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Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 03:50:58 -0400
Subject: DAMN: 30-AUG-1999: Polish Miners Protest Against Industry Reforms

Title: Polish Miners Protest Against Industry Reforms
Author: Marcin Grajewski
Date: 30-AUG-1999
Source: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, DAMN's labor topic specialist
Reference: Labour Start: www.labourstart.org / Reuters

Polish coal miners protested against government reform of the ailing
industry but union plans for a nationwide warning strike appeared to
have failed.

Workers staged brief rallies in many of Poland's more than 50 black coal
mines instead of downing tools for two hours as the unions had
threatened they would do, said Jan Czypionka, spokesman for the
government Coal Restructuring Agency.

The Miners' Trade Union, the biggest of 12 unions that organised the
protest, said 50,000 of Poland's 190,000 miners took part in the action
and called it a success.

"The action was to be a warning sign for the government. There will be
more protests...including an indefinite strike unless the government
begins serious negotiations with us," union head Jan Kisielinski told

Protests by miners, farmers and other workers are a serious challenge to
the centre-right government whose popularity has plunged to the lowest
level since it took office in 1997.

They come at a time when the government is completing work on the 2000
budget, which the finance ministry wants to be tight despite mounting
pressure for more spending.

Monday's protest was against proposed changes to the mining reform
programme which would speed up closures of loss-making pits and hasten
dismissals of miners.

The government has offered to pay each dismissed miner 50,000 zlotys
($12,520), much more than other workers were given when laid off in
heavy industries that have collapsed since the 1989 fall of communism.

Under a government plan approved last year, about half of all mines are
to be closed, coal output lowered and some 115,000 miners made
redundant. The mining sector was expected to return to profit in 2002
after debt bail-outs.

But the assumptions became unrealistic this year when falling demand for
coal pushed the industry's expected losses up to 3.3 billion zlotys from
a forecast of 1.3 billion.

($1 US-3.993 Zloty)

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