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To:                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
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Date sent:              Thu, 27 Jan 2000 17:52:19 -0700
From:                   "Anna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                [SO] Planetary alignments in the past and electric universe

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From: "Anna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Regarding planetary alignments in the past, you may find this post
very interesting.

DAVE TALBOTT's "Great Conjunction" post:

More than one post recently has raised questions about the ancient
planetary "conjunction" of Saturn's epoch.  Though this subject deserves
a more visual treatment than is possible in an email forum, I will
register a few observations.

I noticed on the videotape of the SIS conference last fall that
Professor Lynn Rose made a memorable statement to the effect that one
can search through world mythology without confronting the "god-kabob",
his phrase for the claimed collinear system.  I, on the other hand, do
not hesitate to claim that world mythology is nothing else than the
story of the "Great Conjunction" of Saturn's epoch and what happened to
it.  Of hundreds of recurring mythical and symbolic motifs we have
identified, not one can be isolated from the conjunction principle.

I found Lynn's statement particularly curious since, as one of the more
dedicated Velikovskians, he would be among the first to agree that
ancient peoples worshipped the planets as the great gods of former
times.  If so, on what ground could he deny that the images of Venus in
the center of the ancient sun god (Saturn), which Ev presented at the
very conference in question, imply a principle of "conjunction"?  Or how
could he deny that the far-famed liaison or "marriage" of the warrior
Mars and the Venus-goddess similarly implies a planetary "conjunction"?
Grant the identity of god and planet; and you cannot escape the ancient
memory of planets juxtaposed in the sky close to the earth.

No doubt my suggestion that EVERY recurring theme involves a joining of
planets will appear excessive.  But the statement is literally true and
would be easily challenged if false.  Examine any theme in its earliest
contexts and you will come face-to-face with the conjunction principle.

An example: One might wish to suggest that the myth of the world
mountain, a recent subject of discussion, does not really require a
conjunction principle, just a cosmic hill and a god on the mountaintop.
But there is no world mountain if you take away conjunction.  As we have
documented, the mountain is the pillar-form of Mars, the warrior-hero,
whose first form the Egyptians called Shu (a god identified as "the
Primeval Hill") and the Sumerians knew as Enlil (called "Great
Mountain"). The reference is to the COSMIC mountain, presenting the
appearance of a great pillar supporting the central sun, who is Saturn.
It is this pillar-god who, in Atlas fashion, "raises up heaven", and
here too the reference is to the huge sphere of Saturn ("all-containing
heaven") resting visually above the cosmic column.

Nor can the planet Venus be removed from the theme of the world
mountain, for the goddess is the celebrated "consort" of the mountain;
the "spouse upon the mountain"; the feminine enclosure upon the summit
of a masculine column.  This radiant "womb" of the goddess signifies the
temple, city, or kingdom of heaven, always linked to the peak of the
world mountain.

Thus the great column is the Mount of Assembly, or Mount of
Congregation, the place where the planetary gods dwell, as we see them
gathered on Zion (=Tsaphon) and Olympus; conjunction and the gathering
of the gods mean the same thing in ancient symbolism. So too, we have
the Martian mountain as the single "leg" or lower limbs of the ancient
sun; the column as a stream of aether or "air" brought by the
warrior-hero to vivify the sun god; or the luminous path of the
hero-messenger traveling between worlds. Apart from the conjunction
principle, therefore, virtually nothing would be left of the world
mountain!  Even the lost paradise on the mountaintop would dissolve
before us, since (as we've noted on prior occasions) "Paradise" means
nothing else than "the Great Conjunction of the Golden Age".

But again, one need only look closely to see that ALL mythical themes
involve conjunction-Saturn as primeval Unity (he holds within himself
the undifferentiated male and female powers); the goddess as the spouse
and "indwelling glory" of Saturn; goddess as womb of the hero's birth;
hero on the "lap" or "throne" of the goddess; goddess as eye of Saturn
and hero as pupil of the eye; goddess as feminine "heart" of Saturn and
hero as masculine "heart of the heart"; goddess as animating "soul" of
Saturn and hero born from this soul; goddess as plant of life and hero
born from the shining blossom; goddess as the hero's crown and hero
"born from the crown"; goddess as vase, and hero "born from the jar";
goddess as radiate shield protecting the hero; goddess as omphalos or
navel, and hero as "navel-born" god or "husband" of the navel; goddess
as nave or hub of the "sun"-wheel, and hero as axle.

