-Caveat Lector-

(Now that's dedication, and to a politician no less.  Anyone want to
volunteer to give Clinton some of their body parts?  I didn't think so.  ;-) --

People Offer To Go Blind So Leader Can See

Updated 9:38 AM ET October 29, 1999

JAKARTA (Reuters) - Devoted followers of Indonesia's ailing new
President Abdurrahman Wahid are offering to donate their eyes to restore
the half-blind leader's vision, the Jakarta Post reported on Friday.

The 59-year-old cleric, whose eyesight was damaged by a stroke and
cataract problems, cannot see well enough to read and must be guided by
aides when he moves about in public.

Some members of Wahid's Nation Awakening Party in the central Java city
of Yogyakarta offered Wahid their eyes if they were suitable for a
transplant, the newspaper reported.

An official from the country's largest Moslem group, which Wahid also
heads, urged the president to accept the offer.

"I praise and thank the prospective donors who want president
Abdurrahman Wahid to be able to carry out his daily duties effectively," the
Post quoted Imam Syafii, treasurer of the 40-million strong Nahdlatul
Ulama, as saying.

"Let's hope that the president will accept."

Wahid was elected last week by the People's Consultative Assembly in the
country's first ever contested presidential vote. He succeeded B.J. Habibie.

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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