-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors of abuse

Philadelphia-area priests are dismissed because of abuse 2/23/02 After a
crackdown in Boston, local archdiocese officials removed several clerics who
were  known to have sexually assaulted children. by David O'Reilly Inquirer
Staff Writer "Responding to the recent sex-abuse scandal in the Archdiocese
of Boston, the Philadelphia Archdiocese in the last two weeks has dismissed a
number of priests who sexually assaulted children, a representative said
yesterday. Philadelphia Archdiocese spokeswoman Catherine Rossi also said
that archdiocese officials knew of 35 diocesan priests who had sexually
abused approximately 50 children during the last five decades."

Witness praises Amirault decision By John Ellement, Globe Staff, 2/23/02 -
CAMBRIDGE - "Jen Bennett wants to give Acting Governor Jane Swift a bear hug
in appreciation, and she wants Gerald Amirault to admit he sexually abused
her when she attended the Fells Acres Day Care Center in Malden in the 1980s.
Bennett was one of nine children who testified against Amirault during his
three-month trial in 1986, which ended with his conviction on multiple rape
and molestation charges. He was sentenced to 30 to 40 years in
prison....Laurence Hardoon, who was the trial prosecutor, said yesterday the
preschool age of the witnesses did inject some inaccurate information into
the inquiry. But, he said, mistaken memories by some of the children
accounted for at most 5 percent of the information against the Amiraults.
Hardoon also said the quality of the investigation and the actions of
prosecutors, police, and social workers working with the children were all
scrutinized intensely during Gerald Amirault's trial - and still the jury
convicted. He said Amirault supporters are focusing on 2 percent of the
children's claims that ''seem inexplicable and they are conveniently ignoring
the 98 percent of the case that was overwhelming'' against Amirault."


This may be heavy for survivors of abuse. Philadelphia Inquirer - Court
papers describe boy's sex-abuse trauma - 2/22/02 "Court papers describe boy's
sex-abuse trauma Lawyers say Cantor Howard Nevison will fight extradition to
Montgomery County. By Mark Stroh Inquirer Suburban Staff - "Two of those men
- the child's uncle and cousin, Lawrence Nevison and Stewart Nevison - were
convicted in 2000 of child sex-abuse charges and sent to jail after the boy
testified against them. But prosecutors said the child was too terrified
until now - at age 12 - to take the stand against the third man he accused,
his uncle Howard Nevison. Howard Nevison, 61, of New York, the cantor at
Temple Emanu-El, one of the largest synagogues in the world..."

International ring used Internet to distribute photos, prosecutors say By
Onell R. Soto Union-tribune Staff Writer 2/21/02 - Two men from San Diego and
Poway are facing child molestation and Internet child pornography charges
from what authorities say is an international ring uncovered by a Swedish
watchdog group. Other arrests in the case also have been made in Central
California, Germany and Denmark, authorities said yesterday....Paul Whitmore,
a child and family counselor from Grantville, pleaded not guilty yesterday to
23 child molestation and child pornography charges involving two girls ages
10 and 13. Whitmore was originally charged with 11 counts last

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