-Caveat Lector-


Police Can't Require ID

>From Schirado ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
In response to Jeff Chan's horror about the California Supreme Court's
recent idiocy regarding identification, I offer the following federal
Supreme Court case. Federal beats State every time, when the subject matter
is the derogation of rights secured by the Constitution.

Brown v. Texas,443 U.S. 47 (1979): "Two police officers, while cruising near
noon in a patrol car, observed appellant and another man walking away from
one another in an alley in an area that had a high incidence of drug
traffic. They stopped and asked appellant to identify himself and explain
what he was doing. One officer testified that he stopped appellant because
the situation 'looked suspicious and we had never seen that subject in that
area before.' The officers did not claim to suspect appellant of any
specific misconduct, nor did they have any reason to believe that he was
armed. When appellant refused to identify himself, he was arrested for
violation of a Texas statute which makes it a criminal act for a person to
refuse to give his name and address to an officer 'who has lawfully stopped
him and requested the information.' Appellant's motion to set aside
information charging him with violation of the statute on the ground that
the statute violated the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth amendments was
denied, and he was convicted and fined."

"HELD: The application of the Texas statute to detain appellant and require
him to identify himself violated the Fourth Amendment because the officers
lacked any reasonable suspicion to believe that appellant was engaged or had
engaged in criminal conduct. Detaining appellant to require him to identify
himself constituted a seizure of his person subject to the requirement of
the Fourth Amendment that the seizure be 'reasonable.' Cf. Terry v. Ohio,
392 U.S. 1; ... Delaware v. Prouse, 440 U.S. 648. Here, the state does not
contend that appellant was stopped pursuant to a practice embodying neutral
criteria, and the officer's actions were not justified on the ground that
they had a reasonable suspicion, based on objective facts, that he was
involved in criminal activity. Absent any basis for suspecting appellant of
misconduct, the balance between the public interest in crime prevention and
appellant's right to personal security and privacy tilts in favor of freedom
from police interference.

Pp. 50-53. - Mr. Chief Justice Burger delivered the opinion of the court. -
"This appeal presents the question whether appellant was validly convicted
for refusing to comply with a policeman's demand that he identify himself
pursuant to a provision of the Texas Penal Code which makes it a crime to
refuse such identification on request." - "Appellant refused to identify
himself and angrily asserted that the officers had no right to stop him." -
"The Fourth Amendment, of course, 'applies to all seizures of the person,
including seizures that involve only a brief detention short of traditional
arrest. Davis v. Mississippi, 394 U.S. 721 (1969); Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S.
1, 16-19 (1968). '[W]henever a police officer accosts an individual and
restrains his freedom to walk away, he has 'seized' that person...and the
fourth Amendment requires that the seizure be 'reasonable' U.S. v.
Brignoni-Ponce, 422 U.S. 873, 878 (1975)" - "We need not decide whether an
individual may be punished for refusing to identify himself in the context
of a lawful investigatory stop which satisfies Fourth Amendment
requirements. See Dunaway v. New York, 442 U.S. 200,210 n.12 (1979); Terry
v. Ohio ... the county judge who convicted appellant was troubled by this
question, as shown by the colloquy set out in the appendix to this opinion."
- "Accordingly, appellant may not be punished for refusing to identify
himself, and the conviction is Reversed."


"THE COURT:...What do you think about if you stop a person lawfully, and
then if he doesn't want to talk to you, you put him in jail for committing a

"MR. PATTON [prosecutor]: Well first of all, I would question the
defendant's statement in his motion that the first amendment gives an
individual the right to silence."

"THE COURT:...I'm asking you why should the State put you in jail because
you don't want to say anything?"

"MR. PATTON: Well, I think there's certain interests that have to be

"THE COURT: Okay, I'd like you to tell me what those are."

"MR. PATTON: Well, the Governmental interest to maintain the safety and
security of the society and the citizens to live in the society, and there
are certainly strong Governmental interests in that direction and because of
that, these interests outweigh the interests of an individual for a certain
amount of intrusion upon his personal liberty. I think these Governmental
interests outweigh the individual's interests in this respect, as far as
simply asking an individual for his name and address under the proper

"THE COURT: But why should it be a crime to not answer?"

"MR. PATTON: Again, I can only contend that if an answer is not given, it
tends to disrupt."

"THE COURT: What does it disrupt?"

"MR. PATTON: I think it tends to disrupt the goal of this society to
maintain security over its citizens to make sure they are secure in their
gains and their homes."

"THE COURT: How does that secure anybody by forcing them, under penalty of
being prosecuted, to giving their name and address, even though they are
lawfully stopped?"

"MR. PATTON: Well I, you know, under the circumstances in which some
individuals would be lawfully stopped, it's presumed that perhaps this
individual is up to something, and the officer is doing his duty simply to
find out the individual's name and address, and to determine exactly what is
going on."

"THE COURT: I'm not questioning, I'm not asking whether the officer
shouldn't ask questions. I'm sure they should ask everything they possibly
could find out. What I'm asking is what's the State's interest in putting a
man in jail because he doesn't want to answer something. I realize lots of
times an officer will give a defendant a Miranda warning which means a
defendant doesn't have to make a statement. Lots of defendants go ahead and
confess, which is fine if they want to do that. But if they don't confess,
you can't put them in jail, can you, for refusing to confess to a crime?"

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