ford was negotiating a pact, he was
        challenged in the Republican primaries by Ronald
        Reagan, who made the canal issue a rallying cry,
        saying: "We built it. We paid for it. It's ours and we're
        going to keep it."

        Another California Republican, Senator S. I.
        Hayakawa, displayed a sense of the history of
        American involvement in Panama's secession from
        Colombia when he said, "we stole it fair and square."

        The fight in the Senate in 1978 was bitter, and today's
        arguments are pallid in comparison. Senator Trent Lott,
        the Republican leader from Mississippi, and
        Representative Dana Rohrabacher, a California
        Republican, have been complaining that
        Hutchison-Whampoa, a company based in Hong Kong,
        has contracts for container ports at both ends of the
        canal -- an implication that the canal could become a
        foothold for Chinese meddling, or worse, in the
        Western Hemisphere.

        Lott has called its presence "a critical national security
        issue." Rohrabacher said the problem was even worse:
        "Mainland Chinese criminal Triad gangs -- some of
        whom have ties to Chinese intelligence agencies -- are
        active throughout Panama, in partnership with the
        Russian mafia, the Cuban intelligence service and
        South American cartels in conducting drug and
        weapons smuggling."

        Robert Pastor, a professor of political science at
        Emory University who worked on the treaties under
        President Carter, scoffed at such complaints, saying
        Hutchison-Whampoa runs large port operations around
        the world

        But Pastor also criticized Clinton, saying the
        president's absence from the handover ceremony was a

        This was the moment, he said, to define American
        leadership for the 21st century, for "the transformation
        of the 20th century is symbolized by the evolution of
        our role in Panama, from insisting on a quasi-colonial
        presence to defend the canal at the beginning of the
        century to recognizing that the best way to defend the
        canal in the new century is by a partnership with

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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