-Caveat Lector-

/* Written  8:29 PM  Nov 15, 1998 by peg:greenleft in igc:greenleft.news */
Title: Protests surge against China's capitalism

By Eva Cheng

Despite Beijing's repressive rule, pockets of small protests
persist across China. In recent years, the number of such
protests have risen sharply in reaction to mass sackings, rampant
corruption by Chinese Communist Party officials and other ills
associated with the Beijing bureaucracy's push to restore
capitalism in China.

On November 11, 200 demonstrators attempted to march to Tiananmen
Square in Beijing in protest against the loss of their
``investments'' in the Beijing-based Xin Guo Da Futures Company.

Thousands of workers invested their life savings in Xin Guo Da,
which offered lucrative interest payments of up to 30% per month.
For many, the risks seemed to have been mitigated by the firm's
perceived backing by the People's Liberation Army. It was
state-owned until January.

The police stopped the protesters from reaching the square, but
the demonstrators quickly marched to the nearby office of the
official news agency Xinhua to protest against its ``unfair''
reporting against them. Police videotaped the protesters and
several foreign journalists were arrested for covering the event.
They were later released.

The workers demanded compensation from the government for
allowing a phoney firm like Xin Guo Da to take investments from
the general population.

A number of small investors in Xin Guo Da have been protesting
almost daily since the firm went bust in August. The exact losses
of these investors are unclear. Xinhua reported that the firm had
attracted a total investment of 532 million yuan (US$58 million),
while only 15 million yuan in cash has been recovered.

In Luoyang, Henan province, 200 workers employed by a state-owned
cement factory staged a protest outside a city government office
for five days until November 6 in a desperate attempt to stop the
government privatising their factory.

The workers have little doubt that the privatisation would put
their jobs and pension at grave risk. The protesters suspended
their action after officials pledged to ``look into'' their

In Beijing on November 3, 30 workers recently sacked by a
state-owned hotel near Tiananmen Square and the central
government offices staged a sit-down protest.

``I came [to the protest] to defend my means of livelihood'',
said one of the laid-off workers, a 40-year-old caretaker who has
worked for the hotel for 20 years. ``This is too unfair. We want
to reclaim our lives - to have a wage and medical care'', he

In the Xinglong district, Sichuan province, on October 21, dozens
of farmers from the Si'er village stormed the local government
offices and demanded the release of four representatives who had
been detained by police.

The four had just returned from Beijing where they delivered a
protest letter to the central government against crushing taxes
levied by the local authorities on farmers.

China Rights Observer newsletter reported that a local official
died from a fall while trying to run away from the protesters.
Local officials refused to confirm the report, except for
admitting there had been ``serious political incidents'' lately.

About 50 ``temporarily redundant'' workers of Wuhan's Heavy
Machineries Plant protested outside their factory on October 9,
after failing to receive their maintenance pay for months.

On October 12, some 300 workers from several factories in Shi Yan
city of Hubei blocked a main road to demand official compensation
for the loss of their ``investments'' in a collective enterprise
called Golden Bull, which is majority-owned by the local
government but went bust recently.

Offering high interest, Golden Bull had been actively soliciting
investments from workers of key local factories since 1993 and
about 600 put in their money, including life savings in some

On October 14, more than 200 workers of Wuhan's Integrated
Manufacturing Plant, who were earlier put onto ``temporary''
redundancy on partial pay, had their maintenance payments halved
to 100 yuan (US$11) a month - hardly enough to cover even
essentials for an individual, let alone a family.

With banners reading, ``We need to fill our stomachs'', the
workers staged a sit-down protest on a main road.

In September, more than 1000 workers of the Hunan Television
Plant in Changsha, Hunan province, blocked the traffic of a main
road to demand the payment of three months of unpaid wages. They
demanded punishment of their factory officials whom they accused
of corruption.
First posted on the Pegasus conference greenleft.news by
Green Left Weekly. Correspondence and hard copy subsciption
inquiries: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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