-Caveat Lector-


 Author:    barry chamish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date:      1998/07/29
 Forums:    israel.lists.il-talk


                          by Barry Chamish

 My recent article on CFR control of American Jewish organizations
 led to requests for more information.  I recalled that Rabbi Marvin
 Antelman had researched the subject and I quickly reread his 1974
 book 'To Eliminate The Opiate' (Zahavia Ltd.  New York, Tel Aviv),
 which has since become a bona fide classic of contemporary
 conspiracy literature, endlessly quoted by authors of the field
 from both the Left and Right.

 Upon perusing the work again, I was amazed how advanced was Rabbi
 Antelman's perspective.  No other Jew that I'm aware of was writing
 exposes of the New World Order back in 1974.  The title of the book
 sums up the thesis that an organized assault on the Jewish religion
 was mounted by Illuminati forces in the eighteenth century and the
 plan is capably enforced today by the court Jews of the NWO.

 Rabbi Antelman begins his book with a look at the Bund, the first
 organization dedicated to the assimilation of Judaism into nothing.
 He writes:

 The Bund which existed as a secret society was later to become
 known as the International Communist Party.  The actual origin of
 the Bund seems lost in obscurity but it is believed by many
 political scientists to have been influenced largely by another
 secret organization, the Illuminati, the brainchild of a Bavarian
 intellectual named Adam Weishaupt...  [or, by the Frankists...]

 Their lust for power was of such great dimensions that it could
 cause any loyalties that they may have harbored for their own
 religious orders to become ancillary to the objectives of the Bund.
 It suited these people both socially and by temperament to retain a
 facade of religious formalism which did not prevent them from going
 about their demonic business of destroying religion methodically...

 It was Jacob Schiff and his family who played a prominent role in
 developing the Reform and Conservative apostate Jewish movements
 and who aided them at critical stages of their development in
 putting into action the demonic masterplan to undermine all world
 religions.  Fragmentation and divide and conquer tactics were the
 order of the day.  If Jews could be fragmentized and irreversibly
 split, success in implementing the religious revolution would be

 A hundred and six pages later, Rabbi Antelman brings us up to date
 and claims the same forces are at work in America today:

 The Frankists today no longer call themselves by that name.  The
 Organization has grown into an international group labelled by
 outsiders as The Cult Of The All-Seeing Eye...

 In the United States they are most active in Boston, New York,
 Washington and San Francisco.  Their ranks and sponsors include
 some very famous people, numbering diplomats, senators, governors
 and clergymen...  In Jewish circles they dominate the Reform
 movement at many levels and the Conservative movement at the
 highest level...

 The other Jewish circles that they dominate are the Anti-Defamation
 League, the American Jewish Congress and Federations of Jewish
 Charities in many American cities.

 These days, I meet with Rabbi Antelman often at his home in
 Rehovot.  He now acknowledges that the headquarters of the forces
 he wrote about a generation ago are in the Manhattan offices of
 the Council On Foreign Relations.


     Copyright © 1995-98 Deja News, Inc. All rights reserved.


 Communist Strategy for Conquest:

 Subversion and destruction of religious faith:

 Rabbi Marvin Antelman's TO ELIMINATE THE OPIATE (New York:
 Zahavia, 1974) explores the illuminist/communist subversion
 of traditional Judaism.


 From an old A-Albionic Catalog:

 To Eliminate the Opiate: The Frightening Inside Story of
 Communist and Conspiratorial Group Efforts to Destroy Jews,
 Judaism, and Israel - by Rabbi Marvin S. Antleman, 1974
 Rare/Out-of-Print Paperback, 166 pages, Order #00867 $25.00


 Evidence of a Master Conspiracy, by William H. McIlhany, 4-4-87


 These are two books that are most important on understanding the
 organized effort of the Conspiracy to destroy Judaism.  I recommend
 strongly Rabbi Marvin Antelman's, TO ELIMINATE THE OPIATE, a very
 important study on the setting up of phony movements among Jewish
 communities in Europe and the United States to destroy Jewish faith.

