Toronto Sun
April 23, 2000
Whites targeted in Mugabe's race war

Contributing Foreign Editor

NEW YORK -- The murder of another white farmer in Zimbabwe last week is
emblematic of a tragic, but little known story - the relentless ethnic
cleansing of the white tribes of Africa.

Martin Olds was besieged at his isolated tobacco farm by a gang of 100
thugs. After holding them off for many hours, he was finally wounded, driven
from his burning farmhouse, then killed. The attackers were unleashed as a
part of a campaign by Zimbabwe's aging strongman, Robert Mugabe, to divert
attention from the nation's collapsing economy, and to restore his waning
political power by whipping up hatred of the nation's 4,000 white farmers.

These whites, many third-generation farmers, own a sizable portion of the
nation's prime farmland, and produce 80% of Zimbabwe's agricultural exports.
Without them, Zimbabwe's economy would collapse. But Mugabe still chose to
revive racial hatreds from the 1970-1980 black-white war in former Rhodesia
that cost 27,000 lives and forced half the nation's white citizens to flee.

The murder in Zimbabwe brings back ugly memories. Back in the late 1980s, I
accompanied black South African troops patrolling the Limpopo River border
between Zimbabwe and South Africa. Bands of African National Congress thugs
and pillagers, described in the liberal western press as "freedom fighters,"
were raiding isolated farmhouses along the Limpopo. I vividly recall one
burned-out farm where a 74-year-old man and his 68-year-old wife had held
off some 200 ANC thugs for an entire night. The marauders finally ignited
the roof with Molotov cocktails and drove the occupants outside. The old man
was shot, then hacked to death with machetes; his wife was gang raped, then
slashed to death. This was a part of South Africa's and Zimbabwe's
anti-white "liberation struggle" the outside world was not shown.

Lost everything

Whites have been largely driven from African nations where they once lived
in significant numbers. Many lost everything they owned. Many were not even
large landowners, but farm labourers and blue or white collar workers.

The once substantial European and Asian populations of East Africa - Kenya,
Zimbabwe, Zambia, Uganda, Tanzania - were all forced to flee. The important
South Asian Hindu and Muslim communities of Uganda and Kenya were terrorized
into exile after their shops were looted and many of their women raped or
threatened with rape. Zanzibar's entire Arab population - tens of thousands
of people - was massacred in 1964.

Hundreds of thousands of Portuguese, some from families that had lived for
300 years in Africa, were driven from Mozambique, Angola and Portuguese West
Africa. South Africa's remaining 1.6 million whites, some whose families
came in the mid-1600s, are fleeing in increasing numbers as crime engulfs
the nation. As in Zimbabwe, black extremists in South Africa are calling for
confiscation of all white "colonialist" property.

The view that Africa's whites are latter-day colonialists who deserve to be
expelled is widely shared by the western media. After all, hadn't they or
their fathers settled on lands that originally belonged to blacks? This view
is not only simplistic, it's often wrong.

The African continent has seen vast population and tribal movements over
the past 600 years. Bantu blacks only began to filter out of the Congo basin
southward towards today's South Africa in the 1500s. White settlers from
Flanders and Europe actually preceded them to the Cape Colony. In 1838, Boer
pioneers moving north, and Zulu forces expanding south, met and fought in
northern Transvaal. During the same era, the mighty Zulu empire was
conducting the notorious mfakane - or mass slaughter and ethnic cleansing -
of their tribal enemies, the Xhosa and Shona, an event that still stokes
tribal tensions today in South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Much of Africa's peripheral areas were barely populated during the early
era of European colonial rule, or inhabited by non-Bantu peoples who have
died out, like the Cape's Hottentots, or been displaced, like Tutsis or
Tuaregs. In effect, the Bantu have no better historical claim to many parts
of once European-ruled Africa than do descendents of whites, Indians or

Most important, as I found during East Africa's bush wars, white Rhodesians
and South African Boers were not Europeans at all, but two distinct African
tribes that happened to have white skins. A few nights in the field with the
famed Rhodesian Selous Scouts left me in awe of these burly, hard-drinking,
men who spoke badly mauled English and knew the bundu - or bush - like the
backs of their big, weather-beaten hands. Europeans they were not.

The real problem in Zimbabwe is not that a tiny white minority has usurped
the only fertile land. Zimbabwe, and the rest of Africa, have plenty of
potentially productive land that today lies fallow or was ruined by bad
farming methods. Governments across black Africa make life miserable for
farmers. Consider: if properly farmed, Angola alone could feed all of
sub-Saharan Africa.

Mugabe and his "liberators" ought to go develop and irrigate new lands
rather than steal the property of Zimbabwean citizens whose only crime is to
be white and productive.

Let's hope Mugabe will back down under world pressure and stop his little
race war.

Eric can be reached by e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Letters to the editor should be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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