-Caveat Lector-

Some serious number crunching of death.

Poppy Day’s 9.11 Sarcophagus

And so show how by number crunching I can place millions of World War One dead into the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid because of 10:13:48am September 11th 2001 (the average time between the collapse of the first of the Twin Towers at 9:59:04am and the collapse of the second Twin Tower at 10:28:31am).

It was on November 7th 1918, that Roy Howard of UP, was told by Henry B. Wilson, commander of U.S. Navy Forces in French waters, that the long awaited armistice had been signed. And this is the message Howard filed, and counter signing the name and official press card number of his French bureau chief, William P. Simms, as required by the regulations: “UNIPRESS NEWYORK – URGENT ARMISTICE ALLIES GERMANY SIGNED ELEVEN SMORNING HOSTILITIES CEASED TWO SAFTERNOON SEDAN TAKEN SMORNING BY AMERICANS.’

And suddenly there was unrestrained celebrations throughout the United States. And several hours went by but there was still no Government radio broadcast to confirm that the war was over. Then at 2:15pm the Associated Press put out the following bulletin: “WASHINGTON, NOV 7 (AP) – IT WAS OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED AT THE STATE DEPARTMENT AT 2:15 O’CLOCK THIS AFTERNOON THAT THE GERMANS HAD NOT SIGNED ARMISTICE TERMS.” The New York Tribune wrote: "The statement of Admiral Wilson is an amazing one. It only intensifies the mystery of what must now rank as one of the greatest hoaxes of newspaper history."

The mystery of who issued the stated to the commander of the U.S. Navy over in France has never been solved. But for me this business of the war then isn’t over speaks volumes by itself. For someone is playing the numbers game, and for those who played, the date November 7th at 11am was not what they had in mind, for their game plan was to ensure history would always remember it was: On the 11th Day...In the 11th Month...At the 11th Hour of 1918 that bloody terrible war ended. And Armistice Day or Remembrance Day or Veterans Day or Victory Day or World War One Memorial Day is the name of this day.

Although it was on at 11am that the war stopped, the Allied and Central Powers signed an armistice agreement at 5am in Marshal Foch’s railway car in the Forest of Compiegne, France. There is an engraved inscription in French, at the place of the signing ceremony: "Here on the eleventh of November 1918 succumbed by criminal pride of the German Empire - Vanquished by the Free Peoples which it tried to enslave."

And the common red poppy plant was chosen as the symbol of death, that is when the spirit, (+ memory banks) is freed from the human carcass. Of course were know that from certain species of the ‘poppy’ plant can be extracted hallucinogenic mind bending drugs and so for me, I find the symbol of ‘Remembrance’ the poppy, for those who died, a sick kind of joke.

The war dead between August1914 and November 1918, revealed that 958,422 British and Commonwealth servicemen were killed, and 1,939,702 were wounded with many Americans killed and wounded fighting in Europe.There are more than 1,000 British cemeteries in Northern France and Belgium. On the Menin Gate, just outside Ypres, Belgium, which is the everlasting Memorial to thousands of British and Commonwealth troops who lost their lives, but whose bodies were never found, there is this inscription: " To the Armies of the British Empire who stood here from 1914 to 1918 and to those of their dead who have no known grave. Here are recorded names of officers and men who fell in Ypres Salient, but to whom the fortune of war denied the known an Honoured burial given to their comrades in death."

In 1921, an unknown World War One American soldier was buried in Arlington National Cemetery on a hillside overlooking the Potomac River and the city of Washington D.C. The focal point for official, national ceremonies for Veterans Day continues to be the memorial amphitheater built around the Tomb of the Unknowns. At 11am on November 11th, a combined color guard representing all military services executes ‘Present Arms’ at the tomb.

The Dark Sarcophagus

And so what the truncated pyramid on the One Dollar Bill indicates to me, that is, it symbolises the missing apex on the Great Pyramid. And Morton Edgar gave the missing apex as leaving a platform area of 33 x 33 feet and a height of 32 feet and so a volume of 11,616 cubic feet. And the now missing ‘Point of Death’ at 11,616 cubic feet x Pi thrice x 0.2 is 72,033.782 and as cubit inches is about 41.68625 cubic feet, the internal volume of the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid.

The reference number for ‘Darkness’ is 354, and this number can be found in the ‘grave’ speed of gravity at 177,000 miles per second x 2 seconds is 354,000 miles. The Book of Genesis says the Moon is the symbol of the Ruler of Darkness, and the Moon in the fallen angelic spirit realm ‘below’ according to the Book of Enoch has a cycle of 354 days.

The 9.11 Sarcophagus.

It was the Egyptologist, Sir Flinders Petrie, who measured the somewhat broken granite sarcophagus. And to do this he made calipers and gauges, and then proceeded to measure using 388 reference points on the outside and 281 points on the inside. And he published the average inside measurements as inside length 78.06 inside width 26.81 and inside height 34.42 inches, which is about 72,033.84 cubic inches, some 41.68625 cubic feet. Whereas the external volume at 89.62 x 38.5 x 41.31 inches some 82.485418 cubic feet. And the multiplication of the internal x the external sarcophagus I call the ‘Order of the Sarcophagus’.

And so to the difference in time between 07:00am EDT (that is 11am GMT) on November 11th 1918 and 10:13:48am September 11th 2001 (the average time between the collapse of the first of the Twin Towers at 9:59:04am and the collapse of the second Twin Tower at 10:28:31am) is 82.83335607 years.

And 82.83335607 years + Darkness, the Moon at 35.4 is 118.23335607 and increased to 11,823.335.607 and square root is equivalent to the internal volume of the sarcophagus at 41.68625 cubic feet x the external volume at 82.485418 cubic feet.

So the time period from 07:00am EDT that is equivalent to 11:00am GMT, on November 11th 1918, + the Ruler of Darkness reveals the ‘Order of the Sarcophagus’ which represents the millions of dead of World War One.

So did Osama bin Laden deliberately do this calculation and did he use scientists to calculate the few loads necessary on the two aircraft so that the times of the collapse of the Twin Towers could be worked out to the minute? But then most Americans dare not think about such things. For it is obvious that this calculation was not invented by my number crunching, for all I did was to discover it. So who knew in 1918 that September 11th 2001 was to be one of the world’s most important ‘Time Marker’ days in history?

Those of us who saw the courtroom drama in the 1992 movie "A Few Good Men," will recall a few lines of dialogue between the army camp commandant Colonel Jessup (played by Jack Nicholson) and the young naval attorney Kaffee (played by Tom Cruise):

Col. Jessup: You want answers?

Kaffee: I think I'm entitled.

Col. Jessup: You want answers?

Kaffee: I want the truth!

Col. Jessup: You can't handle the truth!

 And that’s where its at, for most Americans cannot handle the truth of that indicated between the lines but not on the lines above.

It is a sad day when those with the power to publish the truth, don’t, for they are too… 

And so wear a 9.11 Poppy, the symbol of the 'Order of the Sarcophagus'.

“In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks still bravely fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead, short days ago

We lived felt dawn, saw sunset glow

Loved and were loved and now we lie

In flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe;

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, Though poppies grow

In flanders fields.”

Colonel John McCrae


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