 The accompanying book, PERFIDY by Ben Hecht, is the only accurate
 book on the real founding fathers of the present-day state of
 Israel.  It tells the truth about the anti-communist, Herut Zvai
 Leumi, the Jabotinsky Zionist revisionist faction of Zionism.
 Zionism is not a unified movement at all.  It is two movements that
 are totally opposed to each other and they have killed each other
 in the past.  Not because they are rivals, but because they have
 entirely different objectives.

 The founding fathers of the state of Israel were members of
 anti-Communist, devoutly Jewish, pro-free enterprise, pro-western
 faction of Zionism.  This was led by Menachem Begin.  This book by
 Ben Hecht, in addition to Begin's own account of the period, The
 Revolt, shows how the socialist, phony, conspiratorial wing of
 Zionism (the Labor Party), that unfortunately has ruined Israel's
 economy, conspired with Fabian socialists running the British
 government to destroy the state of Israel before it even got off
 the ground.

 Perfidy was published in 1964.  Try to find a copy of Perfidy in
 your local library.  You may have to go to a bookstore, have it
 located, and pay about $50 for it.  That book is uniquely accurate
 in covering that period.  Both of those books are extremely
 important, not only to understand how the Conspiracy has been
 working to destroy orthodox Judaism, but also to emphasize the
 importance of anti-Semitism as a weapon in their arsenal.


 an excerpt from:

 Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War
 Between English and French Freemasonry, pp824-827
 by John Daniel (c)1994

 Protocol 17: The King of the Jews will be the real Pope of
 the Universe, the patriarch of an international Church.

   But, in the meantime, while we are re-educating youth in
   new traditional religions and afterwards in ours, we shall
   not overtly lay a finger on existing churches, but we shall
   fight them by criticism calculated to produce schism....

 Notice that "The King of the Jews" will replace the Pope.  Jews
 would not be concerned with replacing the Pope.  They do not even
 recognize the Church.  On the other hand, the Priory of Sion used
 the Catholic Church to build its empire.  It was subject to the
 Roman Church for centuries, but withdrew during the Reformation,
 and through Freemasonry became adversarial to the Church.
 Naturally, the Priory would want to call their king "the real
 Pope of the Universe."

 Also, notice the reference to New Age religion.  Before the New Age
 can be perfected, the Protocol states that "criticism" must first
 divide the Church.  This "criticism" is likely the new "Biblical
 criticism," the sources of which Orthodox Rabbi Marvin Antelman has
 revealed to us.  In his book, To Eliminate The Opiate, he devotes
 a whole chapter entitled "The Birth of Biblical Criticism" to the
 subject.  He lays Biblical Criticism at the feet of the Frankist-
 Reform Jews who were protected by illuminated Masonic lodges in
 Germany.  Rabbi Antelman confirms that Biblical criticism did not
 originate with Orthodox Jews, but rather, was orchestrated by
 apostate Jews bent on the destruction of Judeo-Christian religion.


 Direct requests to Mikhael Bowers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> regarding
 his 'online' transcription of the book "To Eliminate The Opiate":

 False Messianism

 Author:    Mikhael Bowers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date:      1998/04/27
 Forums:    soc.culture.jewish

 Becoming concerned once more regarding false messianism within
 traditional Judaism, and considering what its result  could
 possibly be, the book "To Eliminate The Opiate" came to mind.

 As it was published in 1974, many may not recall its contents --
 which, I believe, may indicate the actual SOURCE of this movement.

 The book is undoubtedly out of copyright, but I will not attempt to
 transcribe the entire book without permission.

 The purpose of this post is to ascertain if there is interest in it
 after reading the preface and part of the introduction.

 As this book very probably indicates the source of the "messianic"
 movement (now also within what is thought to be traditional
 Judaism), I feel it is vital that it be disseminated -- even to
 gentile sources (possibly as a rebuttal for their accusations).

 It is possible that Rabbi Herbert Gilner still has copies of this
 book available. If you are interested, he should be contacted at
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, and something like a $10 + postage contribution

 If you think this book should be on the www, please advise me and
 I will try to obtain permission to upload it.


                      TO ELIMINATE THE OPIATE
                              Volume 1
                    By Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman

 An in depth study of Communist and conspiratorial group efforts to
 destroy Jews and Judaism.

 Copyright 1974 by Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman, All rights reserved.
 Published by Zahavia Ltd., New York - Tel Aviv.



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