Once the conjunction principle is fully appreciated, it becomes easy to
see that the same principle will account for Jupiter's presence at the
summit of the world axis following the displacement of Saturn.  Jupiter
was there all along, hidden behind Saturn.  This will also explain why,
in later astrology, a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn was called a
"Great Conjunction", and with it the seers anticipated the return of the
Golden Age.

But remember that the Golden Age did not stand alone in human memory.
Two seemingly contradictory tendencies pervaded all of the ancient
civilizations:  the first was the yearning for a return of paradise; the
second was the fear of another Doomsday.  The two tendencies are
interwoven, for the Doomsday catastrophe means nothing else than the
violent end of the Golden Age.  Thus, thousands of years after these
events, you still see the two motives entwined around the conjunction
principle.  Let the visible planets gather in the sky, and what do the
astrologers anticipate?  "The Golden Age returns!"  and, "Beware, for
Doomsday approaches!"

It needs to be emphasized that the Saturn model offers a direct
correlation between the mythical themes and the primary pictographic and
symbolic themes.  Just as ALL mythical themes refer back to conjunction,
so do the pictographs. Take, for example, the well-known "sun"-signs we
have illustrated in the notebook, "Symbols of an Alien Sky".

Supposedly, these are just unusual ways of drawing our Sun!  But by
tracing these images back to the earliest Mesopotamian and Egyptian
prototypes it can be seen that these are pictures of THREE ORBS IN
CONJUNCTION.  The identities of the NAMED planets in the Babylonian
system is equally clear, as is the remarkable fact that the artists got
the relative sizes correct.  (Of this there can be no dispute, whatever
you may wish to make of the situation.  I've posted notes on this
remarkable fact before, and can re-post upon request.)

These pictures, therefore, offer crucial information on the nature of
the planetary conjunction to which the myths refer.  In modern times
when two or more planets merely enter the same zodiacal sign it is
called a "conjunction".  That allows a full 30 degrees of leeway-60
times the diameter of the Moon.  In fact, three planets literally
superimposed upon each other have NEVER been seen since the birth of
empirical astronomy  And yet that is, beyond question, the ancient idea
displayed pictographically and implied by countless ritual, symbolic and
mythical traditions.   It is also the condition inherent in the Saturn
model (AND it is the principle implied by collinear equilibrium, for
that matter).  The planets were aligned such that, in the stable phase,
a single line would run through the center of each planet.

In this regard, here is an interesting quote concerning the third
century Babylonian priest-astronomer Berossus and the relationship of
planets to world-ending catastrophe.  Though the quote is weakened by
the constellational associations, which have no part in the earlier
imagery, the persistence of ancient memory is really quite remarkable.

"Berossus, interpreter of Belus, affirms that the whole issue is brought
about by the course of the planets.  So positive is he on the point that
he assigns a definite date both for the conflagration and the deluge.
All that the earth inherits will, he assures us, be consigned to flame
when the planets which now move in different orbits, all assemble in
Cancer, so arranged in one row that a straight line may pass through
their spheres.  When the same gathering takes place in Capricorn, then
we are in danger of the deluge."

In this single paragraph we see a series of beliefs expressed, all of
them ludicrous by modern standards.

1) The planets once moved on different courses than they do now.

2) The great catastrophes recalled by ancient cultures related directly
to the movements of planets.

3) Despite their flickering, seemingly formless appearance now, the
planets are spheres.  [As we've noted before:  planets do not look like
spheres today; modern theory cannot account for this ancient knowledge]

4) In a former time, the planets stood in conjunction.

5) An overwhelming catastrophe followed this conjunction.

6) Unlike the "conjunctions" familiar to astrologers in later times, the
archetypal conjunction (the one affecting the fate of the world) was so
perfect as to allow a single line to pass through the planetary spheres.

I trust all readers will recognize that memories such as these,
impossible to explain within any conventional framework, need no further
explanation under the Saturn model.


editor of THOTH

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Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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