-Caveat Lector-
I am not very good at putting things over but because of the nature of what i have just seen on english TV Panorama I feel it is my duty to tell American families about this documentary on Paxil.called seroxat in england.
Glaxo Smith Kline are making billions on this so called wonder drug for depression and other mental problems it is called Paxil in the states and seroxat in england.
The documentary shown here in england tonight opened with a student elen kelsall studying for  masters degree trying to come off the drug which she and many others like her were told this was not a dependency drug.WRONG to watch her was frightening. The side effects were one of dependency.
Then we were told about a man in America wyoming to be prescise who was a retired oil man who killed his wife daughter and grandchild and then committed suicide after having been on Paxil for only two days!! the court decided that this drug was the cause but glaxo smith kline are still advertising this drug in the american media.
Dr healey an independant psycologist was called in to give an unbiased view on seroxat/paxil  for the court.GSK had files of clinical tests carried out on healthy patients  who showed signs of suicidal tendencies and tendencies to do harm to others and themselves in files from original tests of the drug....he was not allowed access to these files until 2 days before the court hearing when he finally got to the files they were mindboggling there were too many for him to cope with ...but he did manage it... god knows how.
This documentary showed many things too numerous to put in this email but the reason I am reiterating it to you is that Smith Klein Glaxo have had trials with children in the states for this drug and 10 out of 75 children showed suicidal tendencies.
They are about to be given the go ahead to treat children and young adults with this drug.IF YOU ARE A PARENT DONT LET THEM PRESCRIBE YOUR CHILD WITH PAXIL IN THE STATES. England ruled that thay cannot in this country but the states said they could go ahead.
Like I said im not very good at putting things over in an email but if there is a transcript of this program i will get it for you to read.
The Mermaid England
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