-Caveat Lector-

     "The family moved to Conyers two years ago from North Carolina.   ``They
were people that really kept to themselves.''   The boy's mother works as a
secretary for a veterinarian.
     "Neighbors were not sure what the stepfather did for a living ...".

Profile of Georgia Teen Gunman

.c The Associated Press

CONYERS, Ga. (AP) -- The boy who shot six students in his high school
Thursday is a quiet, middle-class 15-year-old sophomore whose grades had
slipped recently and whose heart was broken when his girlfriend dumped him,
friends and neighbors said.

One other thing stood out to those who know Thomas Solomon: there were a lot
of guns in the basement of his home.

``He showed them to me and my brother one time. I don't know much about guns,
but I think they were like, hunting guns,'' said 15-year-old Brad Morgan, who
lives two houses away from the suspect and rode the bus with him to Heritage
High School in suburban Atlanta.

Said sophomore Chris Dunn, a friend of the suspect: ``He had lots of guns.
They were his parents'.''

Some classmates said Solomon had boasted in recent weeks of shooting people
at school.

``People have been saying he's been wanting to do this all year long,'' said
15-year-old Katie Bir.

Others, like Katrima Barton, said they didn't take it seriously.

The teen-ager, who was identified by friends, lives with his mother,
stepfather and 13-year-old sister at the end of a cul-de-sac of $275,000-plus
homes with manicured lawns. His home is nestled on a large, wooded lot with a
basketball hoop at the end of a winding driveway.

The family moved to Conyers two years ago from North Carolina. The boy's
mother works as a secretary for a veterinarian. The neighbors were unsure
where the stepfather worked.

``They were people that really kept to themselves,'' said Morgan's father,
Allan, who sometimes drove the suspect to summer school last year in the
neighborhood car pool. ``He was a quiet kid, but I just chalked it up to him
being shy.''

On Thursday, reporters swarmed the neighborhood and detectives searched the
boy's home, carrying boxes in and out.

Neighbors described Solomon as someone who was quiet but had a few close
friends. His family went to the local Catholic church, and he had attended
the church youth service as usual Wednesday night.

``He was pretty quiet, but around me and other people he would laugh and joke
around,'' Dunn said.

Friends said the teen-ager's grades had fallen recently, and they weren't
sure why.

``He wasn't even trying anymore, which I was kind of concerned about,'' Dunn

Friend and classmate Nathaniel Deeter, 15, said Solomon was ``really upset''
about the breakup with a girl he had dated for about a year.

``He said, `I have no reason to live anymore.' And I told him he was crazy. I
thought he was just feeling sorry for himself because a lot of kids feel like
that,'' Deeter said.

Deeter said Solomon gave no clue about his shooting plans when Deeter spoke
to him 10 minutes before the spree began.

Brad Morgan said the suspect didn't say or do anything unusual at the bus
stop Thursday morning. ``He was acting just like any other day,'' Morgan

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