Monday, March 25, 2002 2:04 p.m. EST
Leo: Sex Scandal Priests Not Pedophiles
The sex scandal rocking the Catholic Church has been wrongly characterized as one of pedophilia, says U.S. News & World Report columnist John Leo.
"True pedophiles are rare," he contends, citing statistics that show 5 percent or less of priests accused of molesting children actually fit that description.
"Most sexual victims of priests are teenage boys, according to one estimate. A study of Chicago's 2,200 priests identified 40 sexual abusers, only one of whom was a pedophile."
The distinction may have important legal implications. The church expects to be hit with an avalanche of lawsuits filed by victims who assert officials acted irresponsibly by merely reassigning offending priests to different parishes after psychiatric treatment.
But, notes Leo, "Abusers of teens are generally treatable. Pedophiles aren't." That argument could let church officials reasonably claim that they believed priest-abusers who had received treatment had been rehabilitated.
So why aren't church officials themselves pointing out the distinction? "Most likely because opening up the issue of sexually-active gay priests is itself explosive, even apart from charges of abuse," surmises Leo.
Still, even if the church manages to weather the legal storm, the scandal's impact is likely to be long and profound, predicts the columnist, adding, "Confidence in the integrity and basic honesty of church officials is basically gone."
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While we were sleeping, the enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat.
Matthew 13:25
Archibald Bard
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