-Caveat Lector-

>From Spiked on-line

2 November 2001
spiked-bites, 2 November
by Brendan O'Neill, Jennie Bristow
Numbers unknown
More than 50 days after the terrorist attacks on the USA, one thing
remains uncertain: how many people were killed?
In the hours after the Twin Towers collapsed and while the Pentagon
was still burning, the worst was feared - newspaper headlines
screamed '20,000 dead in New York' and 'Up to 800 dead' at the
Pentagon. But the figures were quickly revised downwards, to 'about
5000 dead' in New York and 'about 150 dead' at the Pentagon.
The number of British dead also fell in the weeks after the attacks.
UK foreign secretary Jack Straw's claims that the number of dead
Britons could be in the 'upper hundreds' made the headlines in the
days after the attacks - while on 27 September the UK Guardian was
still saying that we 'lost almost 200 British citizens' (1). The most
recent statement from the UK Foreign Office now puts the figure at
'fewer than 70'.
The official death toll for New York now stands at 4167 'dead or
missing' - but even this is disputed. According to the New York Times
and USA Today the death toll for New York is closer to 2950 (2). The
NYT says that the American Red Cross 'figured that it would hear from
most of the families and so far has 2563 people as missing' (3).
Other newspapers, basing their figures on the numbers of employees
listed as missing by companies that were based in the World Trade
Centre, put the New York death toll at 'about 3000'.
Yet even now - four weeks after New York city officials set the death
toll at 4167 and a week after the US media reported the 3000 figure -
some in the UK media still refer to 6000 dead. On Wednesday 31
October, the UK Sun implored us to 'never forget' the '6000 who died'
(4) - but seems to have changed its mind by the following day,
referring to the 'kamikaze jet attacks which killed 5400' (5).
Yesterday in the UK Mirror, Tony Parsons wrote of 11 September's
'slaughter of the innocent six thousand' (6) - while BBC News Online
seems to have settled on the figure of 5000, which, even if you
accept New York City's figure of 4167 and add those who died on the
aeroplanes and those who died in the Pentagon, is still 500 more than
the highest official estimates.
So was it 6000, 4000 or 3000? No doubt there are difficulties
establishing a final figure - only 454 bodies have been recovered in
New York, and it's unlikely that any more will be found. But even
3000 deaths would be a terrible toll - so why the need to talk the
numbers up? BON
(1) Guardian, 27 September 2001
(2) BBC Online, 26 October 2001
(3) New York Times, 25 October 2001
(4) Sun, 31 October 2001
(5) Sun, 1 November 2001
(6) Mirror, 1 November 2001
Chancing it
If you must take the risk of going to the USA, stay away from…tall
buildings, aeroplanes, Halloween parades and now, suspension bridges.
But don't panic!
No wonder people are confused.
Today we hear reports of 'credible' information that the Golden Gate
bridge in San Francisco, California, could be targeted for attack
during rush hour between 2 and 7 November. It's an intelligence
improvement on the announcement by US Attorney General John Ashcroft
on 30 October, just before I left the USA, that there could be more
terrorist attacks on the USA, or American interests abroad, over the
next week. The FBI had 'specific and credible' information to this
end; but there were no details of what the targets of terrorism might
Speculation resounded throughout New York City - would the attack be
on the Halloween parade in Greenwich Village, or the New York
marathon taking place this weekend? But then, even such unhelpful
speculation seemed more intelligent than the situation Americans have
been living in since 11 September, in which they are constantly
reminded of the possibility of another attack at some time, in some
We cannot dismiss the possibility of another terrorist attack - for
the reason that it will always be a possibility. But nor can we
organise our lives around such an ephemeral possibility. The ongoing
panicked reporting of chances, possibilities of and opportunities for
future attacks only leads to mass insecurity - with no guarantee of
safety. Political leaders in the West recognise that life has to go
on, and so hector the public about the need not to panic - yet at the
same time, they cover their backs by continually warning about
possibilities of danger.
They fail to realise that people are worried because they sense the
fear and anxiety emanating from the top - and that for political
leaders to urge the public to go about their business as usual is no
comfort when, at the same time, we are being encouraged to jump at
For example, New York's Halloween parade - clearly a major annual
event - was given the go-ahead by political leaders and law enforcers
encouraging people to have fun, yet to remain vigilant at all times.
For security rea
sons, people were told not to bring bags, and additional police were
out in force. Fun? All this anxiety is enough to spook anybody. JB

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new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                     German Writer (1759-1805)
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