-Caveat Lector-

President Bush visit to London is Number Crunched

The three day visit of President George Bush to London starting November 19th 2003 throws up a serious set of number references for the likes of me to consider, whereas the Skeptics will debunk such an offering and so miss a could metaphysical explanation that time offers up.

I suggest that the forces of Darkness seem to desire specific dates on which to perform their nefarious acts, and the date of November 19th 2003 could be most demonically troublesome for London’s police who will have to deal with mind-set of the Anarchist organizers on that day.

Anti-war groups such as the ‘Stop The War Coalition’, and the ‘Muslim Association of Britain’, have made no secret of using ‘non-violent direct action’ to harass President George Bush wherever he goes. And the Metropolitan Police and the US Secret Service have reportedly agreed ‘rules of engagement’ allowing the President’s bodyguards to shoot anyone they believe is clearly threatening the life of the President.

OK, so by choosing November 19th 2003 we could expect even larger demonstrations because November 19th is a ‘Bonesman Day’, because it is day 322 of the year, and of course the President’s father is a bonesman, a member of the ‘Skull and Bones ‘322’ Society’.

But what is very particular about November 19th 2003 is that it is a very ‘Dark Day’ calculation-wise, for it is an Adversary Day; meaning Satan uses dates for his own inspired nefarious events, and seemingly it seems November 19th could be such a day.

An example of such a ‘Dark Day’ was February 1st 2003, the day the Shuttle orbiter was destroyed, and 508 days after September 11th 2001, the most wicked day in modern history. And February 1st 2003 was unusual for me in that I was ‘told’ in my mind late last November to note the coming day of February 1st, a day I called a ‘Ring of Fire’ although I had no idea what was to happen, only that I thought it could involve fire. And 508 is a reference number for the Devil, who is Satan, the Adversary.

OK, now without explaining my one and only apparition in 1983 where I saw Satan, and I established through simple geometry that his own reference number was 155, I will now show how Independence Day, July 4th 1776 is related to November 19th 2003.

The business of the metre is the very measurement that curiously contains the evil numbers, in that the late 19th century agreed standard of 2.54cm per inch reveals that 200 inches is 508cm, the Devil’s own reference number. Or one meter of 39.37 inches is found in Satan at 155 x the Devil at 508 and /2,000 is 39.37 inches.

So thanks to the French Revolution where the French Republic was born, the meter was invented (or re-invented) and is indeed the ‘Dark’ standard says I.

And so to the 43rd President of the American Republic, and his visit on November 19th 2003.

First I take 155 for Satan and increase it to 1.550000e+28 x the Devil at 508 and /2 is 3.9370000e+30 and divide by 12 inches is 3.28083334e+29 feet (1.00000e+28 meters and the geometry in my apparition was a square 10 x 10 meters), and square root and cube root, and as days, is 83,048.290 days, or 227.378 years, and counting from July 4th 1776 it is 7:30am November 19th 2003.

So November 19th 2003 could be a very ‘Dark Day’ in London.

Thus I wait and see if what happens against the visit of President Bush is considered to be much worse than was expected.


John D. Miller

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